I watched Bedknobs and Broomsticks over Christmas and now I have Bobbing Along stuck in my head.
Let’s share our current ones to remove their power.
My adoptive mother passed away some months ago from old age, being sixty years older than me, and from Christmas Eve to the night after, the melody and lyrics of us singing “up on the rooftops” got stuck in my head.
… Has the sweetest…
Sticky by Tyler the Creator
Civilization - Bongo Bongo Bongo.
I’m replaying Fallout 4.
“I don’t want to set the world on fire” is the one I always think of with Fallout. For obvious reasons.
As a teen I hated “They’re taking the hobbits to Isengard” and of course like all immature teens, my friends, kept on singing it or playing it. And then one day I used it to dislodge another earworm and ever since it is now my power earworm, able to dislodge any other song before fading away.
So tell me, where is Gandalf? For I much desire to speak with him…
The balrog of morgoth
What did you say?
I know an earworm typically consists of a song, but what is really plaguing me is those laugh tracks people add to reels because my wife watches them 6 hours a day.
“Still Alive” from Portal. It’s super addictive for some reason.
Hair of the Dog by stop.drop.rewind
The Gilmore Girls theme song. My wife had never seen it before. Now she has.
Glad to hear that this has been made right.
Botfly larva
Omfg I have been reminded this exists