
Teen drug, alcohol, and tobacco use in the U.S. continues to decline, with record-low usage levels reported in 2023, according to the University of Michigan’s Monitoring the Future survey.

Among 12th graders, 66% reported no recent use of alcohol, marijuana, cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, while 80% of 10th graders and 90% of 8th graders avoided these substances entirely.

Experts attribute the decline partly to reduced peer pressure during the pandemic.

However, nicotine pouch use has doubled among 12th graders, raising concerns.

Despite pop culture’s glamorization of smoking, teen cigarette use remains low.

    2 months ago

    This. It’s one thing to say wokeness is a problem if you live in California or Southern Ontario, it’s another to say wokeness is bad in Texas or Manitoba. There are people out there so consumed by hate that they want innocent people to suffer simply for not conforming, and it doesn’t matter who you are because there’s a brand of extremism for that. People are tired of discrimination, period. They’re sick of being told this is not a dream, of bowing to a Neon God that devours songs, devours innovations, devours even evil and fear by devouring our emotions… This world destroyed itself. Don’t you get that? I feel more at home in a city where “Last night’s body count lottery [sic]” was 30 people because if I met a person and they died, people cared enough to hire someone to avenge them. In a hyper-capitalist dystopia. I feel more fear from a goddamn invincible anomalous lizard than I fear the day my dad dies because I will kill myself when my parents are gone regardless. I can’t live without my only support net.

    And I especially love worlds that are what everyone wishes. Tet was a hero to me, because he rescued the protagonists from a world that didn’t value them at all. Hinobi is not evil to me, even as a relatively shady megacorp, because they’ve owned their mistakes. Why buy a car if you can buy Forza Horizon 5? Why go to Oxford or an Ivy League or CalTech if you could go to Hogwarts?

    Reality is the Matrix, not escapism. It always has been, it just looked like there was a more real world ruled by a God-Machine race about 30-15 years ago. It’s way overdue people start realizing that what changed is that now we’re living in The Matrix Ressurections, that not only is our reality mostly fake (money, power, fame) but our fiction is more fulfilling because it’s a Matrix that we are aware we’re in and that we can do as we please in, while actual reality only offers hollow, empty promises aimed at enriching the rich even more.

    I’m not saying we should give into our vices like it’s nothing. I’m saying we deserve to be allowed to dream and not be told we are unworthy of happiness for being average, or worse, for being mentally disabled. Or worse than even that, for daring to have a unique opinion. If I have to have entire fake worlds on call to feel like I even have the 10-15 years of job experience I need to be employable IRL, I will. Because I’ll never get that experience now. I and my entire generation are unemployable, because a few fucking bankers robbed our parents and then lied to our grandparents that we were lazy.

    Lazy? Or realistic? Math doesn’t add up, assholes. We will never have anything because of the rest of you, you deserve to watch us play games while the world burns.