I posted this question because I once saw a tweet that said something like:
“If you use adblock, you don’t care about creator’s point blank”
What is your opinion on this? Do you agree with them?
- I don’t like getting bombarded with ads.
- It hides scam ads.
- If the creator of something makes something I like I prefer to directly donate to them instead of giving up my privacy, and letting a company like google profit of it, and then they only give a small portion to the creator.
This “you don’t care about creators” is a sham argument designed to make you feel guilty. I hear this about piracy a lot. “You’re depriving all those blue collar people of a paycheck!” meanwhile the WGA has been on strike for weeks because big studios are screwing them over on pay. It’s the corporate executives that are screwing these people over not some individual who downloaded a torrent or installed an adblocker. One only needs to look at who is funneling all the money into their own pockets and it surely isn’t the general public.
Of course. And I’ll continue to do so as long as advertisement is detrimental to my online experience. If it wastes my time by forcing me to watch an ad before a video, if it distracts me from reading a text because of animations, if it tries to scam or shock me, I’m better off blocking it. I’m not against advertisement as communication that a useful product or service exists, I’m against advertisement abuse and greed.
I’ll happily pay for, donate to, or otherwise support services important to me that need and deserve it.
Yes. I’m happy to pay for the creators I care about, but advertising industry is rotten to the core.
Adblockers are absolutely necessary because ads are a malware threat, never mind the scams and invasive popups. The cReAtOrS didn’t care enough to ensure advertisements were safe, legitimate, or not horribly obnoxious so they did it to themselves.
I used to allow ads for certain sites but after malware attempts and scam ads, I block them across the board. If that upsets anybody, go whine to the shady advertises who made this a necessity to browse the web safely.
the argument feels like guilt tripping poor people for not making their masters richer. if you only care about getting paid, I do not give any fucks about your content because it’s probably garbage anyway. it seems the only “content” people like this produce are shitty hottakes of them ranting about something they don’t understand.
tl;Dr if your content is just a recording of yourself then it’s accurate to say I don’t give a shit about the content creator in that scenario.
Also, at least in my experience, the people who most have a problem with this and make statements like “adblockers are piracy” or “adblockers kill creators” tend also to be the people who put dick pill and crypto ads on their website. The people most in favour of ads tend to be the people using the least tolerable ads on their content. In the same way that people who spout “no censorship anywhere, free speech at all costs” whenever their social media posts get removed tend to post content that serves as the best arguments for websites needing ‘censorship.’
I don’t do a thing without ad blockers. I decide what junk I open and what I watch. When a site has ad blocking detection, it’s not worth my time, ever. Ads are the cancer of the current society. When I have something, ads are useless, when I don’t have it, ads are equally useless, as I don’t want and need it.
When creators of content create good content, I pay, same for apps. Ad companies leaching of the creators content need to be banned. (Those companies earn a lot more then content creators on those ads)
When there is an adblocker that will trigger the payment without me having to watch the ad (or even pull it over the web) I’m fine with it, else, no ads revenue. I pay for my data subscription, I decide.
I use adblock because it makes the internet usable. There’s just so much crap shoved in your face these days. Not just ads that are blocked, but sponsored search results and SEO crap that you have to use your time and energy to filter out. I don’t know how anybody actually buys stuff or responds to internet ads. I’m more and more on the Dead Internet Theory bandwagon.
This. The internet as it is today is utterly unusable without at least 3 levels of as blocking. Truly a dystopian nightmare (not to mention the environmental impact of this garbage).
The internet’s practically unusable without it now. We’ll always be in this rat race with advertisers and such. If I have the technical ability to circumvent every advertisement, I’ll do it. Advertisers get plenty from the people without the tech know-how, and I directly support creators that I want to support. Maybe a bit of a “f you I got mine” position, but whatever. Zero guilt.
This is my issue. I don’t mind a couple of tasteful, well placed ads. But so many sites are entirely unusable because of auto playing video ads, pop overs, and half the content is covered by ads that don’t scroll with the screen.
On small sites with few ads I’ll happily support them by whitelisting. On any site that has a pile of ads, especially if it covers content, I block them. Period. And I try not to go there unless absolutely necessary.
If you, as a creator, choose to use advertising to monetize your content you don’t respect the limited lifetime of the people consuming your content or their security or about the way the marketing and advertising industry is destroying our society, such as (not exhaustive, just off the top of my head right now)
- building a surveillance economy, destroying privacy in the process
- manipulating people into voting in certain ways that are harmful to them and others
- protecting harmful products from scrutiny (e.g. tobacco, alcohol, products with too much sugar or fat or low quality ingredients, the car and oil industries, corporate climate change denial,…)
- encouraging overconsumption both in terms of quantity and in terms of items or services they don’t really need
- destroying content platforms with their mantra “not advertiser friendly”, leading to dystopian self-censorship on e.g. Youtube
And then there is the way internet advertising can spread malware and compromise the security of websites in general.
If you do want to monetize content in other ways there are models such as subscriptions or Patreon-style that are a lot more respectful of the user.
Absolutely. I understand things aren’t for free, but if you make my experience subpar I’m blocking ads.
I wish more creators would make content available across more platforms.
Oh yeah, I completely forgot to mention the way the advertising industry has basically ignored every feedback from users for two decades or more by making ads ever more intrusive and obnoxious. They reap what they sow.
I’m not a hardcore capitalist. Also i can’t watch all the ads the corporations would like to feed me every day. So i’m fine with using an adblocker. Don’t give stuff out for free on the internet if you don’t like this. But since you ask: I really don’t like that strategy to commercialize everything, to finance everything by selling ads and user data…
undefined> capitalist
are you a capitalist tho? I mean, I consider myself a capitalist and let’s just say people don’t agree with me a lot here. anyways, how has this platform been treating you
lol. i watched way too much star trek when i was a kid. i would consider myself as someone who dislikes capitalism. but that’s my private thing. i like having money available to buy food, eat nice noodles or go on vacation every now and then. but i wouldn’t be sad if that somehow worked without the concept of money or some of the big companies.
i like this platform. i’m fine, thanks for asking.
Yes. I don’t give a shit if it’s immoral.
Advertisers keep pushing for a more and more obtrusive browsing experience, while shoving consumerist junk in my face to try and drain my wallet.
And I’m just supposed to be okay with that?
Nope, I block all the ads I can.
The fact that is isn’t is just a bonus.
Browsing the internet without content filters(adblock) is like going through a dungeon naked without armor. Too many risks which are not worth it.
I use Adguard and ublock origin. There’s too much tracking, ads, crapware and even malware if you choose to not install one.
Even the FBI recommends to install an adblocker. https://www.standard.co.uk/tech/fbi-recommends-ad-blocker-online-scams-b1048998.html
Here’s a hacker news discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28631005
Recently tried a couple sites without an Adblock and it felt like the “good old days” of constant pop ups and garbage loading in the background while trying to read an article. The best are those autoplaying videos that don’t start muted.
So with that said, yeah, I think I’m gonna keep that Adblock on!
Yeah, the raw web is an awful wasteland of ads - unregulated shit sites happily bog down anything they possibly can. Even “non-spam” sites are inundated with irrelevant distractions at best, and maleficence at worst.
Anyone who says they don’t use ad blocker is either lying, they don’t know how, or they don’t know how much better the web could be without it.
Content creators that rely on ads, need to find a better way.
The story of internet ads is a classic greed to ruins fable. People put up with static picture and text ads for a very long time, and many, myself included, still don’t mind them. In fact, self-hosting picture and text ads is almost guaranteed to get through adblockers.
But then the ads started moving. They started playing sound. They started executing code and phoning home to third party servers and collecting user data without consent. They started consuming more system resources than the webpage itself. Malware started being distributed through it, and there was even a recent breakthrough of ad cryptominers, because, again, they literally execute arbitrary code on your computer!
At this point our trust in ads are irreversibly broken. We will never tolerate ads again like we did when they hadn’t done all this, even if they promises to clean up their act. Adblock was developed as not just something to remove unsightly ads, but also, and I do not exaggerate when I say this, as a line of defense for the security and usability of your computer. It’s like an antivirus, but it kicks in before the virus even reaches your computer! For this reason, I think adblockers are not only okay to have, but essentially a mandatory item for browsing today’s internet. If you want revenue in spite of that, maybe set up a tip jar and/or go back to self-hosted text and picture ads, I’m not disabling adblock and opening myself to harm because, no offense, I genuinely do not trust you.
Anyone who was around from the beginnings of the Internet will remember the evolution of ads from basic hyperlinks, to static images, to the period when ad companies realized they could abuse Adobe Flash to serve up the most obnoxious ads possible to try and grab peoples’ attention, while at the same time in some cases attempting to exploit peoples’ browsers to be even more obnoxious, run arbitrary code, or track users aggressively.
No one should feel bad about blocking ads. The people pushing them brought it upon themselves by ramping the annoyance factor up and up and up. Back in the day between the endless pop-ups and Flash ads, the web was barely usable without a good adblocker.
Ads continue to be intrusive to this day, with companies trying all kinds of weird and wonderful ways of tracking you across the web to learn what sites you visit and what you search for. Blocking them is a necessity for anyone conscious of their privacy and security online.
For the same reason popup blockers became a thing. Who doesn’t remember the hundreds of windows that would open. Thousands of dialog boxes which would prevent you from closing the windows and so on.
I have zero sympathy for ads. They messed up bad and there is no way to recover or regain any trust.
As the de facto IT guy for my family, I block ads on all their computers just as a basic safety measure.
I can usually spot a fake download button and avoid scammy sites, but my parents and grandparents seem magnetically attracted to them