I’m fucking done with Chrome. Fuck this.

  • NumbersCanBeFun@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    That doesn’t make them an advertising company. It was a search engine that sold ads to gain monetization. However at this point we are just splitting hairs over perspective so I’ll bury the hatchet there.

    I can and I do encourage EVERYONE to fiddle with their security, not just because of Google but because eventually you’re going to stumble into some shitty website by accident and that fucker is going to pop you with a some random JavaScript that you already told your browser is totally fine to run automatically.

    There is way more at stake here than a couple of tracking cookies, but it starts there. They need the permission to read, track and modify files on your machine in order to “sell” you the best advertisements. This means always having JavaScript turned on as well as allowing permissions which often are automatically accepted. This opens people up to a massive security risk with no reward. Google gets to walk away smiling while you’re scraping viruses and malware off your machines left and right.They aren’t here to educate or give you a choice, they just send you along after you pass GO and they get to collect the $200.

    I’m sorry but no, it’s not okay to try to convince the public this is a good thing. I’d wager Google spent a pretty penny trying to figure out a way to get people like you to agree that isn’t so terrible when it’s so obvious what they are doing is absolutely unacceptable.