To make a long story short: lately I’ve been flirting with the idea of getting a boob job. I’m satisfied with my current size and my husband is too, but I know he’d really love it - which makes the whole thing exciting for me. If I were to get it done, I’d technically do it for myself since I’d enjoy it, but my enjoyment would stem from my husband’s enjoyment. If it makes sense. So I’ve been thinking, what really is the line that separates the 2?
If it makes you (both) happy, just don’t overanalyze it. You can always dig to a deeper “why”, but what does it matter? If you really want to know, ask yourself (of course hypothetically) “if I left my husband afterwards, would I regret that I had it done?”
That said, something you should absolutely analyze in detail are the risks and physical discomfort and see if you’re OK with that.