If you are 75% good, your counterpart will be 75% evil.
If you are 99% good, your counterpart will be 99% evil.
What do you do if you meet your evil counterpart?
Not what’s being asked, but I immediately thought of Nega Scott from Scott Pilgrim.
Be the alibi while he does crime. Duh.
Evil version of an evil version… Evilseption. I guess chalange to a competition.
Be glad I’m the good one, I guess? Or can we achieve balance and each end up with 50% good, 50% bad?
You mean my good counterpart?
I would fuck my self
Some guy pops out blabbing something about being the good version of me and I continue eating my sandwich
They make themself a sandwich with what you have left, eat it, and leave. You get a Venmo payment for the cost of a loaf of bread and sandwich ingredients later.
Truly, the good version.
Didn’t DOB already cover this?
Morals don’t exist. What is my counterpart?
Your counterpart is a Moral Philosophy Professor
suck his dick for sure
Get someone to do a very long set of interviews, thought experiments, and tests to see what makes us different in order to isolate, regardless of whether we can tell which of us holds the evil position, what areas of belief can have a position than can be objectively called evil. It’d be hilarious if, after months of testing, it turns out the only difference we have is our opinions on marmite or pineapple on pizza.
That’s a smart move. But won’t your evil self be interested in screwing the experiment uo?
Only if successfully completing experiments is itself good or evil. The question stipulates they are our moral inverse, not opposite in every way.
as someone who is 100% evil but polite, it would be interesting to meet my good counterpart whom is a total arsehole.
What do you think makes you evil?
Congratulate him on being bad and ask for advice on how not to be nervous when talking to strangers because clearly he’s got to have gotten over that if he’s an evil counterpart to me.
Defintely hook up.
Can we swap places? I’ll gladly let him live in the worst timeline.