Are there any animes or TV shows you can’t stop recommending?
74 episodes. Psychological thriller. Serial murder mystery, but instead of “whodunit?” it’s “whydunit?”. Dramatic as an opera. No weird tropes. Superb character development. I love Magnificent Steiner.
@Shkshkshk @asklemmy
There’s a ton of anime that I *might* recommend to different people, depending on individual preferences and tastes: the one that I come closest to recommending everyone, without qualification, would be:
“Keep Your Hands off Eizouken”
It’s basically a love letter to:
* joys and challenges in the process of creative collaboration
* how each success begets further goals
* how reflecting on details and oddities of the world adds to artFor anime, Ghost in the Shell. My favorite is the Stand Alone Complex series.
For TV show, Fringe. It’s a sci-fi show taking place in the modern world.
For movie, Red Lights. It’s about a group that disproves paranormal/super natural events. I recommend it because it’s not well known.
His and Her Circumstances (Kare Kano). Such a gently told manic love story.
Pretty much anything by Trigger is going to be worth at least a watch through once.
The League of Legends show, Arcane, is some of the best animation I think I’ve ever seen and season two comes out next month.
FLCL and FLCL Alternative are both amazing, I couldn’t get into Progressive.
Mob Psycho and One Punch Man are wild rides. I think OPM is better, but that’s because I’m bald.
I think OPM is better, but that’s because I’m bald.
For DDDD, not gonna tell you how to watch but i’ve seen a lot of people going both ways. You can either watch episode 0 at the start or after episode 16. Episode 0 is chronologically out of order. I watched it at the start.
I just recently finished bingeing the show and really enjoyed it. Let me know how you liked it
Ooo, I’ve already read the first handful of chapters of the manga, so I’m not sure if that covers what is in episode 0. Do you think it would have been a better watch through to have it at the end?
From what i know the manga is in full chronological order. I don’t know who’s decision it was to have episode 0 at the start instead of at the end.
I honestly can’t say i’m really on the fence as to where to watch it. I can see the merit as to watching it both ways.
Since i watched it first i had qustions where some were slowly answered and also some realizations about things being introduced that i already knew about because of Episode 0.
On the reddit for the series someone did a poll, yes is at the start no is after ep 16
Oooh I’ve been eagerly awaiting season 2 of Arcane. Hadn’t seen the release date yet. Excited now. 😸
Gurren Lagan
Fucken watch it
Log Horizon is what SAO wishes it was
Just who the hell do you think we are?
Fuck i forgot about Gurren Lagan. What am I doing with my life
Gurren Lagan
What is so great about this? Just watched the first couple of eps. First impression is not good: It seems like the classical mindless shonen fighting anime alongside pretty childish humor and a distastefully sexualized main female character. Her outfit is literally a bikini and she’s sexualized in the very first scene and in basically every scene she’s in since that one, wtf?
Watch until episode 9 at least.
I just didn’t have the patience for that honestly. I doubt it will make a difference.
Yeah absolutely clicked on this to spout my spiel about Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. It’s my favorite anime ever.
Neon Genesis Evangelion is up there too, but I like TTGL more.
The Americans is the best show ive ever seen. Absolutely brilliant from the story to the acting.
My favorite show is also Haunting on Hill House. Its on Netflix. Perfect for Halloween if anyone is interested.
Haunting of Hill House. I may watch this every year in October until I die.
It’s a great horror show that can be rewatched multiple times, but it also has some amazingly written and performed drama and characterization. There’s literally a scene later in the show that portrays an outsider’s emotional breakdown better than I’ve ever seen in any medium.
@Shkshkshk @asklemmy First season of Jessica Jones. But its got some major trigger warnings around sexual assault, suicide, domestic abuse and drug use, for a superhero show.
#superHeroesODDTAXI. The intro will pull you in. The dialogue and story will keep you hooked.
But please, use subs. I don’t think the English dub is good enough.
I don’t think the English dub is good enough.
That’s usually the case, which I find unusual since the original voice acting is there; just copy it.
I think you underestimate how well developed the VA industry is in Japan. A lot of them are famous or use that as a start to become idols, so there’s a lot more training and effort put into it, compared to most other countries
ODDTAXI is an absolutely amazing show. It feels slow and chill, yet it’s really gripping.
The writing is phenomenal! Every detail matters, even little stuff like “what pen is that guy writing with?”
OMG!!! I get to recommend Delicious in Dungeon!!! The show is a bit of a slow burn, but the early episodes set up the incredible world building and the basic plot points. Then as it starts churning it gets crazy. The story is strong enough on it’s own, but it’s animated by Studio Trigger so the anime is pure perfection.
I keep hearing it’s amazing but I bounced off hard on the first couple episodes. I wish anime didn’t need the 5 episodes rule, things should sell themselves from the start. Maybe I’ll give it another go. My wife is keen to watch it.
I powered through as I kept hearing everyone recommend this. It felt pointless because I didn’t get watching a cooking show about stuff you could never eat because it isn’t real.
The comments I read said it took a tonal shift when they finally got back to the red dragon. It’s about halfway through, which took me weeks to get to.
The second half is awesome! If this is what it was like all along, it would have been amazing. The first half gives you nothing to expect what the second half is, which makes it feel more intense, but I still feel is kinda terrible pacing.
I want more now because the characters really are good, which is probably why they used that first half the way they did, but it was tough before seeing where it was going. Frieren had a much better buildup before it really started getting serious for example.
Drag liked the first half better. Drag came for the cooking. Drag thinks the second half has too much drama. Drag likes the kitty, though.
anon does not judge Drag negatively for having different preferences. anon understands why a dragon person may not enjoy the second half. anon also approves of the kitty. anon and drag find common ground.
I was hooked by the second episode.
I was also watching a lot of cooking shows while playing Elden Ring. So maybe it was right fit right time.
My Deer Friend is amazing.
Which reminds me that there’s probably a new episode out right now. 😃
I also would always recommend the staples in anime:
Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Dragonball, DBZ, Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rouroni Kenshin, Full Metal Alchemist, Ghost in the Shell, and Ninja Scroll.
@Kolanaki @Shkshkshk I recommend a few of those and also Samurai Champloo
For sure! I’m sure I’ve missed a bunch more that I would put in that list, too.
Holy hell you killed it on the anime suggestions. May I suggest Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood over the original?
Also, have you watched Samurai Champloo? That and Baki (all of them) are the only others I can think of off the top of my head
Edit: Oshi No Ko
Personally, I liked the original more. I just think it did the darker elements of the story way better. Brotherhood had a totally different focus, but I do appreciate it having an actual conclusion unlike the original.
To put it another way: the original makes me cry at some parts; Brotherhood never did.
I agree, but I see the other side as well.
Brotherhood took away too much of the darkness, but FMA wandered around a lot in the middle and got lost.
You’re getting a recency bias, but I watched Akudama Drive about a month ago and really loved it.
For anime, I highly suggest Serial Experiments Lain if you haven’t seen it. Non-anime cartoons I’d recommend are Adventure Time and Lower Decks (its star trek and hilarious). For crude/absurd humor Rick and Morty and Human Resources. For non-animated tv I’d recommend Strange Worlds (star trek again), Sandman, Fall of the House of Usher, Severance (I haven’t seen season 2 yet but the 1st season was really good)
I had like a good month long period where I’d just randomly stop whatever I was doing and think to myself, “God DAMN Fall of the House of Usher was SO GOOD.”
Really? I’m super curious what made you feel this way. I have to say I was pretty underwhelmed by it compared to Flanagan’s other series’.
It may have been because Poe was one of the few authors I read as a kid, and seeing what they did with the stories tickled my brain in all the right ways.
I can stop recommending Bad Sisters, but I won’t. It’s fantastic, through and through.
Maybe not everyone cup of tea but to me Mr. Robot.
At first sight you may thinking the show is about “individual” hacker taking down corporate but once you understand it has longer lasting effect especially when you relate/something similar with Elliot. The cinematography, the score is chef kiss👌🏻, Season 2 slow burns on the first half but worth to not miss them.
The magical thing is this show on rewatch make more sense and definitely Sam Esmail planned everything from get go on writing.
Among the best TV series I have seen.
I was only able to get a couple episodes in. When his surrogate gay dad said that he’d do anything for him and two scenes later you have Rami Malek going “AHH I have noone who can help me what do I do?!??”, I couldn’t keep watching.
Though it might also be my inability to watch a show where characters get ‘worse’. I got upto the third last episode of Arcane and when a pivotal moment in a characters story went bad It took me 5 days to finish the show.
I watched a good chunk of it when it was first coming out, but I had to drop it because i was frankly not in a good enough place to hear the things that show was trying to say.I can see your point as I watch the show after everything released (late 2022).
The thing that’s so great about Mr. Robot is that it ends perfectly. You can tell the show writers decided exactly what story they wanted to tell and then executed on that plan. They didn’t just meander about and eventually land on a half-assed ending once the show’s budget dried up.
First time I realized that the ending/revelation was that near in S1, jaw dropped really hard.
I disagree. First season was perfect. But then it went downhill into unresolved Lost mystery boxes. The last episode of the last season itself was great but Esmail had no idea how to fill out the episodes of the last season to get there.
He was throwing around split personalities like Ronald Moore threw around Cylons. The time machine story went nowhere despite a multi season build up.
imo the ending, last half of season 4 is justified. If you take the “Time machine” fan theory and in case of Elliot meeting himself to me it’s just happen inside his head like what happen at some moment in S1 and S2.
For split personalities/MPD, if you rewatch the show Sam Esmail definitely laid out everything from start ever since Season 1, that’s why rewatching the show especially on S1 some scenes make senses.
Watched this show back in late 2022. Avoided forums/online discussion so I can fully grasp the show on my own thoughts.