Your way of doing things is now how things must be done. Extra points for petty and minor stuff.

    7 days ago

    Okay let’s say it

    Everyone has to work at least a day as a front facing customer service.

    ALL public officers elected or not are now chosen by sortition. That’s right baby, we are bringing Athenian democracy back. At least for a while

    People can now express without fear of offending others as now they have self awareness to know that others can also think different as them (the P zombies will appreciate this one)

    FF 20 years

    The whole of humanity is now shareholder of a giant corporation managing the full resources of the Earth-Moon system

    As a shareholder, everyone is taken care off, and basic needs are always available. You have been now guaranteed your needs for life, opening up for you to enjoy your freedom.

    We start developing a solar collector array using Mercury as a resource stockpile

    FF 30 years, we have finished the solar array. The Dyson sphere goes online. We spread during the next 6 hours a salvo of about 200 million self replicating probes through the interstellar space of our Galaxy and beyond it

    These probes have everything needed to jump start the process again in other solar systems

    If we are lucky, we might have our vector states inside those probes so we will have achieved functional immortality