Same rhetoric, policies, party, etc.

Would he even make it pass “grab em by the p****” in 2016?

    29 days ago

    Would you have? No disrespect intended, it’s a genuine question I earnestly implore each of us to answer to ourselves at the very least.

    For variety, swap out “black” with any marginalized community of your choice: female, non-binary, undocumented alien, neurodivergent, actual human, etc.

    29 days ago

    if DT was anyone else he would have been held with no bail for having 90+ pending felonies and having been convicted of 32 already. The fact that his passport has not been restricted is clear evidence that being “rich & famous” gets you different treatment.

      29 days ago

      There was a thing he said back in the early 2000s, and it was leaked around the 2016 election. He was talking about women, and said something to the effect of “When you’re rich, and famous, they let you grab em by their pussy”.

      People at the time were angry that his views were that, but, honestly, that’s the life he’s lived. That’s the life he knows as reality. WE see it as disgusting, because he’s saying that women can be treated as sex objects, and that he’s ok with that. He see’s it as just the world we live in, because women approach him and treat THEMSELVES as sex objects. Those are the women that approach him, so that’s the experience he has with women. Women who only want him for his money.

      And now we see it even applies to the courts. Maybe we should still be mad at him for having those views, but also understand why he has those views, and start holding society accountable. Maybe we should be angry at parents who don’t teach their daughters to have more self respect than to find some rich guy to bang for money.

      Because at the end of the day, all trump is saying is “I get treated differently, because I’m rich.”

      And as angering as that is to hear…he’s not wrong. He’s just an asshole.

        28 days ago

        So by this logic if some 12yo girl is flirting it up big time with a grown ass man and they fuck. Instead of being mad at the man for doing this, we should blame the little 12yo girl and her parents for not raising her better(?) Should we instead sympathize with the man cus “Oh that poor guy, all he’s ever known is having sex with children! Lets not blame him! Thats just his life and how he lives!”

        It’s called having a set of functioning fucking Morals. I’m not going to jump off of a cliff- or better yet, get into a tin can to go and see the titanic just because “oh this is just what I’m exposed to, this is normal for me, other rich men do it so this is my life now.” He is a grown ass man in his 70’s now. He knows that adultery is wrong; don’t blame the woman for her already shitty lifestyle. You think those woman wanna fuck Trump and his soggy ass?? Woman don’t typically thrust themselves at old men with cash unless they are severely fuck outta luck and have a terrible life as is… or they just have a fetish for em. Prostitution is their JOB. And 9/10 they’re likely fucking slaves to a pimp or are being trafficked. Why tf do you think Trump was friends with Epstein??!

          28 days ago

          You seem to only blame one person, and my entire point somehow went right over your head (and quite a few peoples heads to be fair).

          You seem to think I’m defending trump. Or normalizing his behavior. I’m not. I’m saying to try to understand someones behaviors, you have to see things from their perspective. If you can understand other people from their perspective, even if you don’t agree with it, you can begin to understand that persons actions.

          Also if you only blame one person in a situation, you’ll always be wrong. There’s no such thing as a situation caused by multiple people that don’t have multiple people at blame.

          In your example, yes I would blame the old guy, the parents, and the girl. Just not in equal amounts. No one talks about why the old guy is responsible for his share of the blame, because that much is obvious. If a tsunami hit Miami, and destroyed lots of buildings, you wouldn’t say “You know what did the damage? The water. I blame the water.” No, you’d blame city planners, and government officials for not executing a plan decades prior to build flood barriers, and design the city in a way that deals with hurricanes. We know what the natural disasters are going to do. We can plan around the disasters. But if we fail to do so, we don’t blame the hurricanes and tsunamis. We blame the people who failed to do anything about the tsunamis and hurricanes. Knowing they’re coming. Yes, we all know the disasters are to blame, but that much is so obvious that it doesn’t need to be said.

            28 days ago

            Im not blaming one person. I’m blaming this whole ass country for falling into the way that it did. But your victim blaming is disgusting as fuck, and you write as though we should feel sympathy for a man that is basically the villain. This man alone has done far more harm than the random hooker he wanted to fuck. I see things from a lot of perspective. But I’m not about to put an equal amount of blame on the possibly trafficked Sex worker like I would the Billionaire who’s friends with a child rapist. Sure some of that could be her fault, but it takes a bigger person to just fucking say NO. Trump has virtually no excuse, as do the other people that do this. The anonymous Sex workers probably wouldn’t be doing what their doing if that had an actual shot at life, at doing something they truly enjoyed. Its naive to think that any woman that “wants” to have sex with trump truly wants it or just wants their money. If we’re gonna play your game of “well think about it from all perspectives” then I want you to really put on your thinking cap. Just why in the flying fuck would a grown woman, a sex worker, WANT to have sex with someone as psychically revolting as Trump. And better yet keep her name anonymous after she does it.

            I dont express empathy or Sympathy for RICH people; the same people who have all the recourses in the world; that do deplorable shit and then refuse to learn from doing said deplorable shit. I would have sympathy if he LEARNED, but he doesn’t. So nah I’m not gonna give him any kind of benefit of the doubt.

              27 days ago

              You still don’t get it. You’re still approaching this as if I’m sympathizing with trump. You’re acting as if I’m defending him. And as long as you continue to approach this conversion with that mindset, after I’ve explained three times it’s not about blame or sympathy, it’s about understanding the world around you by understanding the people at play and why they do what they do.

              If you aren’t willing to seperate yourself from your own perspective, then you’re never going to get what I’m saying. It’s not just trump. Take whomever you think is the worst person in history. Now defend their actions. If you’re unable to defend the people whom you consider to be the most vile on the planet, then you do not understand their perspective. You don’t have to agree with it, but if you can’t logically defend them, then you’re either inserting your own perspective into their perspective, or you’re trying to approach things from an emotional level. I could defend hitler. I could defend ghengis khan. I could defend bill cosby. Doesn’t mean I agree with any of them, but if you try to see their perspective, you can UNDERSTAND them.

              It’s never about sympathy. It’s always about perspective and understanding. Then extracting information out of that perspective to gain new insight to the world around you.

              But if you’re not willing to do that, then we’re having two seperate conversations, and I see no point in me continueing. Because I’ve explained the concept several times, and at this point it’s less of a conversation, and more of an arguement, in which both sides are approaching the arguement from completely unrelated perspectives and will never have a resolution.

                27 days ago

                I understand the perspective dude, but what you don’t understand is that trying to suggest this perspective can lead to sympathy or an excusing if his behavior. American citizens are fairly dense, a large majority of people will read this post and get the same ideas that a large amount of everyone else here got, but without the part of “Im not sympathizing with him”

                Its understandable how he could think the way that he does, but regardless I feel nothing for him, even if it is tragic he turned out this way.

          28 days ago

          nevermind i reread the op, you go Cock_Inspecting_Asexual!

          quick edit: actually except for the weird diction surrounding child rape. idk maybe i’m dumb and it was intentionally uncomfortable.

            28 days ago

            Sorry I got severe ADHD and a lack of a filter. When talking about stuff that pisses me off- pedophilia for that matter- I tend to put far more emphasis on stuff like that as a reminder of just how actually uncomfortable that shit is. I particularly do this to people who don’t understand just how god awful pedophilia is. I dont like to sugar coat or dance around subjects like that by using nicer or softer words. I find pedos revolting and uncomfortable, so I’m gonna describe them in a way that is revolting and uncomfortable

              28 days ago

              TLDR; I get passionately angry about some shit and its reflected in how I type or talk. The worse the subject the more Hard-hitting or offensive my vocabulary may be to express said emotions I have on that subject

        28 days ago

        Everywhere I come across you, you’re providing yet another example of your username being spot-fucking-on.

      • Snot
        29 days ago

        He see’s it as just the world we live in, because women approach him and treat THEMSELVES as sex objects. Those are the women that approach him, so that’s the experience he has with women. Women who only want him for his money.

        and what world are you living in that these women are approaching him at all? He had to get a financial arrangement to buy a marriage with Melania, a person who won’t fucking touch him, and slaps away his hand when he tries to touch her. He had to pay a shitload of money to have a chance with Stormy Daniels, same with Karen McDougal, and he paid even more money to try to cover up that he did.

        Trump is a rapist and the way he treats women is the way of a rapist. You’re fucking deluding yourself if you think lots of attractive women have approached Donald Trump. Nearly every woman he has ever touched he has paid for the pleasure of doing so. Even when he has “grabbed women by the pussy” he pays through lawsuits. He just thinks that’s the cost of being a gross rapist.

        Literally the only woman I can think of off the top of my head who we have prove who has moved on Trump is Laura fucking Loomer who isn’t exactly a beautiful woman, my dude.

        I can’t believe a bogus post arguing that Trump is more of a ladies man than a rapist has so many upvotes.

          29 days ago

          My post never said anything close to him being a ladies man. My post is that trump views women as transactional property, and that sex is something he gets for free because he’s rich.

          How did you read my post and think I was describing a ladies man??? His views are gross and a result of his experiences.

          But your perspective just confuses me how you got 2 + 2 = potato.

        29 days ago

        because women approach him and treat THEMSELVES as sex objects

        That’s some A+ victim blaming right there. E. Jean Carroll didn’t do shit

    29 days ago

    This story is from when Trump was putting up Trump Tower. The biggest scandal that he used illegal immigrants to demolish the original building. He ended up havign to pay them over $1 million for the abuses.

    The part of the story that made him anathema to the Manhattan elites was that he destroyed the building after promising to preserve it. It was considered one of the loveliest buildings in the city.

      29 days ago

      Trump initially avoided any comment about the Bonwit Teller artwork. But John Baron, a spokesperson with the Trump Organization, contacted the New York Daily News to discuss the situation. Baron informed the Daily News that “the merit of the stones was not great enough to justify the effort to save them.” Baron stated that the removal process could have set back Trump Tower’s construction timeline by two weeks. Baron also told the New York Times that he had no idea what happened to the ornate grillwork.
      Long after Baron’s initial contact, the New York Daily News learned that John Baron was actually Donald Trump, in disguise.


        29 days ago

        You’re just finding out about John Barron at this late date?

        On the other hand, keeping track of all of Trump’s lies and scandals is like trying to read Lord of the Rings while watching Avengers Endgame and listening to an audio book of Game of Thrones at the same time.

          28 days ago

          I’m not from the US and while, thanks to the internet, I probably know more about Trump’s scandals and crimes than is necessary or reasonable for anyone only indirectly affected by his actions, I’m sure I’ve only scratched the surface. Especially since, as you said, you really have to put in an effort to keep track of all of them.

          So I’m just observing from afar and constantly amazed by every new detail I stumble upon.

            28 days ago

            I’m a life long New Yorker who has seen all of his scandals in the local media [he’s been trying to get his name in the papers since the 1980s] Back in the 1990s there was a local satire magazine called Spy. They ridiculed the pompous and Trump was a favorite target. They once wnated to find the cheapest person in the City.

            They sent a few dozen rich folks checks for less than $2.00. Personal checks to home addresses. Most threw the checks away, but a few cashed them. The magazine kept sending checks in smaller and smaller amounts.

            In the end, only Trump and an arms dealer cashed the last check. 13 cents. $0.13. Not enough to make a phone call.

            I’ve literally never heard one good story about him.

    29 days ago

    Would he even make it pass “grab em by the p****” in 2016?

    Bill Cosby rapped celebs for decades my man…

    Also, there a one thing “trumps” race and that’s being a nepo baby…

    Why is this hard for society to accept lol

    29 days ago

    No, because his popularity with the cult of fools is primarily based on two things: 1. talking at a third grade level and 2. fear mongering about black and brown people.

    I suppose you could add “appearing to be rich and successful” and some other ingredients in there. But I think the 2 mentioned are his biggest power sources by far.

    29 days ago

    Impossible to say. He certainly wouldn’t have been a real estate icon in the 80s and would probably not have been born a silver spoon trust fund baby.

    29 days ago

    I was gonna reply that Hermain Cain was probably the “Black Donald Trump”, but I looked it up and Cain actually had success in his business ventures. He also was only married once.

    29 days ago

    Who is Herman Cain? A black man who lost to Romney in the Republican primary. He was a tea party candidate who faced accusations of harrassment and infidelity. He also quoted a song from the Pokemon movie in speeches because he didn’t realize it was not an original song by Donna Summer.

      28 days ago

      You think the white supermacists would vote Kamala / Hillary / Biden rather than Kanye?

      Another one of Trump’s core demographics is the religious christians too, despite Trump not having a religious bone in his body.