He’s just going to get people killed. But that’s ok he doesn’t give a shit anyways, so it’s moot. What are a few thousand dead peasants when we could make big stock number go up?
a few *million dead peasants
and if another nation attacks while we’re dismantling ourselves, a few *tens of millions dead peasants.
immigration policies are federal regulations on the labor market. i say we open the borders
This would immediately isolate the US. Nothing would leave its perimeter.
Moron speaking absolute nonsense yet again.
I hope his submarine implodes
Titan 2.0, you say?
Send Musk up in a rocket, never to return. I like that.
Side note, Im still not buying this “Worlds richest man” Label.
I believe that title still belongs to Vladimir Putin. his wealth is not published though. He Robbed a vast nation blind to the point that he is a living god in Russia.
He mostly lives off debt with tesla being the collateral. Of tesla shares tank hes going to get margin called so to speak
If that’s how Putin got rich, Elon is soon to catch up
I’ve been reading for 20+ years that the real richest in the world are oil barons in the middle east. I believe a few people are projected to have up to a trillion dollars in assets/wealth etc, but they aren’t celebs or post about it via publicly traded organisations etc.
Who knows though
I mean the House of Saud is worth over a trillion dollars I believe.
Putin could also easily have over a trillion dollars in assets, but they’d obviously be hidden. Does he? We’ll never know.
Putin has Musk and Trump by the balls, for sure.
I think its less of a master giving orders to a dog dynamic, and More of a “I’ll have mine, you have yours” dynamic.
I still dont know if they are fucking crazy enough to try it. but this is whats in the back of my mind with this aggressive and jingoistic rhetoric against Canada, the EU, and Ukraine.
America may have stepped down from the stage of the Free world, and the Free world may very well be finished. but whats left of it still has nuclear weapons.
Get rid of SEC regulations so he can be defrauded on the stock market. Get rid of copyright and trademark laws so his parts can be made by anyone and his company names reused.
Is he including Private Property among these discarded regulations?
Remember that we’re not allowed to call for violence, but it’s okay when Elon does things like this, because allowing industry to poison whole towns isn’t violence, it’s just capitalism.
Sharing the names of Musk’s helpers? Not okay.
Letting nuclear plants operate in a way that risks big swaths of the country uninhabitable? Totally cool.
This horrible for sure, but it’s worth noting they just made it so there are no on-paper repercussions for industry poisoning people. Poor people in rural areas have been getting poisoned (and/or driven from their homes) all along. Major media and unfortunately even EPA officials (as we saw for East Palestine) seem to just ignore or bury it most of the time, similar to the treatment environmental activists have reported when there’s an oil spill/leak and media don’t want to touch it. Here’s the latest example I’ve heard about recently. (I’m not specifically trying to follow this stuff incidentally, but I’m always interested in who corporate media tend to ignore or treat unfairly.)
My power company fucked up my autopay, they then preceeded to not tell me, then they shut off my power without a note or an in person heads up, leaving it indistinguishable from a regular outage until it was dark and my neighbors lights turned on and their billing department was closed for the night. In February.
I’m saying this because all this was illegal thanks to regulations. I reported it to the government because it was danger, irresponsible, and a dick move. I think a lot of people think of regulations as stuff like wheelchair ramps and no knowingly giving entire towns cancer, but it’s also shit like this, that you have to tell people that you shut off their power for non-payment and warn them before you do so they don’t have to spend a night eating takeout by candlelight for no reason.
World’s richest person drunk on power
News at 11
If industrialists can pollute wherever they want, we should be allowed to live wherever we want. Private property is just a regulation at the end of the day.
Rich people can afford private well-armed security guards… (No, the police don’t count since we’re not doing regulations any more)
Well time to stockpile then
The police are the weak armed security guards for rich people…
Why americans even pay taxes?
For the military and giving handouts to billionaires.
So I visited Bangladesh one time, and learned they have insanely high rates of cancer there. Why? Well it turns out that (among other reasons) the farmers had been injecting formaldehyde into their vegetables because it made them last longer on the shelves, and therefore sold better.
This is what you get with no regulations. A sick and dying population.
“regulations are written in blood” is a quote for a reason
I spent a decade living around Africa, and this kind of thinking is common. DDT was what everyone put on the tomatoes because pests mean loss of food. Who wants that?
Lack of relations is only about living in short-term survival thinking 24/7. Long term effects mean nothing.
DDT isn’t going to cause health problems for the people in Africa. It will cause problems for some birds near the top of the food chain however.
It’s just the easiest example to use. I have maybe dozens more examples that require more storytelling and setup.
Ever had someone try to sell you a car with visible drywall screws holding the bumper on, like you were the dick for pointing them out?
DDT won’t fuck you up if you die in your 20s from unrelated causes
Go read about how horribly adulterated food was in Europe and the US in the 1800s and before. They’d add sawdust to flour, chalk, toxic metals, rotten meat was sold regularly, etc. Patent medicines were essentially drug trafficking or just scams. Soldiers in the Spanish-American war were supplied with canned meat from the US Civil War. I saw an old film from the time the Pure Food and Drug act was passed showing a can of meat being opened and it literally shot out from the gasses inside.
Well, the Libertarians and Republicans had their heads poisoned with total rot like Ayn Rand’s horrible sci-fi, and then spent the past several decades screaming about how derrp, we don’t need no regulations!
Now I guess we all get to find out along with these dolts.
Not to mention the US falling 110% into the cult of individualism. Individualism is fine if it is balanced with the needs of society as a whole. You can’t even get people to chip into schools and roads, shared resources, anymore.
Funny thing with that book it was intended to reveal the horrible working conditions in the industry but instead the public latched onto it as revealing how foul and adulterated food had become.