Most American thing I can think of.
Bring back predators…the good kind. Wolves have a purpose.
Wild boars are an invasive species, they don’t have natural predators.
Good point… Panther? Mountain lion?
Wild hogs would destroy a wolf. These creatures are no joke.
That’s probably why wolves prefer to live in packs. Just to be more evenly matched.
Wild hogs live in “packs” (“sounders”, actually. Lulz.) as well. On all fronts, the hogs should win. Some of the bigger hogs could easily outweigh a wolf 5:1.
These creatures are what nightmares are made of and I wish I could say I was joking or being sarcastic.
Could a pack of wolves separate a hog from its pack and kill it? Sure. Not all hogs are hell-spawn. Regardless, we are also talking about mother nature’s true version of Medusa.
Lulz, I think I just found a collective noun for Republicans
Step 1 rank all of your problems.
step 2, all problems above rank 99th, ain’t one.
Cody warned us 6 years ago:
If it finally time for Some Boar News again? It’s been awhile.
Pigs run this country.
Hogs are big business here in Texas, where you can pay a couple thousand bucks to shoot them with a machine gun from a helicopter all day, so… what’s the problem? :P
That’s my favorite kind of conservation.
The problem is that there are not nearly enough people that hunt to even keep the population stable through hunting. The fact that hog hunting has become a business is the reason that real solutions to wiping out feral populations aren’t making headway.
Oh I know, I was being sarcastic, doing the typical redneck ‘lol we shootin’ ‘em fer fun, what’s the problem?!’ type thing.
When I moved out of Texas in 2016, some friends told me there was a $5 bounty for hog tails from the state. So, you could do it for more than fun; less than a dollar a round for .308, then 5 dollars per tail… that’s a decent profit.
Man, I wish good .308 ammo was only $1/round… Even if I’m loading it myself, good 6.5CM ammo (defined as sub-MOA performance) costs about $1/ea. with Hornady 147gr ELD-M bullets, and that’s only if I ignore how much I’ve sunk into a press and case prep.
Yeah, this was before the industry decided on their panic price increaes. It’s weird how post panic prices never corrected. Going shooting is almost painful now on the wallet.
This right here. I fell down the “wild boar problem” rabbit hole a couple years ago. I was curious about what controls have been tried and what could be done to bring things back into balance. The statistic I read said that 75000 boars must be killed per year in Texas just to keep their numbers stable there. Holy hell. That’s a lot of dangerous game hunting.
If I was going to guess, the actual numbers killed are far, far lower than that. Especially since there are a lot of very large private hunting preserves that intentionally try to keep their feral pig population high so that they can attract paying hunters.
They are the same picture
I say we cede the country to the pigs. They might do a better job.
I’d rather do that than arm people with assault rifles so they can live in remote rural areas where herds of feral pigs are an issue. Yes this is an actual argument people make in favor of keeping assault rifles legal. “What if I need to stop a stampede of 80 feral hogs? This is a weekly occurrence on my property.”
Frankly, if feral hogs have you running scared, it’s not your property, it’s theirs.
Would you like to be a moderate? I’ll propose giving the hogs the assault rifles and you’ll instantly become a moderate.
humans have assault rifles <— no one has assault rifles —> hogs have assault rifles
Edit: would arming both humans and hogs also be a good compromise?
Hogwash! Capitalist pigs will end us. I for one advocate for roo committees.
If you’ve read Orwell, then you know we have.
Pig walking into a full congress, “these animals are disgusting”
“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which,”
Some animals are more equal than others!
Those are ones in captivity, for food.
I for one welcome our new hog overlords
Too late!
Two words: Helicopter Chaingun
I’m all for some barbecue
How rad would it be if they had unicorn horns like a narwhal
Mmm free bacon 🥓
Is “wild boar” a euphemism for MAGA cultists and politicians?
If I’m correct, this is a reference from Some More News. I think you could say it’s a metaphor for any issue that affects the populace. For example, if wild boars killing people happened as frequently as people shooting up schools, we would do something about the boars.
Dude, come on. This is a real problem we’re facing quit with the maga bs.
Do you actually believe that a fascist wannabe dictator in the White House, an abjectly corrupt activist Supreme Court, and bought a sold oligarchs as the heads of departments are more of a problem than wild boar? Seriously?
Listen dude, I’ve made a least two showerthought posts about cheese pizza Lunchables. You’re not talking with joe biden.
Are you sure you’re not Joe Biden?
… no…
But how will Americans justify their private arsenals if they don’t have 30-50 feral hogs running into their yards while their small kids play?
"This is merica it’s mah glawd given ripe!
You think you’ve got a problem? Ours are stealing laptops!
I can understand ruining the entire harvest crops… But not stealing the laptops! D: