aka: Burglary of your home, Car break-in, Your bedroom getting searched by someone (Parents/Roomates/Housemates/ or even Burglars), Your Backpack, Personal Electronics/Phone/Computer/etc getting searched, etc. (Including any seaches by law enforcrment / security)

Basically, anything that can be considered “personal space”.

Why I ask?

Well… My parent’s car has signs of being searched through last night, I think they forgot to close the windows all the way, and some random thief got in and looking for valuables, nothing of value wa taken, but stuff were all over the car, now I hate the idea of getting into that car again (someone might’ve slept inside the car, blegh 😖). That car feels so “tainted” now.

Like this cant be only my feeling right? Like, you just feel disgusted after someone touch your things against your will (especially if they are strangers).

  • BougieBirdie@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    3 months ago

    About two weeks after I moved out of my parents’ place, my apartment was broken into while I was at work.

    I had a pretty bitchin’ video game collection and a basement apartment. They broke in through a window and cleaned me out.

    Kind of a funny story, I had worked a double shift and was pretty exhausted when I came home. Went straight to the kitchen to make some mac n’ cheese. Came back out to the living room to watch TV with dinner and there was no TV. That was my first clue something was amiss.

    I couldn’t stay in that apartment, ended up moving elsewhere before my first month’s rent was up. I felt a bit better when I was in a different apartment, but I guess that feeling of my nest being violated stuck around a bit longer. I kept a bat by the door for a long time, and I still end up triple checking the locks because of something that happened like fifteen years ago.