I’m wondering if I should just delete lemmy to stay under the radar. 🤔 (I’m a US Citizen currently residing in the US, and moving out of the country is not really an option)
I feel so conflicted on this. On one hand, this is kinda like giving in to authoritarianism, but on the other hand, dissenting is kinda dangerous. 😓
I don’t think this is something we have to worry about in the near future and I don’t think it will happen under Trump. What concerns me is the way the “system” is being set up so that alternative points of view or other parties just won’t have a chance to win an election or survive a lawsuit.
The groundwork is being laid so that people way more extreme than what we are seeing now can come into power and then stay in power without any way of removing them.
The current administration is setting things up where in order to “count” you have to be 1) loyal to Trump and 2) loyal to the republican party (don’t want any RINOs!). Heck, you can subscribe to typically republican principals (lower taxes, lower spending, right to bear arms, strong military, etc…) but you aren’t a “real” republican unless you un-waveringly support Trump.
But a true patriot is loyal to the Constitution. But now, you can’t be a republican and be loyal to the constitution, you have to be loyal to Trump. And that is setting things up to go very badly.
why don’t you take a look at my comment history to find out how I feel about it.
this is my 231st comment. I run a script to scrub anything usually older than 24 hours.
My solution is to VPN everything out of country. Not a single packet exits without going through a double hop VPN, with both hops being outside the Fourteen Eyes.
On top of that I run an ad/tracking blocking DNS server that’s updated pretty frequently.
Hi, this is really important and has a real and practical solution: ANONYMITY / OPSEC!
for Lemmy this means registering an account over tor, with email made over Tor, and only ever use it over tor.
It requires learning how this stuff works but it is so worth it
If you’re on a PC I recommend using Whonix if you’re technically inclined/willing to learn, or tor browser if you are not.
I’m considering making a detailed guide for Lemmy resistors but this is a great resource to get you started
If anyone needs help please don’t hesitate to reach out to me
The entire country would collapse if they did that. There would nothing to be president of.
Not to mention Jon Stewart, Jon Oliver, and the many other celebrities that shit on Trump. Plus all of MSNBC, CNN, and the other “left” news companies. I don’t imagine they have resources to do all that.
Not yet
The trick is not to arrest most if the really high profile individuals who are critical of the state, but encourage rumours about why they’ve been spared to discredit them.
If they come for you, they come for me, and many many more. Don’t pay personal information, you shouldn’t do that anyways
Why arrest when it is enough to disable credit cards?
Honestly Lemmy is way too small to be monitored and acted upon.
So even though the question is interesting I think deleting Lemmy because of the current administration is an over reaction.
On the contrary you probably have the opportunity to freely dissent here when others on mainstream socials networks can’t.
But I’m European so it’s easy for me to say that this is probably safe here. You have to evaluate the risk yourself but I think no administration gives a single sh** about Lemmy.
Every single person who disagrees with the administration on the internet? Incredibly unlikely. That’d be literally 10s of millions of people, if not over 100 million. The US prison system currently has a capacity of ~2 million. It’s estimated that globally there are ~11.5 million people in prisons. So you’re talking about locking up several times more people than are currently locked up. It’s just not possible.
The scale of what you’re suggesting is just unimaginable. How much manpower would be needed to lock up tens of millions of people? Nearly the entire non-incarcerated population of the US would need to be employed in building and staffing prisons and doing the police work to track down and arrest people.
And what would that do to the US (and global) economy to remove tens of millions of people from the workforce and force the rest of the population into servicing those prisons?
Even in the strictest countries with the most draconian censorship, they don’t lock up people who are just disagreeing with the dictator/administration. They lock up people who make a name for themselves and get recognition/go viral. If you have an account that gets a HUGE following and you don’t just disagree, but attack and criticize, then you might end up with some problems.
To avoid this, just don’t let yourself get a big following with an account that’s super critical. If you notice you start to get a following, just delete that account and start a new one.
Camps are easy to build.
Small camps, yes. Camps with enough facilities to hold several times more than the current global population? No, not at all.
Yeah that’s why you start killing people in the camps yo free space for the new arrivals…
I swear we already went through this before
I really think you’re underestimating the scale of every single person who’s critical of Trump. The Holocaust killed like 6 million people/year. We’re talking about an order of magnitude more people than that.
You know what they called Germans during WWII who just went along with the nazis because why fight, you’ll just lose?
no. well, not accurately.
which doesn’t mean you’re safe. it means compliance will not protect you-you could do everything right, and get nabbed anyway. shit’s gonna get messy…
the more imaginable scenario is that they always go for the edgiest fuckers, at a certain pace. that’s within their bounds to easily identify without wasting resources they need to fight other state level actors on it, and as long as you’re just a little less than the edgiest fuckers currently posting (oops) you’re probably fine. it will just be a slow ratcheting hand around your neck, that strangles you by millimeters, but you can just think of it as a really really high stakes version of reddit, if you need a familiar frame of reference.
don’t worry though; they’ll also be messy about this, and get a TON of the wrong people.
It’s not illegal to have an opinion dude. Calm down.
Until the secret police invite you for a round of tea.
At that point, there will be no evidence of your disappearance, so legal details don’t even matter. Anyone who brings up such evidence, will also disappear.
There was this news report about a french scientist being denied entry to USA, because they critiqued the science budget cuts. While not arrested or something, it’s still telling.
I mean, its hard to calm down after reading the news about Mahmoud Khalil. Sure, online comments is not the same as a protest, but I feel like its only a matter of time before they start digging through the internet.
Nobody said that doing what’s right would be easy. Or safe. Only that it’s worth doing.
Consider this: Like the “Storm Area 51” meme where they said “they can’t arrest all of us!” if all of us keep dissenting and never stop, well… they can’t arrest all of us.
Literally 45 million people are registered Democrats, and while the USA has the largest prison population per capita, that tops out at 2 million. There’s about 1.5 million Law Enforcement Officers in the USA. The US military is about 3 million people, and a bunch of them are stationed worldwide, not here at home.
So tops they could have 4.5 million people trying to arrest/disappear 45 million people.
I repeat, they cannot arrest all of us.
Just enough so you know it happens. It wouldn’t be secret.
This is the correct answer.
that trial balloon is already a-floatin’.
non-citizen permanent resident (aka green card holder) spouting views that the govt dont like? straight to the black hole of ICE detention with you.
yeah, I’ve been wondering how much I should be sharing about my political opinions now… and a little concerned about my 15+ years of social media history.
NSA Utah Datacenter has been online since May 2014 and has been sucking down the entire contents of the internet since then…
…so yeah.
Better to just embrace it and be ready for when they come for us, probably.
side note, if you are really fed up with this news cycle, you could take up a new hobby.
drones are crazy fast these days, and cheap to make, and there are SO many ways to build them now. they come with so mant different attachments, especially in the states. you could attach all kinds of crazy things to them. like nerf guns, and paintball guns and do all kinds of fun activities with lots of friends
also i hear the area around mar a lago is beautiful to vacation in, it would be great to get some birds eye view footage of that place. just for fun with a bunch of your friends
i hear also about how good drones are at stabalizing for long distance shots on video these days. you could fly them so high up you could barely see them or hear them from the ground.
some people even use them to drop small, or large packages from the air as well. just be careful they dont land on anyone important
that would be aweful…eh?
Is one of the
Loveliest places to have
Lunch; But
Never go there during
A very busy day because
Zack would be there and he
Isn’t a nice person
Seriously, just don’t
Hmm, what was that you said about Acrostic Poems?
this machine…
100% of all of it. You have the RIGHT. Not priviliege, not favor, not permission. RIGHT.
Right now I think its basically zero chance, BUT we are absolutely hurtling face-first into that exact reality.
It’s our extremely unfortunate job right now to fight these fascist Cunts and do our best to prevent this reality from coming to be. I get that that is downright terrifying, but if we give in to that fear and bury our heads in the sand, doesn’t kinda mean they win?