My sister got a Bluetooth headset and it reminded me that i cant use those because my ears heat up in less than 10 seconds after putting them on, in fact as i am typing this my ears are kinda of uncomfortably hot. Dust also cause my ears to heat, it usually the cause but it can also happen randomly as well as when i leave the PC monitor running when i sleep(same room).
there is some other stuff i thought to mention but i think it would be better for a post after discovering your body(e.g my cousin though all ppl can only see through one eye until recently because he himself can only see through one eye and that’s how he found out he has only one functioning eye)
Also feel free to talk about NSFW stuff and is this post hard to read(sentence structure wise)? Cause i never know if ppl have hard time reading my post, and at the moment i find it hard to read myself
I too get the hot ears. I always worry it’s a tell in poker.
so its visible to other ppl too for u. Can other ppl feel ur ear being hot? Do you have dust allergies or allergies in general?
I don’t know how visible it is, and how much people are paying attention, but they do get red and I feel hot in just my ears. Too many allergies to count. Idk if it’s allergy related or something up with my sinuses.
If I hold my pee for too long, I struggle to start peeing. It’ll weakly dribble but some will come out, then about 5 minutes later I can piss normally. It’s bullshit.
Guessing you’re a male? Similar issue here too. Gets worse as you get older I’ve found.
Came on pretty suddenly when I had my appendix out around 20. They put a catheter in for the surgery and there was a little mishap that required some repair. Everything works fine unless there’s too much backpressure. Hasn’t changed much in the past 18 years.
I can think myself into immediately stopping hiccups.
I can also puke on demand.
I can burp on command tho i think that ones command
You could make a killing in the Japanese porn industry
I…I could? Humans are weird and wonderful creatures.
I can hear the muscles in my eyes when I look from side to side.
This happened to me when I took antidepressants for the first time, as well as being incredibly sensitive to sound, to the point where I could hear electricity.
Not being hyperbolic at all. To test this my partner and I tested a bunch of devices, she flicked either a dummy-switch, or one powering an appliance, and with my back turned, I could tell her if it was on, off, or she hit a dummy switch.
Ultimately I couldn’t stand being on antidepressants, I felt like my IQ dropped 10 points.
I always thought hearing electricity is normal, up until I realized most people can’t do that. Never been on antidepressants or anything, that’s my normal state of consciousness.
Surprise surprise, I’m extremely sensitive to all kinds of noise.
I can hear the 60hz hum in the US but the 50hz EU grid is silent to me.
Every time I’ve gotten a hearing test I get praise from the ear person.
“Your hearing is exceptional!!”
I know it is. Do you have any idea how often I change out the charging blocks in my room?
Yeah same problem. Worst were CRT monitors or old tube-TVs, they made a constant sound quite like a tinnitus.
Being dumb does seem to be the key to happiness
Some appliances are louder than others. Curious to hear what appliances you can hear
I’m able to hear the AC hum from motors and any inductive heating elements.
When it’s completely silent in the room, I can hear the transformer in my phone charger make a variable squealing sound
When laying in dark, any smallest sound makes a bright flash appear in my eyes, before I realize there was a sound. So I am always surprised when it happens, and fraction of a second later I realize there was a sound. So it’s Synesthesia, but from Wish.
Ha! This happens to me as well! I do have a funny slight extra detail though. I can’t really visualise images in my minds eye (almost aphantasia), but when I’m closing my eyes to go to sleep, and a sudden noise happens, I see a flash of white like you, but also usually some random af detailed image flash in my minds eye. It’s so weird, always different, always amusing, and the closest I get to visualising. It could be anything, like a old woman in a cowboy hat riding a horse or whatever. Also, I have slight grapheme-colour synesthesia, so it’s interesting that you called it wish synesthesia! I wonder if it plays some role!
This happens to me for surprising sounds! I sleep with fans and such to drown out noises that make the flash. Is it all sounds for you?
Absolutely all sounds, but it has to be unexpected!
My ears have a little muscle in them that acts like an eject button for hard earbuds ( like apple)
When I’m in a hypnagogic state (between awake and sleeping) I can look through my eyelids.
They’re still closed, but I can see the room through them.
I know it’s not real, and if something were to quietly change in the room, I wouldn’t be able to see it, but it still feels weird.
I can also pinpoint the moment when I’ll fall asleep, and sometimes go directly from being awake to dreaming.
Which has the nice side effect that I’m aware I’m dreaming, and the dream world feels just as realistic as if I was awake, except I can control everything in it.I’m a tetrachromat if that counts. That means instead of seeing just the regular six color groups most people see, I can see 25% more colors on top of that.
I’m apparently one of the only men in the world who have something akin to that, it’s similar but not as strong from what I’ve been told. Never once met another man with a better colour sense than me.
What does the color addon look like?
What do you mean, like the add-ons for technology? Technology, as it turns out, is biased towards trichromacy. When using a device or watching footage, you just get the red/green/yellow/blue experience because that’s all that’s programmed in the pixels. It’s to me what watching a noire movie is to a person who sees the normal range of colors.
It’s to me what watching a noire movie is to a person who sees the normal range of colors.
This is absolutely insane to me as a trichromatic person. I envy the richness of the world that you see
could you elaborate on what you mean by “more colours”? like infra red or ultraviolet? or do you mean your eyes have an extra colour cone that gives you more precise information about colours so that it’s easier for you to tell them apart?
A human’s eyes see color because of cones in the eyes. Each one corresponds to a different range of wavelengths; one cone corresponds to red, one to yellow or green, and one to blue. Tetrachromats have four cones.
Look outside at the nearest flower. To you, it could be just yellow, but we might see some cyan or teal that other people don’t. This is how crows, which we typically assume are all identically black, often recognize each other so well; they have five or six color cones I think, and amongst themselves, they look like they have the colors of a parakeet.
We can see new colors too. They are difficult to describe, though the best way to describe them is to ask you to think of the most neon-esque colors you can think of and think of all the dimensions and hues you might have never seen and which take on a life of their own. These new colors stretch beyond the ordinary boundaries of the rainbow but loop around in the same way.
no need to answer if you don’t want to, i don’t want to make you feel like it’s an interview or anything but i do wonder -
how does art look to you? do you sometimes see colours that are wrong that someone has used without knowing they’re there? do digital things look inherently less colourful since they only emit the light that 3 colour coned people can perceive?
Yes, I do occasionally see colors in art that aren’t there. Not to scare people, but in traditional art, it almost seems like smudges, and I can actually attest even some very classic works of art have some peculiar color arrangements when you see them in person. In digital art, you would be right; it’s like a regular person watching one of those lowkey noire movies or sports movies that voluntarily reduce the color output.
woah! thank you for answering! :D some really cool eyes you’ve got there
You must be a woman. As far as I can tell, that only happens in women.
This is correct. In fact, the same gene manifests differently in men even if they had it. In men, if anything, it hinders color. Or so that’s what my doctor told me.
How did you and your doctor confirm you are tetrachromatic? I find all your replies here fascinating, I hope you don’t mind another question!
It wasn’t my doctor that first found out, it was my school. Just as there are ways people can realize someone is colorblind, there are ways people might realize that someone is a tetrachromat. I remember often feeling something was off when we were describing colors in school and little me was like “wait a minute, why does this feel incomplete?”
Very interesting! Thanks for the response.
I am weirdly envious. That sounds so cool!
Here’s me with my red-green deficiency already jealous of standard colour vision
Honestly, practically-speaking, you aren’t missing out on too much. Color isn’t as crucial a detail outside of aesthetics. Plus I imagine you have the perfect excuse for running a red light and committing fashion crimes.
Haha unfortunately on the red front I can see red, but I miss many of the shades. It’s not so much can’t see red but all reds look the same, reddy browns just look brown, pinky reds just look pink, purples are harder to distinguish from blue.
No getting out of red lights, unfortunately
Nice! You should read the Lightbringer series by Brent Weeks if you like Fantasy novels.
Yes, every superchromat should read this series.
I sometimes feel the same thing at different spots of my body.
Like if someone pinches the skin on my back I could feel the pain of the pinch on my shoulder as well.
Me too! If I’m scratching or picking at my skin, sometimes I feel it somewhere else, so I figured it’s normal and just nerve signals being connected somehow, but never spoken about it.
I can pop my ears whenever I want, like someone else mentioned. Handy on flights, but I haven’t been able to teach my kids how. If I forget to blink for a bit and then blink involuntarily when my eyes itch, my jaw snaps shut also involuntarily, causing my teeth to snap together. I can roll my tongue, which is apparently a genetic thing. I can hear high frequency sounds, like bats, and rodent repellents. It can be painfully loud when noone else around me can hear them, so they have a degree of disbelief if I mention it.
I blush extremely easily when I’m aroused or embarrassed . My previous partner used to rely on it to see if her flirting worked and even tried to push it as far as she could to see how red I could get. The answer is very, very red! Even my chest starts blushing at some point! When I have an orgasm I’ll often be blushing all over my body. Apparently it’s normal and I don’t have any health problems…
Also my sense of smell is insane, and I can touch my nose and my elbow with my tongue.
Synesthesia. I can see sound. Really neat, actually.
Not so neat is my aparent genetic resistance to pain meds and anesthetics. Caused some “fun” in a hospital stay
How does “fuck you” look like ?
funnily enough, as soon as my brain can parse it as language, my synesthesia doesn’t trigger anymore. It really is just for sounds and music.
If I listen to a language that I can’t understand, my synesthesia triggers. It’s a fun example of how the brain processes the information
if told “fuck you” in say, Norwegian, what does it look like? (if you speak Norwegian, then substitute it for something you don’t speak :P)
also, does “fuck you” look the same in all unknown languages?
It really depends on the sound, not the actual content.
It’s quite hard to describe, but for me sounds have a certain color and shape. “Visible” in the location they are coming from.
I also don’t quite see it as the real world around me, more of an “inner eye” overlay.
The color and shape (and often texture) depends on the instrument and tone. There’s an older 360° video on youtube that comes somewhat close to what I experience
That’s really cool
Unless you have tinnitus, then it’s probably hell
I need this info too
Aphantasia here. Can’t see or remember shit. It sucks.
Only benefits are speed reading and a boost to abstract/scientific thinking. But episodic memories and visualisation sound more fun.
Also resistant to everything. Connective tissue disorder? (EDS)?
I can relate. Here’s something you can see though.
Aphantasia here too, do you have an inner monologue? I don’t, to the dismay of every therapist and partner I’ve ever had.
“What are you thinking?”
“There are not words for this.”
Nope just multiple streams of unsymbolic thinking usually. When thinking of something specific or planning how to say something I’ll consciously subvocalise, but there’s no volume/pitch/tone. Having your subconscious talk to you all day sounds exhausting.
(Irish ancestry here: Letting them know that you’ve got redheaded relatives is the secret cheatcode to let you stay unconscious during surgery. There’s a whole protocol about it.)
Wow, I did not know that. Thanks a bunch.
yup. My dad is irish. And although I’m not a redhead, I later learned that I have the gene and it’s one of the factors in this problem.
Too bad I only learned about this fact after I woke up a couple times during surgery and later when they put me into an induced coma and I pulled out my tubes.
TIL that painkillers don’t work on redheads.
I also have a super high alcohol tolerance (and I rarely drink), which I think is also an effect of it.
Weed only has an effect for me if I use a lot of it
OMG. I had a terrible dental experience because of this.
Not so neat is my aparent genetic resistance to pain meds and anesthetics. Caused some “fun” in a hospital stay
Are you a redhead? Apparently that’s a fairly common trait for them
Same here on the resistance to pain meds. I had a such a terrible experience with surgery. Once I woke up I was in such agony but I was also tripping hard from the dilaudid and left over anesthesia that I was unable to communicate effectively. Once a doctor finally listened to me many hours later, they gave me a cocktail of other stuff that finally eased the pain. I also really struggle with dental work.
Does red hair run in your family by any chance? People with red hair in their family (myself included, I have auburn-ish hair) need 20% more anesthetics.
yup. See my other reply
Same. I inform doctors that I am resistant to sedation. They nod, not believing me. I go under. I wake up 4 hours early, everyone goes insane. One time they failed to put me out right away. Fortunately they managed to put me out before they cut into me. My last memories before waking are hearing “oh shit, he’s awake”. Another time they used “an adult dose and a child dose” which… doesn’t sound right. But I remember waking with a half dozen people trying to rouse me.
when the surgery team came visiting me afterwards, the anesthesiologist said they used “the elephant’s dose”
I noticed that for some reason, when I pee I feel the tip of my toes getting hotter
I have no idea what causes it
Stop peeing on your toes
thanks! so that’s what causes it
I sneeze when the temperature changes significantly. I have no idea why.