is it well known and do people talk about it … like in the mainstream media ?

    1 month ago

    I think people in positions of privilege can recognize their status, and, in my opinion, have a duty to do more (whether it’s donate to orgs fighting this, or donate time if able to be more flexible with their time and work commitments, etc. ).

    There will be people who will be able to take greater risk because they are privileged. There are less financially secure individuals who won’t be able to take as much risk. That’s OK! We don’t need to turn this into a dick waving contest of “who is doing more”

    What we don’t need is this bickering amongst ourselves. We’re all proletariat. Some proletariat will have more privilege. And getting the less privileged working class to attack the slightly more privileged/wealthy wage slav- I mean “workers”- is EXACTLY what they want!

    DO NOT give the bourgeoisie what they want, c’mon now.