You can modify tobacco plants to produce a wide variety of pharmaceuticals. It’s a very versatile plant. Last I knew, the University of Kentucky had a large field of various strains of experimental tobacco plants on their research farm.
They better call them wacky tabacky
I wonder if you’d get the numbing effect of cocaine when smoking the leaves like tobacco
No, smoking cocaine (aka cocaine hydrochloride) does not do much unless you first chemically “free the base” (aka crack cocaine).
Can confirm. I was once given a cocaine cigarette without my knowledge and it did have enough of a stimulant effect for me to notice something was off (though I was expecting a spliff, so it was easier to realize that it was having the opposite effect), but I absolutely did not get any kind of high.
It was mostly just increased heart rate and anxiety with a little nausea, like being overcaffeinated.
Fun fact, “free base” is the origin of the of the term “based”.
Originally it was not a good thing.
Language changes, so now based is fucking rad. And rad is not a term used by anyone.
rad is not a term used by anyone.
I disagree. It’s too rad not to use.
Only mathematicians still like throwing rads around
Based still has the innate connotation of doing your own thing without caring how others perceive you, which can still be a crackhead kind of trait.
Now do a real life Tomacco!
…the coca plant could already do that…?
Tobacco is a hardier plant that can be grown in more places than coca AFAIK.
Now you can support your community with locally grown and cultivated cocaine, instead of relying on imports. Lmao
I bet traffickers are gonna be real busy smuggling legal (pre-smuggled) items because of these tarrifs.
‘Psst, need some eggs? I know a guy…’
Lol! They’re so fragile - one or two hiding places quickly come to mind.
“Mexico doesn’t produce white eggs”
Yeah, people won’t stop talking when they’re coked up.
I knew smoking’d pay off if I just kept at it! (kidding)