A mother of two has been left paraplegic after being shot by Iranian police over an alleged violation of the country’s strict hijab rules, a source with knowledge of the case has told the BBC.

“She is paralysed from the waist down, and doctors have said it will take months to determine whether she will be permanently paraplegic or not.”

Arezoo Badri, 31, was driving home with her sister in the northern city of Noor on 22 July when police attempted to pull her over to confiscate her car.

The driver did not comply with the order to stop, prompting the officers to shoot, the police commander in Noor told Iran’s state-run news agency, without naming Ms Badri.

The incident comes after Iranian police announced a clampdown on women defying the nation’s compulsory dress code.

  • Burn_The_Right@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Conservatism is a global plague of oppression and death. There is no place for hate-based ideologies like conservatism in a modern civilization.

      • pyre@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        they still had the same religion. the US bringing down a democratically elected government to install their own puppet resulted in a far right revolution. you give people enough grievances, fascism will take hold. this is america’s doing.

        • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          The revolution was originally broadly based. But the fundamentalist church had deep local roots while the progressive reformers still held ties to Western industry and finance.

          When the US started imposing harsh sanctions on Iran, in response to the revolt, we bankrupted the liberals and left power to the hands of conservative nationalists.

          We achieved similar results in Cuba, Venezuela, Vietnam, and North Korea. By dropping the economic hammer on the most moderate people in the region, we forced the country’s leadership towards the extremes.

    • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Everybody loves that picture of kids in nice 70s outfits living a cloistered upper class existence under a brutal dictatorship.

      Nobody really likes posting the pictures of rioting and police brutality happening during the same time.

      • Mediocre_Bard@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        The Islamic prophet Muhammad married a 9-year-old girl. Since he was holy, or whatever, he waited until she was 10 to fuck her.

        • primrosepathspeedrun@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          hey lets not get specifically islamophobic. every single horrible thing the worst muslims are trying to do over there, the worst christians are doing over here. every. single. fucking. one.

          and the worst muslims aren’t even jacking it to the apocalypse.

            • primrosepathspeedrun@lemmy.world
              2 months ago

              no but that’s the thing, I see a lot on the internet “religion bad!” (true) turning into “muslims bad!” and letting at-least-as-bad offenders off the hook. that’s the part that bugs me.

              the christians are doing THIS EXACT SAME SHIT in american cities. I walked past the aftermath of some shit like this happening multiple times in my life. it doesn’t even make the news most of the time.

              so yes, they’re monsters, stop them. but lets not SINGLE THEM OUT and let the OTHER, POTENTIALLY WORSE monsters off the hook.

              edit: also, islamophobia in the anglosphere is rarely used to reduce the outrageous horrors of religion, and always used to fuck up marginalized people, so I’m always skeptical of it being a genuine criticism of religion.

              • SparrowRanjitScaur@lemmy.world
                2 months ago

                This entire post is about a woman that was shot and paralyzed for not wearing a hijab. Stop deflecting. It’s absolutely fair to criticize bad things done in the name of Islam. Feel free to create a separate post about bad things done in the name of Christianity, I’m sure you’ll have no issue finding numerous examples. But stop distracting from the oppressive environment women find themselves in in modern day Iran.

                • primrosepathspeedrun@lemmy.world
                  2 months ago

                  all of those religions are intensely misogynist. that’s just the islam flavor abrahamic atrocity. the christian flavor has her dying of ectopic pregnancy after being raped at age 7.

                  this is a problem that includes islam, but is not specifically an islam problem. they all fucking do this, and whenever people JUST talk about islam, it always victimizes the least bad muslims, refugees, and vulnerable brown people WHO AREN’T EVEN MUSLIMS, and never, NEVER fixes it, never, NEVER goes after the worst hypermisogynist pedophile pieces of shit petpetuating the atrocities. so when I see people focused on this fucking 2000s era throwback islamophobia it NEVER ends in ‘we must protect people’ it NEVER ends in ‘we must end the evils of religion’, it ALWAYS ends in the ‘war of civilizations’ bullshit that has people who live in my fucking neighborhood defending zionists rioting for their right to rape their victims, because most of their victims are muslim. that has people who live in my fucking neighborhood talking about exterminating the brutes and death camps and hey, who else can we put in those, maybe queers? maybe queers. (they don’t say ‘queers’).

                  its why I can’t take any criticism of ISLAM IN PARTICULAR (edit:unless its inclusive of the rest of that group of mind-plagues) seriously. because everything shitty muslims do, shitty christians do just as bad, plus some other crap. hell, a lot of times, their organization names ARE EVEN DIRECT FUCKING TRANSLATIONS OF EACH OTHER. it’s just racism. as bad as I think these fuckers are, you’re not on the same team as me. you just want an excuse to be racist, and I don’t believe you actually give a shit about the victim, she’s just an excuse too. please don’t bring rage against religion into it if you only care about this shit when a religion you mostly associate with brown people does it. its like when qanon started talking about ‘human trafficking’.

          • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            hey lets not get specifically islamophobic.

            slew of downvotes

            and the worst muslims aren’t even jacking it to the apocalypse.

            Part of the problem is the desire to single out the worst single instances of a given group and use them as emblematic of a whole. I honestly wonder how many folks on this board actually know a person of Muslim faith. And I have got to wonder what kind of weird, gross, vulgar shit they say in casual conversation.

            Imagine sitting across from someone at the office with a big “You’re a blood-drenched terrorist by association and I hope the police drag you off to a black site to be tortured and killed” banner over their cubicle. Showing up every day and having people whispering that you’re a pedophile and a genocidal lunatic, because they’ve been passing around “Top 10 things to know about the butcher prophet Muhammad”. Then flipping on the news and hearing about how a city in your native country was bombed to rubble or a notable politician from your country was assassinated in cold blood, while folks on the news laugh about it and say “They must have had it coming because they’re Muslims”.

            Absolutely fucking barbaric way to behave towards anyone, and yet this is how white westerners seem to treat their Muslim neighbors by reflex.

  • NeuronautML@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    Just to remind ourselves that this woman is paraplegic because the US had to send in the CIA to orchestrate a coup in order to remove its democratically elected president and put a fundamentalist religious nutcase Shah in power that was more friendly to the US, which like all CIA ventures, failed miserably and he ended up being overthrown by worse religious nutcases shortly after, which is regarded as a direct consequence of US involvement.

    Thank you US, for our daily misery all across the world, but especially for turning the middle east into the misery it is today. We will remember it all throughout the likely war between Iran and Israel that the democratically elected governments of the US purposefully worked towards for the last 50 years, by both directly destabilizing Iran and by arming and funding Israel and the Palestinian apartheid and genocide.

    I just wonder how much worse the world has to become until the US just stops “helping”.

  • tal@lemmy.today
    2 months ago


    Iran: Woman left paraplegic after being shot by police over hijab

    Okay, that sounds pretty unequivocal.

    Arezoo Badri, 31, was driving home with her sister in the northern city of Noor on 22 July when police attempted to pull her over to confiscate her car.

    The driver did not comply with the order to stop, prompting the officers to shoot, the police commander in Noor told Iran’s state-run news agency, without naming Ms Badri.

    It is unclear whether Ms Badri was wearing a headscarf when she was stopped by police, but her car had a confiscation notice against it - suggesting multiple alleged violations of the hijab law.

    So it’s possible, albeit not known, that she had previously violated the hijab law. And that’s why they were pulling her over.

    But that’s not why they shot at her. She got shot because she didn’t stop the vehicle.

    Like, you could say “shot for refusing to stop”, and I’d agree with that. Maybe someone would find that unreasonable as a matter of police procedure. I don’t know what the legal standards are for use-of-force in Iran. In the US, I’m reasonably sure that that’d violate law enforcement protocol in most states. A police officer can’t use deadly force just for not following an order; there are situations where it is possible to do so.




    Under U.S. law the fleeing felon rule was limited in 1985 to non-lethal force in most cases by Tennessee v. Garner, 471 U.S. 1. The justices held that deadly force “may not be used unless necessary to prevent the escape and the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious bodily harm to the officer or others.”[2]

    A police officer may not seize an unarmed, nondangerous suspect by shooting him dead…however…Where the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a threat of serious physical harm, either to the officer or to others, it is not constitutionally unreasonable to prevent escape by using deadly force.

    — Justice Byron White, Tennessee v. Garner[3]

    If a suspect drives a car at an officer, the car is considered to be a deadly weapon, and it’s okay for police to use deadly force then.

    But my guess is that just a refusal to stop, without some additional circumstances, wouldn’t result in authorization to use deadly force anywhere in the present-day US.

    I can imagine someone saying that they think that Iran’s use-of-deadly-force law should be more-restrictive.

    But I don’t think that this is reasonable to reduce this to “shot by police over hijab”.

    • caoimhinr@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Women have been beaten to death by police before for violating hijab law, I don’t blame her for not stopping.

      • Doorbook@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        I think the idea is the misleading title is classic of western propaganda to incite hate and iranphobia. They do the same for all middle Eastern countries. You might not see it, but it is clear as day for people who live there.

        Did the same with Libya, Iraq, Sudan before the split and leaders dying but nothing after. It is these small inaccuracies in the title that keep building up.