And I mean like Cartoon pop teleport sound effect “Huh? What happened to my job?”
Disagree in any shape or form with the department head it seems by recent events
At my last job, one of the presales guys was terminated instantly when he tried to expense a client meeting at a strip club.
Definitely talking about unions if you’re in the US. I single-handedly saved the company I worked for from a $10M+ data breach, got top performance reviews, and then got screamed at by my boss after I sent an article to a coworker about how UPS drivers had gotten massive raises by unionizing. I was fired a month later for “unprofessional conduct” with zero examples given and despite the protests of the rest of the team I worked with.
Yeah, my work has an anti-union section of the employee handbook. It says they are proud to provide such good benefits that a union isn’t needed (definitely not true). And how we need to talk to HR first if we ever feel like our working conditions would warrant one. I suspect you wouldn’t be allowed back to your desk if you did that.
Pissing in the coffee machine your boss uses, right below a security camera.
Guy disappeared so quick, the CEO interrupted our daily IT stand-up meeting to disable his account and door chip.
All our took for me was being too highly paid, I think. Lay offs came and I went. Literally about to present the closing slides for the current phase of a massive project. Was so sure I was safe because of said critical project and was well regarded on my team. (I brought cookies even!) Maybe I was, maybe I wasn’t. I was, however, the highest paid in my department.
Go postal.
Most any job I’ve ever had: drop a log on the boss’s desk
Two jobs ago: I worked at a teapot factory. If you walked the length of the plant floor and hit the emergency stop on each production line, that would be a good way to disappear quickly.
Leave your porn on a network drive 5 times.
Though, surprisingly, watching porn on the plant computer isn’t.
I know of a professor who did this with CP. Good news is he’s in jail.
In the sense of one day you’re there, the other day you’re not, may I suggest not realising that you’re not looking after your mental health, having a total meltdown and finding yourself walking erratically up the road away from the place in a roughly homeward direction, followed by not being OK ever since?
Actually, no, I take that back. I suggest doing the polar opposite of that. Once that particular Prince Rupert’s drop pops, it’s an impossible task to put it back together again.
Also, when back looking at it, you’d begin to realise that the warning signs were there all along, so maybe everything wasn’t so sudden, or isekai, as you put it, at all.
Unrelated: I can’t not hear “he’s a guy” when I hear “isekai”.
Bitcoin miner on the computers without permission. (Saw it happen once.)
We lost a guy who received verbal agreement on running Folding@Home, but didn’t have it on paper. It was a large private cloud (data center).
When I worked at CompUSA I would install Folding@Home on all the display computers. I don’t think anyone ever noticed.
So you’re responsible for them closing!
TBF, he was folding at work
Start telling everyone I interact with what I really think about them.
If some of the people I work with knew how little time I spend thinking about them, some egos would be severely hurt.
Support human life’s and care about others. Usually will get you fired in America really fast.
I work in a highly secured facility so… there’s a LOT I could do to get instantly fired. The fastest would probably be trying to get through security with a weapon.
Me: Hey guys, I plugged in this wifi AP to the network so we can work and walk about.
People: uhh, what brand is it?
Me: Huawei, it was super cheap from a dude in the parking lot. Here is the … Why am I being harries away be security?
What does iskaied mean
Isekai, Japanese for different world, is a genre of media usually about someone being teleported from the mundane world to a fantastical one.
And I’m this instance I mean the word jokingly, like instant teleported to “not having a job land”
For my current job, it takes a lot to be fired.
Tagging a wall would probably do it