There have been plenty of sites hosting horrible, and graphic content like the late LiveLeak site. But I’ve never heard of a good site for posting actual paranormal stuff.

Unless i am wrong.

Edit: I get it Lemmy, i might be asking for too much, but it doesn’t seem too farfetched to have a dedicated site of actual video camera posts not edited tiktok or hollywood crap. I’m not looking for a movie, tv show, or a Halloween prank. I guess it does not exist because paranormal activity has been and always will be fake stunts.

Edit 2: dog sees something but they never show the floor. Could have been a spider.

Ghost car cop chase car “goes through fence” but it went out of frame before it went through. Either editing, or like the comments says, the fenced went over/under the car and this cop is just a pansy.

Edit 3: Skinwalker Ranch this was cool to start with, buuuuut again they talk of something blocking the airspace above but what they show doesn’t match with their claims. The 3D animations explain what they see, but the actual footage has so many cuts it’s obviously fake.

    1 month ago

    Yeah they don’t have sites for actual Santa Clause, actual Easter bunny, actual space magic either man, I’ve been really suffering over it.

    • the_grass_trainer@lemmy.worldOP
      1 month ago

      Actual as in the person isn’t afraid to go in and check, and there’s no editing or tricks. Those people outside camping hoping to have an encounter and then hear a twig snap and leave before even showing what’s out there.

      I guess i really am stuck with nonsense on YouTube. I can watch a guy drown in scuba gear, but gotta see shorts showing a chair rocking with part of it hidden behind a doorway and bad “OMG” actors.

        1 month ago

        I dont know if your into the mystery more than the actual supernatural, but there is a fantastic 3 part documentary called “sasquatch” (released via other platforms but also found on youtube).
        Its a twist & turn investigation about some deaths/murders attributed by locals to bigfoot which i think has a satisfying conclusion.

        1 month ago

        I really think you should reflect on the reason why there is absolutely zero evidence of paranormal phenomenon.

          1 month ago

          I mean, I agree with the general “people who are into space aliens or ghost videos are looking for patterns in the static – there’s no worthwhile material out there” sentiment.

          There are real, serious “hunt for space alien” efforts, like SETI. They haven’t found anything yet, and they tend to consist of a bunch of radioastronomers doing statistical analysis on a lot of data gathered by radiotelescopes, not people staring intently at grainy camcorder footage, but if you’re honestly after space aliens, that’s where you want to be.

          However, I think that it’s also too strong to say that every paranormal video is a hoax, even in the “grainy camcorder footage” class. Some people in the history of humanity clearly did see something that they didn’t understand, and that doesn’t mean that they created a hoax; it wouldn’t be fair to them to say that.

          On January 7, 1948, 25-year-old Captain Thomas F. Mantell, a Kentucky Air National Guard pilot, died when he crashed his P-51 Mustang fighter plane near Franklin, Kentucky, United States, after being sent in pursuit of an unidentified flying object (UFO). Mantell pursued the object in a steep climb and disregarded suggestions to level his altitude. At high altitude, he blacked out from a lack of oxygen; his plane went into a downward spiral and crashed. The incident was among the most publicized of early UFO reports.[1] Later investigation by the United States Air Force’s Project Blue Book indicated that Mantell died chasing a Skyhook balloon, which, in 1948, was a top-secret project that he would not have known about.[1][2]

          Was that a craft piloted by little green men from outer space? No. But Mantell didn’t go kill himself with the aim of creating a hoax, either. He legitimately saw something that he could not identify. It wasn’t aliens or ghosts, but it was there and he made a good-faith effort to try to figure it out.

          And there have also been physical phenomena that we didn’t understand at the time that people have seen. That’s not ghosts or demons or aliens either, but there was stuff going on that we didn’t understand. Consider:

          Ball lightning is a rare and unexplained phenomenon described as luminescent, spherical objects that vary from pea-sized to several meters in diameter. Though usually associated with thunderstorms,[1] the observed phenomenon is reported to last considerably longer than the split-second flash of a lightning bolt, and is a phenomenon distinct from St. Elmo’s fire.

          Some 19th-century reports[2][3] describe balls that eventually explode and leave behind an odor of sulfur. Descriptions of ball lightning appear in a variety of accounts over the centuries and have received attention from scientists.[4] An optical spectrum of what appears to have been a ball lightning event was published in January 2014 and included a video at high frame rate.[5][6] Laboratory experiments have produced effects that are visually similar to reports of ball lightning, but how these relate to the supposed phenomenon remains unclear.[7][8]

          In practice, you probably have a mixture of people making things up, not-entirely-accurately-recalling things, and what is probably multiple different phenomena getting bundled together.

          We had theories, but nothing really solid to validate them in nature until 2014, where we had something that looks like it validates some previous theories explaining at least some cases: it was produced when lighting hit ground, vaporized some material in the soil, and the subsequent reaction of that vapor with oxygen in the air then produced a brief luminescent spherical ball:

          In January 2014, scientists from Northwest Normal University in Lanzhou, China, published the results of recordings made in July 2012 of the optical spectrum of what was thought to be natural ball lightning made by chance during the study of ordinary cloud–ground lightning on the Tibetan Plateau.[5][45] At a distance of 900 m (3,000 ft), a total of 1.64 seconds of digital video of the ball lightning and its spectrum was made, from the formation of the ball lightning after the ordinary lightning struck the ground, up to the optical decay of the phenomenon. Additional video was recorded by a high-speed (3000 frames/sec) camera, which captured only the last 0.78 seconds of the event, due to its limited recording capacity. Both cameras were equipped with slitless spectrographs. The researchers detected emission lines of neutral atomic silicon, calcium, iron, nitrogen, and oxygen—in contrast with mainly ionized nitrogen emission lines in the spectrum of the parent lightning. The ball lightning traveled horizontally across the video frame at an average speed equivalent of 8.6 m/s (28 ft/s). It had a diameter of 5 m (16 ft) and covered a distance of about 15 m (49 ft) within those 1.64 s.

          Oscillations in the light intensity and in the oxygen and nitrogen emission at a frequency of 100 hertz, possibly caused by the electromagnetic field of the 50 Hz high-voltage power transmission line in the vicinity, were observed. From the spectrum, the temperature of the ball lightning was assessed as being lower than the temperature of the parent lightning (<15,000 to 30,000 K). The observed data are consistent with vaporization of soil as well as with ball lightning’s sensitivity to electric fields.[5][45]

          It’s pretty likely that some people in history saw that phenomenon and described it as ball lightning. Is it supernatural? Well, no, not in the sense that I think people generally use the term; it conforms to our understanding of the laws of physics at the time that we recorded it. But it was a process that we hadn’t specifically nailed down.

    • the_grass_trainer@lemmy.worldOP
      1 month ago

      Lol yeah but see that’s all that exists. But if there are any videos that come off as plausible I’d like to see them.

      I saw a short this morning of a cat freaking out about something but the owner never shows what “it” is. The cat stared down the hall, growled, ran down the hall and all we saw after it ran was it was looking around a dresser at something. The something was never shown.

    1 month ago

    do you want to post stuff? lots of people use YouTube.

    do you want to browse through videos?

    how are you defining “good”?

    • the_grass_trainer@lemmy.worldOP
      1 month ago

      I want to watch videos. Everything on YouTube is fake. They never show what’s happening until it’s too late, they run from things and then go back to investigate and say “nothing’s here wtf??”

      And a lot of it is reposted tiktoks and the acting is unbearable. The “reality tv shows” are just as bad and sometimes explore the same old houses or abandoned buildings.

      But if you read comments there’s sooooooooo many stories of actual encounters, some say they have video or photo proof but never post… But sites like LiveLeak have no problem showing us the inside of another human being.

        1 month ago

        i see.

        it’s a lot easier to find graphic real life horror because human violence is very common, verifiable, and happens everyday.

        you aren’t going to find verifiable paranormal videos of aliens or bigfoot anywhere online because there’s no verifiable evidence of aliens or bigfoot, ghosts or other paranormal experiences.

        there are good books, movies, podcasts or sites that investigate paranormal events, but there isn’t a trove of “real” paranormal videos somewhere simply because there isn’t enough evidence at this point for a lot of paranormal events like chupacabra encounters or alien abductions.

        • the_grass_trainer@lemmy.worldOP
          1 month ago

          Sad :( the only other kinda interesting thing I’ve heard of are those speakers that spit out random radio frequencies of garbled speech. But again that’s one of those things that seems like you can trick your mind into hearing what you want.

          For once i want to see something strange happen and the person filming actually goes to check it out immediately instead of running into the next room, then go back and let the editor work their magic.

          If there’s really that many encounters people are comfortable enough posting with text why haven’t any of them posted photos or videos of their encounters? It’s whack!

            1 month ago

            You’re making the assumption that the encounters people post about anonymously on the internet are real.

            That’s a pretty big leap.

            ceepypasta has countless paranormal stories, but that’s specifically a creative writing hub.

            that doesn’t mean there’s no evidence for paranormal events, but there are way more stories than there is any evidence for those stories.

            I like documentaries:

            “I Know What I Saw”(2009)

            about the Phoenix lights, with video footage of UFOs and corroborating testimony from reliable witnesses.

            The 2001 National Press Conference where high ranking government officials from around the world get together to share their experience and evidence of UFOs specifically, some details of which are corroborated by the tic-tac video released, which is probably the closest you’re going to get at the moment, since It’s official government video of a UFO backed up by the testimony of experienced navy pilots.

            Out of the Blue(2003) is good also.

            Small Town Monsters is a production company with great documentaries on cryptids, but are all anecdotes and testimonies and don’t include any reliable evidence that any of the creatures exist.

            The last time a cryptid became real was a century ago when mountain gorillas were undisputably documented after legends of ape-men floated around for a long time.

            giant squids were more recently verified on video, but they are a half dozen meters long rather than the kraken-sized things people are still expecting. I wouldn’t be surprised if we found larger squids eventually, but we don’t have any on film yet.

            • the_grass_trainer@lemmy.worldOP
              1 month ago

              Thanks, I’ll look into the things you’ve mentioned. All i meant to harp on was if there’s sooooooooo many testimonies about paranormal things why haven’t those people recorded evidence.

              I’ve known friends, and acquaintances claiming paranormal activity ‘constantly’ happening, but when i press them and ask “why not record it?” I get chuckles “oooh because it’s at random,” or “i just left it alone”. Nothing concrete :(

              Edit: it feels similar to people saying “God showed me a sign he was real” but the sign was really their lighter ran out of fluid so they took it as God said to stop smoking.

                1 month ago

                “their lighter ran out of fluid so they took it as God said to stop smoking.”

                most paranormal events I’ve looked into seem to fall into this category.

                The national press conference and those documentaries at least contain basic, practical evidence of UFOs with reliable testimony.

                there’s actually another great documentary that I have not been able to find again featuring a lifelong film editor, and he has really interesting footage of weird super high speed lights around NASA spacecraft from official NASA footage.

                at normal speed they look like random blinks of light or reflections.

                The film editor slowed the footage way down to look at the video frame by frame and there are discreet red and blue objects moving in toward parts of nasa spacecraft, circling around, pausing, hovering for a while, and then moving out away from the spacecraft.

                he also has really interesting footage of the sts-75 space tether project, where these massive shapes in the background that are assumed to be video artifacts are actually passing behind the space tether, implying that they are actual vast objects in outer space rather than video artifacts.

                unfortunately, I’ve been trying to find this documentary again for years and have been unsuccessful.

                I’m just mentioning it in case you come across it on your journey, let me know, I’d love to watch it again.

                • the_grass_trainer@lemmy.worldOP
                  1 month ago

                  I found this which i am currently still watching that shows some things Secret NASA Transmission. Over an hour long.

                  I found another video that mentions David Sereda doing a detailed explanation of the footage like you describe… But it was taken down. AND HOW ABOUT THAT the Wayback Machine didn’t get it archived 😮‍💨

    1 month ago

    if it were (verifiably) on video, it wouldn’t be paranormal, it would be science.

    if you want paranormal content that may not be genuine i can recommend the horror section on netflix?

      1 month ago

      Schrödinger mocked quantum theory, we got the slit experiment, no one thought Tesla’s ideas were good, until suddenly they did and then there was God not playing dice and spooky stuff, the Drake equation and SETI. It’s a great idea that may lead to investigation of things we don’t understand.

        1 month ago

        Schrödinger was criticizing the interpretation of quantum mechanics, Tesla generated way more garbage than he did innovations, the Drake equation is a novelty (and Drake repeatedly clarified that it was conjecture until we find any evidence of ETI), SETI is awesome.

        Everything you just listed is an example of science investigating the tangible aspects of observed phenomenon.

          1 month ago

          The point is, people have been discouraging use of wild and vivid imagination, so we get the same old same old until someone has courage to daydream, thought experiment, etc

            1 month ago

            Science works best when people are:

            • Creatively thinking
            • Use ideas from other scientific areas for their scientific area

            The book “How We Got To Now” does a fabulous job of showing that science is not a uniform step by step process instead is a tree with different branches.

            AC and refrigerators all started because someone wanted to ship ice to tropical locations for money.

            SETI is another prefect example. A bunch of scientists sat around and said to themselves “We have all these new instruments for space. What if we tried to find alien life with it?”

        1 month ago

        By that logic, any insane thing is totally legit, just waiting to be proven. For every sound idea lacking evidence that was greatly mocked in its day- there are an infinite number of absolute bullshit ideas with no merit that will never be proven. Survivorship bias of the good ideas gives you the impression that many/most ideas once ridiculed must in fact be true in the long run- but you’re ignoring the literal millions that are awful and forgotten. Eugenics was someone’s great idea too, as was asbestos, chemical weapons, and old man cloud god.

        Could there be quantum dimensions just waiting to be used for great things!? Probably! But that doesn’t mean ghosts, magic, and the occult are just great things waiting to be proven right.

        1 month ago

        You should decide whether you are looking for science or religion.

        But better not both, because both at the same time can make you thoroughly confused.

          1 month ago

          Ever heard of Doug Adams, Robert Heinlein, Bradbury, Huxley? But by all means, discourage any use of imagination just for fun.

              1 month ago

              Obviously. I’m saying imagining the wildest things has led to important contributions, irl and fiction. Telephone conversations with video, self-driving cars, space exploration all began as crazy dreams. They called Einstein crazy, ostracized some of the greatest writers and scientists and engineers. Close Encounters, Star Wars. Hand washing in medical care got doctors fired.

              Play is important, for more than recreation.

    • the_grass_trainer@lemmy.worldOP
      1 month ago

      Ehh. I was just interested in seeing if there are sites dedicated to paranormal stuff. Whether or not it being science I’d rather see SOMETHING that seems legit instead of sifting the same old tales. I can read all day about encounters, but no one ever shows proof of anything they claim to be real.

      Edit: oh no… My… Interweb points 🙄 staahp

        • the_grass_trainer@lemmy.worldOP
          1 month ago

          Yes, yes i see what’s happening, but i am standing my ground. I guess I’m stuck with YouTube pranks, edited garbage, and an endless amount of inhumane content.


            1 month ago

            In this thread you’ve implied repeatedly that you’re aware of the implausibility of paranormal phenomenon but you’re still going to watch:

            “YouTube pranks, edited garbage, and an endless amount of inhumane content”

            And if you’re just doing this for amusement, the Why Files does some pretty entertaining stuff reporting on ‘real’ (clarification: these are actual things people believe not just made up for their episode) conspiracies and paranormal events, I can enjoy them even as a skeptic. But if you’re doing this out of actual interest, belief or just to give both sides of the argument a fair shake, I really really really hope that you will take my advice and figure out if this is truly important, or if this is you self-harming out of stubbornness. Because I have been there and it’s really bad for you.

            • the_grass_trainer@lemmy.worldOP
              1 month ago

              I’ve been down some pretty dark rabbit holes, but my YouTube feed is full of fake ghost stories right now, and i did go search for LiveLeak things only to learn it’s been taken down but an alternative has popped up and it’s just terrible terrible videos and pictures.

              The site I’m hinting at i found because i was looking up more information on a drowned diver, then veered off into ghost story things. I’m just wanting to be entertained, but also would like to see something that makes my mind say “no way! Wanna know more about it” but it’s all fake things.

              I did find some posts about Skinwalker Ranch and some strange things happening but some of the commentary doesn’t match up to what the video shows.

            • the_grass_trainer@lemmy.worldOP
              1 month ago

              Being stuck with certain media is out of my control. How am i supposed to watch believable things if they aren’t created or posted?

              Wanting to see something plausible but not finding it on a site full of influencer trash doesn’t make me aware that it’s not possible. It just shows that the things available are implausible because of obvious flaws they do show.

              While some of it is interesting the paranormal stuff on there is just lame. So unless if you know of sites that host unexplainable things there’s only so much i can access. Thanks for constantly just shooting me down 👎

                1 month ago

                We can’t do anything except shoot you down. What you want doesn’t exist, not because people are choosing not to create it but because they can’t create it. The ‘paranormal’ isn’t real. Anyone that believes it is is insane, and insane people are not known for their ability to tell compelling stories and hold cameras steadily, nor are they known to pursue and publish media invalidating their own delusions. If you want to see convincingly shot footage, watch the X-Files, it’s a beautiful show. But that’s the best you’re going to get. Because the content you crave does not exist.

        1 month ago

        Sounds like you should go and join a religious cult. They’ll probably have lots of fake shit for you to listen and see.

    • the_grass_trainer@lemmy.worldOP
      1 month ago

      🤔 yes but that’s not the same.

      That’s like me asking for beheading videos and then saying “go look up Saw movies”. It’s not the same.

        1 month ago

        Sorry, all I had was a pun.

        Tbh, your best bet is probably the ‘related’ videos of the ones you linked… but you kinda called it in your first edit - you’re gonna get a lot of edited, scripted, etc crap cuz that’s what 99% of paranormal footage is. The remaining 1% is stuff like this - just physics doing its thing, but super rare conditions that most of us have never heard of before that when it happens in the field of view of our dumbass monkey brains we tend to just pin an explanation to like “I saw a ghost/angel/alien/etc!”

        • the_grass_trainer@lemmy.worldOP
          1 month ago

          That’s pretty cool. Thanks for linking that.

          I guess i was hoping for someone to post a link to a site that hosts “unexplained” phenomenon.

          Like a nature cam that picks up something moving in a way that’s not natural, or a CCTV footage of of a heavy ass cabinet falling over. Just something more interesting than what is currently available :(

            1 month ago

            Trail cam footage might have some potential to capture the whole physics-doing-their-thing incidents.

            CCTV footage of a heavy cabinet falling over is 100% going to be a hoax. It’s always going to be something like front loading to make the center of gravity unstable with a release mechanism that the angle doesn’t show, or on a steeply inclined surface but with forced camera perspective to make it look like level ground. Movie magic. If you want good movie magic, look for paranormal movies with a decent budget and praise for practical effects - no random on the internet is gonna do a better job of that than Hollywood.

            If you want unexplained phenomena, honestly I’d steer you away from the word ‘paranormal’ cuz that’s just gonna get you theatrical shit; and turn instead to things like physics that deal with sub-atomic-tiny or like supermassive-black-hole-huge. We don’t have a great understanding of physics extremes, so diving down those rabbit holes give a similar “…bruh what the fuck did I just watch…” but without watering it down with some dramatic asshole on screen saying shit like “WAS IT SPIRITS?? ARE THEY TRYING TO COMMUNICATE WITH US???”

            Theoretical physics too… like, watching a clip on the point-line-plane postulate up to the 10th dimension will have you nodding along thinking “holy shit this makes sense!” but then when you try to explain to someone later you’ll be hit with this Lovecraftian madness cuz without the lecture holding your hand through the entire process, you don’t actually retain near enough to articulate it lol.