A room in most American homes which contains about 12" of dense clay and water, mixed to the consistency of a heavy paste. When you enter the house you remove all your clothes except for your shoes and slather the mud on yourself, whilst singing classic American show tunes at the top of your lungs to announce your presence. The host will unlock the door, spray you down with a fire hose and greet you with a hearty slap on your bare ass and a cigar.
It’s just an American thing, you dirty foreigners wouldn’t understand.
Depends on how fancy your house is, but basically it’s a very small room connected to a second entrance of your house to take off dirty shoes and wet coats before going into the clean area of the house. For most people it’s a combo laundry room connected to their garage.
What is a mudroom?
A room at the entryway to the house, commonly used to take off rain boots, wet clothing.
A room in most American homes which contains about 12" of dense clay and water, mixed to the consistency of a heavy paste. When you enter the house you remove all your clothes except for your shoes and slather the mud on yourself, whilst singing classic American show tunes at the top of your lungs to announce your presence. The host will unlock the door, spray you down with a fire hose and greet you with a hearty slap on your bare ass and a cigar.
It’s just an American thing, you dirty foreigners wouldn’t understand.
A foyer for the back door.
Or the front door if you aren’t fancy
Can we leave religion out of this please?
A second entrance if you’re extra fancy.
Depends on how fancy your house is, but basically it’s a very small room connected to a second entrance of your house to take off dirty shoes and wet coats before going into the clean area of the house. For most people it’s a combo laundry room connected to their garage.