it’s like you believe you can tariff them expecting they won’t do the same. Why do you believe the rest of the world is not going to retaliate and why do you believe America can prosper without the rest of the world?
What’s the point of having a military alliance with countries you puts tariffs on? That’s unfriendly to say the least.
The point?
I see it like this.
Profit profit profit at the expensive of all Americans for 4 years.
The next 4 years let Democrats clean up the mess, Democrats are weak anyway.
Then milk the American people again for another 4 years. The cycle is nonstop.
This is malicious greed but everyone keeps thinking these people are idiots.
“What’s the point?” The point is to seize power and get rich.
They will destroy whatever they want or need in order to become rich and powerful.
there’s no republicans on lemmy lol
I haven’t seen any republicans here so I’ll also offer my opinion as a sane person ….
- Narcissism. There is only me, and other. There are no allies, just suckers. it’s all about me. Right here. Right now.
- Bullying. Trump styles himself as a great negotiator but from the outside it looks a lot more like bullying. And if you believe his commitments, you’re a sucker. He thinks this is “making deals” but is the only way he knows how to operate
Stock market manipulation. Look at who moved in to make big trades after the market plunged. Follow the money.
Not a Republican. I assume Trump is making backroom personal deals to get the world’s politicians and businesses to bribe him in some way. Aligns with how he seems to operate with everything else.
Trump obviously wants to sever those relationships and forge a new path forward. I like Europe, it’s a beautiful place, but I don’t want to live there. SUre the super liberal places hate us now EU, Canada, and UK but South Korea and Japan will stay with the US. Asia has most of the projected economic growth and that is where our future will be.
You probably won’t get too many of those to answer your question on Lemmy.
Not a Republican but big US billionaires recently cashed out their stocks.
Trump imposing moronic tariffs will crash the market and the Billionaires can buy back cheap.
thier ally is PUTIN, thats all they need. ive seen them shill hard for putin, one asians youtubers acc, have been shilling for rich white people and russia see the common thing, before they went full maga.
Simple actually, it’s the good-ol American Exceptionalism kool-aid
Europe is socially progressive, and Russia conversely is anti-woke
Trump only ran to stay out of prison. Now he’s ripping the copper out of the walls to get as much money as he can before it all collapses under his ineptitude.
Elon thinks he’s gonna be a trillionaire at the top of a technofeudal oligarchy. (He wants to be Arasaka from Cyberpunk but he’s gonna have a hard time doing that while all his businesses fail.)
Project 2025. The goal is to remove all tariffs and other limitations against the US.
Canada for instance has laws on antibiotics for dairy, foreign ownership for banks and telcos, various things like that. India has tariffs on everything.
The document outlines crazy things like capital punishment and a border wall, its clearly Trumps handbook. It’s all in there.
Trump treats his friends in Europe like America usually treats Middle Eastern and African nations.