The main reason I can think of is if they would do the same thing, so they’re trying to pretend it “ok”
But other than that I am stumped.
Either that or it’s culturally ok to bully people here and if you don’t like it you are the problem but also you deserved it because you’re stupid
Any time I post on an American forum, I get everyone saying the treatment I receive is absolutely unacceptable and despicable. Any time I write the same on a forum in this country, 90% of people attack me and say the asshole “did nothing wrong” and I “deserved it” for being stupid
It depends on the kind of individual we are talking about and the circumstances behind them. So many different things potentially spring to mind when I hear the word “asshole” that it’s impossible to generalize. In most conflicts I’ve observed, both sides are referred to as assholes in some way, which means, either way, you’re going to be accused of defending an asshole. Sometimes you are even surrounded by assholes.
Am I an asshole?
It’s a more common question than you’d think.
Give us some examples
- Those three guys at the bar that got OP to move multiple times because they could while OP was alone as their partner had wandered off somewhere.
- The neighbors that seem to delight in living near OPs car, which OP simply cannot fix in any meaningful way. Parking slightly further away is somehow just off the table.
- The same neighbors who have young kids who seem to live… above? OP and due to their inconsiderate ways OP can’t get any rest.
- The “hiring manager” who asked for personal details, added them on facebook, rushed them to complete some kind of job application, and then ghosted them for absolutely no reason.
As those defending them… I guess people on social platforms like this one have not been unanimously against these vile beings they find themselves surrounded by.
No thanks, based on the other comments here I’ll pass
Why ask then haha
I was hoping I would get normal responses. Yours was fairly normal but based on the community responses overall I don’t want to engage and risk more bs
Some just aren’t into anal.
Then why are they defend-- ohhhhh
One person’s hero is another person’s asshole
Okay. Well some people aren’t assholes to anyone though. What does that mean then
Any time I write the same on a forum in this country,
Which is?
Other than that, if I understand your question you’re wondering how it is possible that people may not agree with you on what is right and what is wrong? Allow me to suggest it’s because right and wrong are nothing but personal opinions. They’re not facts. They’re socio-cultural constructs that can vary widely from one group (of persons) to another.
90% of people attack me
I would also suggest you don’t let your emotion dictate how you react. I doubt there is a numerical 90% of people attacking you. Really. Even the orange clown that is now sitting at the White House doesn’t reach that level of hostility. Well, maybe he is capable to quickly get there? Tell, me you are not him? ;)
Sir that’s an unhinged take. Right and wrong are not solely based on opinion with zero objective truth. If that were the case jail wouldn’t exist.
Right and wrong are not solely based on opinion with zero objective truth.
Then please explain how one can empirically meassure wrongness or rightness.
Jails (and laws in general) exist because of collective agreement between people. Collective agreement, even if unanimous, does not make objective truth.
I’m not here to explain how the world works to you, go take up philosophy if you’re so interested
Maybe you should take your own advice before making ridiculous claims you’re unable to defend.
In your mind, the law dictates right and wrong?
There are things that are illegal that aren’t so morally wrong, but those are few and far between. On the other hands, there are plenty of things that are wrong and aren’t illegal.
Right and wrong are not solely based on opinion with zero objective truth. If that were the case jail wouldn’t exist.
Are you for real or is this some kind of a (stupid) joke?
Whatever, have a nice day and don’t stop being so certain about… yourself.
edit: added the missing first sentence of you’re… interesting take on jail, right and wrong.
Ok keep committing literal crimes
Uh… In my country I can go to jail for criticizing the government. Does that mean criticizing the government is bad?
Ok keep committing literal crimes
thx for that impressive confirmation you’re not a (bad) joke, and that this was the plain real you. Thick and all.
In case you have any working brains left under that red cap of yours, here is something to consider:
‘jail’ is not a natural punishment of bad people or of assholes. How so? They are put into jail (which btw doesn’t exist if it is not build by people) because they 1) have broken some law (which is 100% social construct, and 100% agreed upon by what we can still call the ‘civil society’ aka the expression of the common will of the members of a community that do range from a family (parents mating & raising children) to the town, State, Nation, and so on; 2) because they have been caught doing it , have you ever noticed that people never spontaneously teleport into jail by themselves; and 3) they have been judged and convicted they were guilty by other people (through discussion or through interpretation of the law) which is, surprise!, another 100% social construct.
But like I said, have the most pleasant day while you’re wondering why people can’t agree with you (and your indisputable certainties)
Any time I post on an American forum, I get everyone saying the treatment I receive is absolutely unacceptable and despicable. Any time I write the same on a forum in this country, 90% of people attack me and say the asshole “did nothing wrong” and I “deserved it” for being stupid
You said it and it seems like we can agree on at least that point.
Sorry to tell you but American platforms/forums are as bad, if not worse. Anytime I say something that can be picked apart and destructively critiqued–it will be. There is no immune place, aside from a community or platform that only accepts positivity and removes or bans negative comments etc.
The issue with your premise is that it seems to imply that the people defending them also consider them to be assholes which most likely is not the case. So it’s not that they defend assholes - you simply just disagree who the assholes are.
Okay guess nobody is an asshole then
humanity is doomed