For me it would be the wise goblin man Yoda, an absolute classic jedi who spits truth and teaches the next generation about the force.
“Do or do not, there is no try” - Yoda, 1980
What about you, fellow jedi or sith, what character brings you closer to the force?
Grand Admiral Thrawn - but only the EU version.
Really a fascinating character in so many respects. One of the more complex and difficult to decipher ones. Was he really a genius out for the good of the galaxy? Or a social status-climber willing to latch on to any cause he could while serving his own ends? Were his more questionable deeds really done regretfully “for the greater good”, or was that just an excuse?
My man R2-D2. Took no shit from anyone, did what he thought was right, was around from the beginning, and survived practically everything. Plus was a loyal friend to Threepio even when he was acting like an idiot
Without R2 ANH would have gone very differently.
When I was a teen I always wanted to get my hands on a machine that makes subtitles on tapes or however TF it was done in the 90s and make my own version where R2 is just absolutely foul mouthed and abusive the whole time.
I’m a simple man, so any ewok will do.
Ahsoka Tano.
She is driving everyone crazy but she cares so much, and empathize with her so much.
Man, the clone wars really fucked me up didn’t it…
I can’t explain why but maybe Kylo Ren
Darth Vader, always wanted to know who he was protecting when luke attempted to kill Sidious. Was he protecting his master or his son from the dark side?
Salacious Crumb for the galactic win
My Yorkie looks exactly like salacious crumb at times.
Finn (FN-2187)
He follows his heart so radically. I admire that.
Ahsoka Tano.
Darth jar jar if we’re allowing any peripheral characters/universes.
Otherwise, to me, ol palpy palpy poopoo would be the most interesting man in that galaxy. he controlled the galactic empire for a while. used it to expand power and presence, and sought immortality. etc.
now whether or not I approve of him being in IX… well… let’s just say that wasn’t him but a revived amalgamation of several sith.
I’m not very well versed in the lore, but didn’t he basically follow Plagueis’s plan?
Dr Spock
War is intolerable. We have been deceived into thinking that we must be a part of it. I say the moment we committed to fighting, we already lost.
Duchess Satine Kryze
I always liked Qui-Gon.
A Jedi who was always true to his faith in the force and never fell into to the politics of the order.
I agree
It was pretty much Obi-Wan until I saw Rogue One, Cassian Andor is just a great character, maybe because of the way Diego Luna portrays him. The way he analyses his environment and the way convoluted schemes around him play out is some of the best the franchise has to offer.
It’s really nice to see a normal person resisting fascism instead of just magical space wizards.