I choke to death while alone, try to self heimlich and fail. My body is found half eaten by my cats with my cold, dead hand still clutching the offending cheese toastie.
I choke to death while alone, try to self heimlich and fail. My body is found half eaten by my cats with my cold, dead hand still clutching the offending cheese toastie.
If it’s on camera you’ll be hugely famous
I love that you two found each other in such an amusing way
I wish I could give you gold for that
Wouldn’t surprise me but is there any proof of that?
I’ve read a load of academic articles on psychopaths recently. Narcissism is linked to all sorts of terrible behaviours, and cos they don’t accept they’re wrong, they don’t tend to change their behaviour even when they’re hurting themselves
I selflessly offer to do this for a modest sum of 100k per year.
Love your name BTW its adorable
Yes exactly and it’s CHILDREN FFS. How can anyone be against this
I see it differently but understand your argument
There’s plenty of criticism of him there.
Oooooh I like that
I know I can’t fathom it. It honestly frightens me. The lefts behaviour is a big reason I swung right, tolerance and acceptance of difference is important to me and a chunk of left just aren’t like that anymore. If r/conservative were openly behaving like many left wingers on reddit they’d rightly be condemned. It’s so wrong
Yep we all need to get posting and chatting to encourage others
Ugh facebook is unusable. I literally have it for 3 local groups and that’s it. It’s horrible
Yep. I HATE Trump and Musk but for the love of God, keep politics in the relevant subs! Also ACCEPT DIFFERENCE OF OPINION. I go reddit to switch off from politics but even r/OutOfTheLoop is now all people spreading their political messages. Its so hostile to other views now.
Yep and when you’re perma banned you’re fucked. They don’t look at the reasons, they don’t engage with people… it’s ridiculous