EDIT: Commentary removed.
I hate the orange fucker but it sounds like he has PTSD. I have combat PTSD and see dangers where there aren’t any. Sometimes your brain just wants you to leave the area.
Yeah, he should retire and have that looked at. Poor guy, he needs some rest. At his age…
Don’t you think he looks a bit tired?
How does Mrs Crawley know Dr Who? Did Dr Who visit Downton Abbey during one of his adventures?
What do you mean? That’s just Mrs. Crawley with Mr. Crowley, the strange man who is friends with the bookshop owner. Weird seeing him without his sunglasses though.
i wasnt prepared for this.
Don’t you think he looks a bit weird?
Why not both?
I hate the orange shitbag and have no sympathy if he is suffering. I genuinely want good things for all people. But he wants bad things for many people and so my wishes for good things don’t extend to him, his ilk, etc.
Trump’s policies resulted in thousands of veterans with PTSD being denied treatment by the VA on account of lack of funding. If anyone deserves to suffer from it, he does.
I have PTSD from his presidency
Post Trump Stress Disorder.
straight fax
Do you think someone suffering from PTSD will be able to fulfill their duties as President?
Active PTSD without treatment? Absolutely not. Maybe with some really good therapy but can you imagine that turnip taking advice from a therapist? Hah!
Sounds like SS told him that. He said security doesn’t want us here.
Isn’t the accepted abbreviation USSS to avoid the association with the Schutzstaffel?
He’s an old man, I thought it was “Social Security”.
He’s a fascist, I would have believed if he meant Schutzstaffel.
While I’m not a fan of tfg, and I don’t know whether he’s lying or telling the truth, there’s legitimate reason to take his comment seriously. We may not like him, but the SS has a job to do.
It could be all of the above. It is hard to say with Trump. I agree the SS has a job to do and after their last screw up, they are being overly cautious
No it doesn’t. He was calm and collected and posturing.
Those of us who have been shot at usually don’t start flailing around like a car lot tube man when we’re feeling insure. People usually have their game face on when they’re worrying behind the façade.
I have been completely calm on the outside yet freaking out on the inside and made excuses to leave so that really isn’t a tell for PTSD or not. I haven’t watched video of the event and I’m not saying the shitbag wouldn’t use it as an excuse to get out of hard questions, I’m just saying with my personal experiences being shot at that giving excuses to get out of what you think is a dangerous situation (but really isn’t) is a classic sign of PTSD.
Thank you for sharing. I walk away knowing better.
This exactly. It’s the subtle stuff that tells me he’s probably dealing with some high anxiety. If you’ve been through some intense trauma, and are in a triggering environment, you’re probably still trying to keep a game face on.
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I’ve always felt like Trump uses “we” more like the “royal we” as in he’s a monarch, whereas other public figures use “we” to include society.
Watching it, it looks like a stunt / setup to show how “dangerous the border is” or some bullshit. You never know what’s going on in the moldy orange’s brain.
That website has cancer.
I’m old enough to remember when Newsweek was credible and respected. I understand the Magazine business model is brutal, but these days you’re more likely to run into someone who’s owned Newsweek than someone who subscribes to it.