word policing (thanks for that. I think scab is so much more fitting in this case)
tone policing
Do these types of comments ever get you anywhere? Now that you’ve thoroughly offended me, did you have a point to make? Or was your point just that no one should have free speech and should be punished severely for calling out injustice wherever they see it?
Speaking of which, do you ever attempt to vocalize these strange things out loud to yourself and think, “am I a fascist?”
Again, everything I have said in this thread is in defense of free speech and anti-genocide. There are no red herrings here. I responded to all comments, matching the tone of the comment (except yours which literally violates the ToS of pretty much all of Lemmy).
I’m going to block you now. It’s clear that this is /u/[email protected]’s troll account and I deeply hurt your feelings with my previous responses. Have a nice life!
Do these types of comments ever get you anywhere? Now that you’ve thoroughly offended me, did you have a point to make? Or was your point just that no one should have free speech and should be punished severely for calling out injustice wherever they see it?
Speaking of which, do you ever attempt to vocalize these strange things out loud to yourself and think, “am I a fascist?”
You’re certainly a piece of shit. Impressively yucky.
I’m a “certainly a piece of shit” because I ::checks notes::
Thanks for speaking up, troll.
On top of being a piece of shit, you’re an idiot then?
Nice red herrings! Think I wouldn’t notice you putting words in my mouth?
You know full well you’re a piece of shit because of how arrogant and full of yourself you are, get off that high horse, you cunt.
Again, everything I have said in this thread is in defense of free speech and anti-genocide. There are no red herrings here. I responded to all comments, matching the tone of the comment (except yours which literally violates the ToS of pretty much all of Lemmy).
I’m going to block you now. It’s clear that this is /u/[email protected]’s troll account and I deeply hurt your feelings with my previous responses. Have a nice life!
The usual “you must be someone’s alt account, there’s no way I could possibly be wrong” -ego-trip.
How megalomaniacal are you, really? That head of yours seems pretty inflated.
You know what else is against the ToS? Using your alts to downvote the entire history of someone’s comments lmao. Go take some sleepy pills.