To make a long story short: lately I’ve been flirting with the idea of getting a boob job. I’m satisfied with my current size and my husband is too, but I know he’d really love it - which makes the whole thing exciting for me. If I were to get it done, I’d technically do it for myself since I’d enjoy it, but my enjoyment would stem from my husband’s enjoyment. If it makes sense. So I’ve been thinking, what really is the line that separates the 2?
There is no such thing as getting a boob job for yourself.
You get a boob job because you feel your attractiveness and value as a person or partner is limited by the size of your breasts. You are getting bigger boobs to appeal to another person, real or imaginary. If you feel your value as a person is lower than if you had bigger boobs, you need therapy, not surgery. If someone else is telling you you need bigger breasts to be more attractive, they are toxic and should have no place in your best life.
Your husband should be providing for you all the external validation you need about your attractiveness. If you feel that he doesn’t value you as much as you would like, talk to him and work together on meeting your validation needs. Keep in mind his perceived lack of adequate interest can be projection or reciprocal due to you not meeting his needs(actually or perceptually), which is common in relationships when things between you have fallen into a comfortable routine.
Couples therapy can be a fantastic tool to help you if the two of you are having difficulty communicating and understanding the issues you may have and making progress towards mutual satisfaction with the relationship.
Personal option: To me, a girl with fake breasts is less attractive because she likely has underlying mental health issues that will manifest in other ways that makes her less attractive as a person regardless of how perfect her Ds are.