How do you eat this fruit called kiwi?
After more than 30 years using a small spoon, I changed. Now I’m eating the whole fruit including the skin.
I take the skin off with a potato peeler and then slice it.
Is the skin even edible? I hate peeling that, which is why I use a spoon.
Skin is edible just a little fuzzy
I’ll try eating it with skin next time then, thanks.
You can also rub the hairs off first, on your pants or whatever. The hairs are not terrible, but I’m not a huge fan.
I just bite into it like an apple.
People are often disgusted, which just makes it taste all the sweeter.
I, too, eat kiwis this way.
I don’t think people of New Zealand will appreciate you biting them.
There’s at least 3 of us!
4, brothers
5 of us! Hello fellow enlightenment humans!
4, at minimum
Do it with a banana or a pineapple to really freak people out. Watermelons and pomegranates are also options.
Citrus, in particular grapefruit, would be also a good option to freak out people
Grapefruit and navel oranges aren’t that bad. The worst ones are thin leathery peels like mandarins
But how do you eat apples? I eat the whole thing, ass first, pit and all.
This is correct. Oncw you get to the top you can use the stem as a little handle too.
Wait, this isn’t how everyone else eats them?
People mention eating it whole… I at least shave the hair off it first.
schick? venus?
Honestly, it has a better mouth feel when they’re waxed.
Why is everyone eating the skin?
Get a load of this guy, peeling their apples, grapes and tomatoes.
Sure, but Kiwi fruit skins has hair …
I realize this may make me sound like a psychopath, but I legitimately do eat my kiwi fruits like this.
I straight up bite into it unpeeled and am not bothered by the inconsequential fuzzy part because it’s immediately immersed in the delicious fruit pulp.
So, like a peach, huh? I’m half tempted to try this now.
I suet to scoop aswell but now eat the whole thing. Started doing it after seeing a coworker do it. They said you don’t notice it and gave me one of thiers. I tried it that way, and they were right. I didn’t notice it.
Cut off both ends, slice in half, eat skin-on.
Eat the whole thing. The skin is sour but in a good way, and has most of the nutrients.
I remove the sticker, wash it under the tap and one bite at a time, eat it whole.
I pressed ctrl + F, typed in “wash”, and your comment was the only mention. Are people forgetting to wash fruit or forgetting to say they wash fruit?
Peel, slice, eat with a fork. I know that the skin is edible, I just don’t like the texture.
I wish I could be so unfettered
I lick mine for several weeks until I get to the centre.