Tried cancelling adobe. They wanted to charge for the rest of the year or something as a cancellation fee. Instead, I “upgraded” to a more expensive package, giving me their 14 day refund policy and was able to cancel immediately and still gave me access to the rest of the month. Fuck adobe
Fuck adobe
Pirating adobe will always be morally correct
If your bank can only deposit a certain amount of a check the same day and you need it all just cash it and deposit the cash
Great tip, if you live in the 1980s
It’s still valid today.
Payroll fucked up and I didn’t get a deposit a few weeks back. They gave me the choice of waiting 2 weeks and having the deposit added to my next paycheck, which is totally undoable, or they would cut me a paper check that day.
I took the paper check.
I decided it would be easiest if I could use my Bank apps Mobile deposit but it only allowed me to access $500 of it that day, the rest had to wait until the next business day which was Monday.
If I would have thought about it I would have done it this way so I could have had access to the whole check before the weekend.Sorry, can’t imagine having a banking system that’s a decade behind fuckin Eritrea or Kazakhstan and thinking it’s the norm 😂
Why be such a jerk to OP?
It’s not OPs fault they live in an underdeveloped nation, they’re just trying to get by.
I remember there was a time when you could use the self-serve kiosk at McDonald’s, order a bunch of plain cheeseburgers and remove everything so it was just a bun and it would credit back enough money that you could get a whole meal (plus a bunch of empty buns) for free.
The one big drawback: it’s still McDonalds
Calories are calories when you’re broke
If you get married the tradition is for one partner to change their last name to match so both have the same last name.
We didn’t do that, so we have different last names.
So when you sign up for services that offer (x) months free or discounted cost per unique household, you use one name, cancel, and sign up under the other name. They don’t know you’re married, don’t know if it’s a rental, or don’t know if it’s a roommate thing. So when we were poor AF we could save a lot of $ on services at least for a few months or so. Usually cable tv that offered a 6-month discount.
Even with the same last name they don’t know you’re married. We share a last name and have done this a few times before.
Well played, then.
has not worked for me. most places its by address.
Eh, this was years ago we played this game. We tried to keep it on the DL by not changing immediately after the discount, usually several months later. We also had separate checking accounts and cards, so that probably helped. The policy may have updated since then, but I don’t see how they’d know if one person canceled the policy and another with an entirely different name and payment account opened a new one.
yeah and actually if its a single family home I have gamed the system by putting apt 1a, 1b, etc but I have not tried it when I actually have an apt/unit/whatnot
Where I live you can freely use your maiden name or your spouse’s name and switch between them whenever you want.
We didn’t like either of our last names so before getting married I legally changed mine so my Spouse could adopt it after the wedding, instead of both of us legally changing it after the wedding.
Back in the day they were “selling” dollar coins through tv. It was legal tender so banks had to accept any deposit of it. The U.S. mint offered free shipping in the continental U.S.A.
Some smart folks started buying them with their credit card that offered air travel miles as a reward. Then they took all the coins and depositing them in their bank and paid off their CC. Rinse and repeat.
Yes they were out no money and had thousands of dollars worth airline miles.
don’t those coins cost more than their face value? you are talking commemorative coins yeah?
Commemorative coins do cost more that is correct. However this was not those. This was when the US mint was essentially attempting to phase out the dollar bill and replace it with a coin.
Keep in mind this was late 90s early 2000s.
One of the sub plots to Punch Drunk Love, and a true story.
If something you bought broke because of shitty design (like stick drift), buy a new one and return the broken one for a refund with the box and receipt from the new one
In Australia you don’t need the box.
You don’t even need a receipt.
Simply a bank transaction on your phone to show them. They have to match that to their records.
You can choose to go to the manufacturer, or the retailer. They can’t palm you off to each other. You call it. They must act.
Australian people have some of the strongest consumer rights in the world. They just need to use them.
God I love Australia.
Even if it’s just barely out of 1 year warranty?
In Australia, warranty periods defined by the manufacturer are taken into account. However, our consumer law states that the warranty should match an expectation, based on factors such as price and expected product life.
For example, my Lenovo Carbon X1 had an issue. It had a 1 year warranty.
I was just over 2 years with the machine. I contacted them for repairs. Lenovo said no, it’s out of warranty. I simply sent them the link to Australian consumer laws, and the relevant section. Explained that their crazy expensive flagship laptop has an expected life of longer than a year, and definitely longer than 2, and they simply agreed and sent out a courier to pick up the laptop. They fixed it free, as they should have. Their warranty is artificially low.
People just need to flex on these corporations. We have the law in our favour.
This isn’t a loophole, it’s straight up illegal. And a dick move to the person who buys it next thinking they’re getting a new one.
Nonsense. It’s accurately returned as defective. If it’s placed back into inventory that’s a mistake. No different than the retailer placing a “legal” return due to defect back on the shelf for sale, and that would be obviously fraudulent behavior by the retailer.
It’s not a loophole if it’s illegal. My guess is this counts as fraud.
Impossible to prove. Functionally unenforceable. But, sure, perhaps not technically a loophole.
Unless there’s a serial number on the box that matches one printed on the product.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with doing this to Amazon or Walmart, especially when something breaks just outside of the return period and the warranty would be a pain to deal with.
Yah I wouldn’t be as quick to try this return method if they could see a mismatch between box and controller serial numbers.
And yep, Walmart. I don’t shoplift and I don’t consider return fraud to be theft, but I do genuinely believe it is morally just to shoplift from Walmart. Probably not wise with how loaded up they certainly are with surveillance, but I am all in favor of anyone stealing from that fucking company.
unethical life pro tip.
I dunno, it only hurts the corporation and it’s on them for making a crappy product.
Some retailers (Costco) have very relaxed return policies so you wouldn’t even have to do this.
Go to a climbing gym. “I think I left my drink bottle here last week. It was clear, about this size”. Worker pulls out a box of lost and found drink bottles. “Oh, that is it there”. Take a dusty one (so you know it’s been there a while, and nobody’s coming back for it). Now you have a new drink bottle! Give it a clean and go!
The best loophole I’ve ever learned about is closed now.
Early in the Dubya administration they were pushing the dollar coins pretty hard. They went through a whole thing where any government coin-operated machine had to take dollar coins (veterans of the time mostly saw this as it mostly effected military bases but this is why the stamp vending machines at the post office suddenly became useless; they now took dollars instead of quarters).
One of the ways they “encouraged” the use of dollar coins was selling them directly on the Mint’s website. You could go on the US mint’s website and pay face value for them with a credit card, and they paid for shipping. Spend $500, and 500 $1 coins would be shipped to your door.
So people would order tens of thousands of dollars in coins on a credit card, as soon as they arrived they’d haul the coins to the bank and deposit them, immediately pay off the credit card bill with the deposited currency thus accruing no interest, and then they’d have all those rewards points to spend. The government was taking it up the ass shipping tons of coins to residential addresses, the goal of putting them into circulation utterly failed because they were being taken directly to banks, the credit card companies were taking it up the ass on rewards points that weren’t generating enough interest payments to feed the parasites. The policy got canned.
Imagine getting to fuck over a Republican administration and the parasite industry in one perfectly legal move. Too bad I was 14 at the time and wasn’t allowed to have a credit card.
Coinage in this country is one of my pet peeves. We should have a 3, 5, an .50 coins in regular circulation. Coins can work great. They can work fast too.
I can’t believe people shit all over the coin (Sacagawea dollar piece) like they did. They should have made it bigger though, too similar to a quarter to easily distinguish by feeling.
A lot of the mistake was made decades earlier with the Susan B. Anthony dollar, which was the same color and basically the same size as a quarter and thus often mistaken for one. The solution? Mint it in “”“”“”“gold”“”“”“”. It’s actually brass, mainly copper and zinc with some manganese and nickel. Brand new it’s too yellowy and then it tarnishes. It pretends to be gold way worse than the copper-nickel mix in quarters, dimes and, well, nickels pretend to be silver.
It’s still the same dimensions as an Anthony dollar so it still has the problem that it’s very close in size and shape to a quarter, most coin op machines either outright won’t take them or will accept them as quarters, and we’re used to “cents are coins, dollars are paper” that most people didn’t care. The republicans hated them because there was a brown chick on it, everyone hated them because they tried to immediately cram them into everyday life, and then the Mint hated them because they took it up the ass shipping tons of them to residential addresses only for them to end up in banks in original mint packaging anyway.
If it were me, what I would do is scrap the idea that there are 100 cents in a dollar because the dollar has gotten too worthless to worry about a hundredth of one. Stop minting pennies, nickels and quarters, let the existing stock circulate for a couple decades without minting more, and then when everyone is naturally standardized on the dime, ditch the cent entirely and make it 10 dimes to a dollar. I am also a raging misanthrope who would bring back burning at the stake, so probably don’t vote for me.
The great recoinage/auto-da-fé of 2025!
auto-da-fé, what’s an auto-da-fé?
It’s what you oughtn’t a do but you do anyway.
I don’t know if it’s a “loophole,” but I find my phone to be a pretty good eReader. I did the same with an old tablet (just has the eReader and the book(s)). I’ve never had a real eReader so I can’t really comment on the difference, but if you’re just trying to read, a good app costs a couple bucks, way cheaper.
I would call that not a loophole but definitely a nice LPT.
Doesn’t it strain your eyes tho? I thought the appeal of having an e-reader is having the screen easy on the eyes.
My phone is definitely easy on the eyes because I can see my reflection in the glass.
Not that I’ve noticed. I can usually fiddle with the settings (some even let you program a day and night mode). But I also state at screens all day, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
I’ve always used Android tablets. You need an app that allows you to fiddle with the colors. Mine is dark orange on a black background.
eReader Prestigio has been good to me.
“Walmart rentals”
If you need a product for a project but can’t afford it, go buy it at Walmart, use it, and when you’re done return it. Their return policy is pretty no questions asked, especially if you have a receipt. I had a roommate do this with an iPad he needed for a semester in college. I think it was a 14 day return policy, so he’d back it up and take it back every 13 days, then just buy a new one and repeat until the semester was over.
Even if you don’t have a receipt, actually. I’ve returned things I bought at Target to Walmart and gotten a refund. Granted, that was a few years ago.
I’m from the UK but aware of this because of the movie Garden State
Not something I did, but something a former ‘friend’ did:
Make a shitty dinosaur game, release it on Steam.
Get Steam to support your game’s items on the Steam Market Place.
Some other friend wants to buy a game?
You want to buy a game?
Use your admin powers to directly create rare in game items, then trade the items to your friend who then sells them, or you sell them yourself.
I think he managed to functionally defraud Steam of around a thousand bucks doing this.
… This is the ‘career path’ of a garry’s mod rp server admin, who would write viruses into the lua files which would be automatically downloaded and executed (escaping garry’s mod and steam!) by any one who joined his gmod server, such that either Garry or Valve had to completely rewrite the way lua was executed in the source engine to prevent this exploit.
Anyway, last time I talked with him, he’d gone fully through the 4chan kekistan to QAnon to actual outright white supremacist fascist, has had several of his Steam accounts entirely VAC banned.
What’s the game? I think I played it. Was it released 10 years ago?
He didn’t defraud Steam, he took advantage of other Steam users who are frivolous with their money, and Steam took their cut of the transaction.
You’re right, this is a more accurate description.
ITT: fraud
The ROTH IRA (USA) requires earned income to be allowed to deposit (add) money. There is no rule that the money earned is the money deposed. If your kid has a job, and you have extra money, look into opening a ROTH with them. Kid spends their money (or not), and deposits your money in their account. Bingo setting kid up for old age.
I am not a tax accountant.
Also income limits on a Roth IRA are easy to circumvent with the back door workaround.
What’s the workaround?
From Wikipedia:
Regardless of income but subject to contribution limits, contributions can be made to a Traditional IRA and then converted to a Roth IRA.[23] This allows for “backdoor” contributions where individuals are able to make Roth IRA contributions even if their income is above the limits.
Ah gotcha thanks. I thought you were referencing a contribution limit workaround
There is also SEP IRA
What is SEP IRA?
That’s a fairly common strategy - give your kid a gift up to the max amount that isn’t taxable, which they then deposit into their retirement account.
Not drinking isn’t one of the 12 steps
But commiting yourself to the idea of surrendering to some kind of God is.
So you can fail AA as a sober atheist, but pass it as a religious, functional alcoholic.
Great system.
Working as intended
12 steps of what?
The 12 steps of drinking. Not drinking’s not one of them.
Addiction recovery if I had to guess, in this case alcoholism.
Eye, but not drinking feels like a loophole insofar that I’ve abstained for over 5 years and went from no money to having a down payment for a house saved up, all while improving my health by leaps and bounds. Can’t get a beer gut if you don’t drink 👌
I’m probably 5 years sober … and yes you can :(
Do they still call it a beer gut when you don’t drink? Shouldn’t they call it a pizza and fries gut or something?
I’d say it’s mostly energy drinks,
but I found a really good zero alc beer that is also putting in work so technically still a beer gut.