One of my new friends is/was a cop. Just found out about it. I genuinely believe ACAB, and this news has me conflicted because my new friend seems really cool and super nice. I don’t know him super well yet, though. He’s a big part of this new friend group and I don’t know how to process this and how to deal with the fact he’s a cop.

I don’t want to look past the fact he’s a cop, but I want to stay his friend and stay in this friend group.

Any advice for dealing with this shit?

I can’t talk to my therapist about it until Thursday.

    3 months ago

    With things like cops, you have to remember that if no one with morals goes into it, it’ll keep getting worse.

    I have a lot of family that are in some kind of law enforcement, and a couple friends from college that went into it as well.

    If you cut them off because they’re cops, then the only people who associate with them are assholes and it concentrates.

    Just be upfront about it.

    Couple months ago I ran into a friend of a friend from college who’s a cop. The first and last things I said to him was dont be a fucking asshole. Other than that I treated him the same as if he wasn’t a cop.

    If we cut that dude out of our lives, the only people he’d talk to would tell him to be more of an asshole.

    Like, obviously if he’s doing shady shit, then fuck him.