is it well known and do people talk about it … like in the mainstream media ?
Can’t wait for all the pictures of these events with half a dozen people standing around looking lost.
No no, it’ll be a huge turnout and if you don’t agree then you’re an idiot for thinking that any significant amount of the population works 9-5 M-F. Just look at these comments! We can’t fail, we posted, “So when is the general strike and protest?” 78 times yesterday on every even vaguely political post, so turnout will be great in the middle of the day on Wednesday. Trust fam. /s
So what’s your point? We have to start somewhere.
I get that and I totally agree, but I don’t understand the food of comments here arguing that there won’t be reduced turnout in the middle of a Wednesday vs on a weekend. Most people with a full time job can’t just up and leave in the middle of a weekday with less than a week of notice, especially in large states with capitals that are far away. Turnout would be much better if it was on a weekend, and anybody denying that doesn’t live in reality.
Grow up people
I think this one is too short noticed for most people
yeah it’s going to be tough. supposedly a bunch of people on Reddit are organizing it I saw mention of it on facebook too. I think part of the goal is to get Democrats to grow a spine, since they plan to do nothing.
They can’t oppose Trump without displeasing their corporate overlords.
same :
i first got hints about it when stumbling upon a comment from @[email protected]
about it here :
Love a protest in the middle of the workday, should be easy for most people to attend, no?
If people aren’t willing to give up 1 hour of their corporate slavery to stop facism, then we are already doomed.
Your privilege is showing
I think people in positions of privilege can recognize their status, and, in my opinion, have a duty to do more (whether it’s donate to orgs fighting this, or donate time if able to be more flexible with their time and work commitments, etc. ).
There will be people who will be able to take greater risk because they are privileged. There are less financially secure individuals who won’t be able to take as much risk. That’s OK! We don’t need to turn this into a dick waving contest of “who is doing more”
What we don’t need is this bickering amongst ourselves. We’re all proletariat. Some proletariat will have more privilege. And getting the less privileged working class to attack the slightly more privileged/wealthy wage slav- I mean “workers”- is EXACTLY what they want!
DO NOT give the bourgeoisie what they want, c’mon now.
Honestly? No. This isn’t something that you go “if it’s convenient”, the entire concept of freedom is at stake here. I’m biased as a woman of color in a non traditional marriage, but this is absolutely mandatory. I will lose a day’s wages, and it may impact my ability to pay my bills. But are you not seeing the future of this administration if people stand by and accept it?
There you go showing your privilege again.
It’s not “if it’s convenient.” It’s “I will not be able to pay rent/eat/etc.”
Have you ever held a minimum wage job while paying your own bills? Be honest. Hell have you ever had a job making $12/hr while paying your own bills?
Yes, absolutely. But what rent can I pay when I’m suddenly deported because my parents were (legal) immigrants? When I’m being forced to give birth? When I’m fired and accused of being a DEI hire? When my children are hunted? I am willing to sacrifice for this cause.
When did I say it wasn’t worth it?
You’re too privileged to understand apparently. This is the same logic that can be applied to anything that costs money. “Just save money! Invested money is worth more than spent money!” If you don’t have the money after roof and food (god forbid if you have a medical need in the US) it doesn’t fucking matter what the prudent thing is. You can’t afford it!
Some people cannot miss a day of work. It’ll ruin their lives and/or the lives of the people who depend on them. How is this so hard to understand? Help them. Empathize with them. Some blame them.
It is a lot more difficult to be evicted in most states (even if you don’t pay your rent) than it is to be picked up by ICE.
I get it. I’ve been too poor to even make it to work at least a few times. (Could not pay for the gas or a ride)
The point is right now we need numbers to protect what very very little autonomy we still have. If it would absolutely kill you to participate then don’t but we don’t need this shit right now.
Don’t let the pursuit of perfection keep us from uniting. Now is the time for common ground.
Listen. My son’s birth certificate has an extended stay motel as his address. I understand poverty. It is NOT worse than what’s coming.
Women are the ones who are going to get it done. We have the most to lose.
Today you learn lot of people don’t live in their states capital city
Yea, I’m looking at this but thinking “that’s not happening lol” with my state. I’m in AZ and anyone outside Phoenix is probably driving at least 2 hours just to get there.
For me: 6 hours in a car with 5000ft (1500m) drop/climb just for a protest that’s vaguely “against Project 2025”. I could never justify it.
More like 2 days and money for a car or bus + gas, depending on where in the state you live
You had it correct at corporate SLAVERY.
Imagine you get fired over this, lose your home, stop being able to feed your family. I don’t think unemployment benefits in the US cover much, do they?
I hope most everyone who’s ABLE to protest, is also willing.
It’s 576 miles between El Paso and Austin. Please explain how someone is going to be able to get there within an hour with time to protest.
There’s a difference between “willing” and “able” 😅
“The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised.”
I’ve already seen someone on Lemmy say that they should feed their kids out of dumpsters if they lose their job that they rely on to live paycheck-to-paycheck (like almost half of Americans) and then their home because they can’t pay rent.
And if they lose their kids to CPS because they were made homeless and their parents were arrested during a general strike protest? Hey, they were clearly just MAGA bootlickers anyway.
On topic reply as always.
Do explain how me talking about the fact that people (like you) have no compassion or understanding for others when it comes to this event is not on-topic enough for you.
I understand that you think that people should sacrifice their jobs and their homes and their kids so that they can protest on a specific day, but I’m guessing that’s not going to get them to do it. Nor is being rude about it.
You are overdramatic. You make mountains out of molehills, and somehow EVERY news story somehow affects you personally. So fragile.
This literally does not apply to me, so how does it affect me personally?
Are you operating under the strange and somewhat disturbing belief that you can only have compassion for people if they are going through the same things you are?
I’m dubious of the reality of said comment, or the support it got in upvotes.
Most of us understand that protesting carries risks, and encourage others to risk what they feel okay with.
Yeah, I clearly have a good reason to lie about that, which is stuff. Either that or things. Or maybe because shut up.
You realise that anytime is the middle of the work day.
Not everyone is working 9-5. People work shifts, nights, and weekends.
You realize that there are differences in the populations working at different times, right? Or are you just happy to be seen being outraged?
Sure I realise that, but I was more pointing out that whatever time a protest is there will be people like you unhappy with it.
I don’t know what gave you the impression I want to be seen outraged and I do hope you’re not making judgments about me over a single comment as that would be very good.
It would be like me labelling you for the two comments I’ve seen you post. Positive intent my friend.
Why “50501”? What’s that mean?
50 protests
50 states
1 day
Thus 50501
How the fuck can you fuck up a protest plan this badly??? Is this intentional sabotage for an effective turn out? Fucking idiots.
plan it on a wednesday in the middle of the day so everyone can say “ah, i’m busy” and feel satisfied for doing jack shit
This made me lol out loud irl.
Sorry, this for me is trolling, so, i’m blocking your account.
Have a nice life.👍 good for you
Reject 2025
I read 50 prostate tests…
I only just learned about it today, myself. I work that day, but I might be able to shift things around.
I really wish that these protests were more widely shared in advance. I want to be involved, but only getting a couple of days advance warning makes it really hard. I know that sometimes you have to act fast, but if you want your movement to succeed then you’ve got to try to consider the real lives of all of the people who want to help, but are also really limited in their time. Plan protests on weekends, and if you’ve got to protest on a weekday, then plan it way ahead of time and give everyone a chance to plan to be there. I’m sure it looks better to have one big protest with 10X people there than ten protests with 1X people attending.
i don’t know who organized this and just made this post to have some answers. Thankfully, some users are coming up with answers … so i have updated the header of this post.
Pretty sure it was just a grassroots online thing, without any real leaders. Which, don’t get me wrong that has its own benefits. But understanding that origin also helps explain why it’s a little unorganized
Absolutely, that i would say as well from what was discussed here.
Sadly, I don’t see this accomplishing shit. We’re in too deep.
And what will not doing it accomplish?
Making noise about a relatively sudden midday midweek protest effort overall may lead to underwhelming optics. After all the noise and outage, this is all that shows up? Clearly people agent all that engaged…
The situation is dire, yes. And maybe those 50 protests will not do much. Yet, yesterday there were many manifestations against deportations throughout the USA. Eventually, the sum of all oppositions will contribute, at the very least, to slow down the disaster.
Now I wonder if all that extra Kamala money she had leftover from donations could’ve gone to an organization to fix this American nightmare. Give us back the American dream.
The start is voting in democrats so we have a majority in DC in 2 years. The org could also help back these protests to raise awareness by making local adverts on billboards/public trans/radio.
Make it a 4 year campaign to flip America blue. Then we might be able to fix some shit.
Most democrats at the federal level are complicit in a lot of what’s going on, including Musk’s DOGE treasury crap (crimes?) despite him not being a government employee or confirmed by the senate. Hell, most congressional democrats JUST in the last year voted for the legislation that enables ICE to indefinitely detain any suspected immigrant suspected of committing any crime. No due process. No actual crime needed.
Screw voting for democrats. Democrats voted to let the government round up the people I love to be deported or tortured. If we still have the power to vote, vote for leftists. Or vote for left-of-average-democrat people like Bernie.
Alright, I’m prepared to take some heat for this because in the context of the best organized protests I think my assumptions are incorrect. However most protests don’t rise to that level. Thing is if your protest looks for the most part like a party with some political alignments and isn’t related to some direct action in your community or actual expectations/demands of the relevant political body…
Not to say that “performative” protests are useless. But there seems to be a distressing number of my fellow gen Z that think these sorts of protests alone will work. Like all they need to do is yell loudly into a few news network cameras on capital hill then go home.
I’ll probably see what’s going on in my home state and hope to see some targeted action and real dialogue. I truly hope my assumptions are proven wrong.
Some more media mentions, mostly local and brief:
- Fox 9 St Paul (MN):
- KVRR North Dakota:
- Shreveport Times (Louisiana):
- Savannah Morning News (GA):
- Dallas Observer (TX):
- Clarion Ledger (MS):
- Westword (Denver, CO):
- Newsweek, a second article:
- the Savannah GA story above seems to have been picked up by USA Today:
- CT News Junkie (Connecticut newsletter?):
- Herald Dispatch (WV) - very brief:
- Longmont Leader (CO) mostly sourced from the Westword story:
- Phoenix New Times (AZ):
- KSNT Topkea (Kansas):
- Herald Net (WA) - brief mention:
- Kennebec Journal (Maine):
- Snopes article with some info on who started it
This is a lot of valuable information and since my post is now old (quite dead) no one will have access to this in here.
So, it’s better if you create a new post with these informations.
Oh yeah great idea, I just posted it to [email protected] Let’s see if it stays up.
btw this post we’re on was on the front page of “all” - “active” earlier today but it seems to have slipped way off.
If people don’t go armed, I’m worried what could happen.
People will be in danger either way with the violence prone goons in power. If you are armed, there will be justification to shoot you. Protest at more public and friendly places. That way you will likely have allies nearby. Also, folks need to be situationally aware and plan an escape path if things turn too dangerous.
Trump’s people would probably be more likely to shoot you if unarmed, than if the crown was armed.
It’s been shown multiple times (and through history) the the opposing force is less likely to shoot the protestors if the protesters can shoot back, because now there’s also an actual danger to them.
Good point! We need to increase safety. Anyone know of any non-profit organizations that lend out AK-47s and .762 rounds to angry protestors within 2 days?? /s
If you go to a protest with a firearm, you’re a fucking idiot. The police will have every reason to believe you’re a danger to public safety, whether you believe you are or not. Also, you better be trained to use that thing because if not, you’re going to be an additional problem if shit hits the fan. And if you get arrested for anything at all, your charges will become exponentially worse because you allegedly committed a crime while carrying a firearm. DON’T TAKE A FIREARM TO A PROTEST.
Elizabeth Eckford had the protection of the federal government (this is it you ignore that she got PTSD so bag from the experience she attempted suicide btw).
Today’s federal government on the other hand is on the side of the people yelling:
You ever hear about the Black Panthers? You know why they were so successful California and the FBI had to intervene to try to disband them? Here’s a hint:
And you know why they were armed? Here’s another hint to how non-armed black protestors were usually dealt with in history (sfw example):
An unarmed protest is a defenseless one with no deterrent for the aggressors. And if you’re protesting against literal Nazis, it’s not going to be peaceful. Even during Trump’s first term people were kidnapped, and he’s way more unhinged this time.
You make very good points that I do not disagree with at all, so I am correcting myself.
This is not the same as Eckford because Eckford had the support of the federal government. The National Guard had the firearms for her. This week, the protests are against the people that protected Eckford. FYI, the government has the authority, means, and experience on violence. A lone gunman isn’t going to accomplish anything positive unless there is some highly unlikely scenario in which they use it to protect a victim, they are trained and experienced. But, as @[email protected] pointed out, the Black Panthers were armed and did achieve progress in the 60s and 70s. Also, I have high regard for the original Black Panthers and even have a t-shirt with Huey on it.
Therefore, if you are part of a highly organized political group that has a strong identity based on centuries of brutal oppression, an established unified message, undergone weapons training, experience in lethal altercation with police, a lawyers present, a protocol for functioning as a unit at protests, and haven’t been infiltrated by the FBI yet, then listen to your leaders on whether to take a firearm or not (if that is legal because I don’t want to get in trouble for saying something that is clearly meant to highlight ill-consideration; don’t break the law).
However, if you are a lone protestor or going with a few friends because you care or to check it out, my recommendation is that you DO NOT TAKE A FUCKING FIREARM. I would like to add a few more arguments for my recommendation. If the cops don’t like your face and say that you were threatening them and you have a firearm, good luck convincing the jury that you had no ill intentions. You might win the trial with a good expensive lawyer that you will never be reimbursed for, but if you lose, you are royally fucked. Moreover, let’s even put the cops aside and only focus on you. If you have never been in an altercation where people are firing at each other, that is not the time to learn or figure things out. You will be under the most extreme stress possible for a person. You will not be able to analyze properly or make decisions in an extremely chaotic situation. You will be overwhelmed with your body’s naturally designed desire to survive. You will be reacting, not responding rationally. Making a lethal mistake will ruin your life at the very least, and ruin or end the life of others. But, let’s set the situation to be even more in your favor. Even if you make the best decision possible and fire at someone that is miraculously identified by a glowing arrow floating above their head like a video game that reads “KILL THIS GUY”, you may still miss and kill an innocent person. I’m not going to elaborate on the consequences of that.
This is merely my recommendation based on my limited knowledge and biases. To me, it seems like there are too many ways for this to go very bad, and not enough ways for it to go well. I guess maybe you could be a hero somehow? I may be wrong. I may not know a lot of information that would be contradictory to my stance. I definitely don’t know any of you individually. If you know something I don’t, that’s valid. Maybe ask people that have been arrested for taking a firearm to a protest. That would be useful information. It’s ultimately your decision, so make it. Just think it really fucking well.
Holy hell, I hope this manuscript saves even just one person from serving prison time.