Organized religion can get fucked along with all these deathmongers using “god” as an excuse to kill or harm others.
The largest source of suffering in all of world history.
That and Malaria.
Malaria is just part of gods plan, so add that to their kill count as well.
But God isn’t real. Malaria is.
Malaria is just god in a physical form.
If the Christian god was real, he would certainly be at least as evil as malaria - if that’s what you mean.
God works in mysterious ways.
Nah, your thinking of nationalism. WWI and WWII had very little to do with religion but in terms of body count far exceed the likes of the crusades. If you ask your average soldier throughout history why they’re doing what they’re doing patriotism will come up more often than God. Naked self interest would probably be the actual top reason but people don’t usually say the quiet part aloud.
Nationalism has only been a thing for a few hundred years, though. We’ve been murdering each other over religion for millenia. I still think religion “wins”.
ask your average soldier throughout history why they’re doing what they’re doing patriotism will come up more often than God.
Country/Nation is a rather new concept - most people throughout history would say which village/area they were from. It didn’t have to be a Holy War for the leader to say “we have to fight (invaders) because they are an affront to (whatever god.)”
I don’t imagine the average peasant would care the nation of the person taking taxes from them, so long as those taxes were low and that’s all they took. (I mean obviously they didn’t love paying taxes.) And remember, one of the reasons used for the taking of taxes was that leaders were ordained by God.
World War 1 and 2 weren’t a walk in the park. There are plenty of non-religious sociopaths that somehow find themselves in control of millions of people.
I wouldn’t completely divorce organized religion from WWII. Just say’in.
Hitler and Stalin couldn’t give less than a shit about any particular god or religion. They used any excuse to fund/justify their tyranny. People like that in power are the bane of mankind’s existence throughout the ages. Religion is just another tool for people like this to use use whenever it’s convenient.
“Gott mit uns”
need anyone say more?
Hitler …couldn’t give less than a shit about any particular god or religion.
I’d say he gave a pretty big shit about at least one religion.
I’m not sure how much one can harp on the whole “master race” thing before people stop trying to blame it on some actual scholarly disagreement about religious doctrine, as if Hitler and Stalin were so fucking pious. None of theae psychopaths give a shit about gods and religion.
More like the biggest excuse for murdering others for your own benefit. If religion didn’t exist, demagogues would find something else as a tool to justify blind hatred.
Ask me and I would say almost all suffering and experience has a purpose and a potential lesson to be understood, vices, religion and spirituality etc. If you believe in drugs, Karma or a God, as a form of spirituality, etc, you would probably have imagined the possibility of group narcissism and misguided interventions being the reasons behind certain suffering, so religion would naturally be the next big step, to try to convince everyone to be of one mind.
“We all will have to provide answers to what happened on Oct. 7, myself included — but only after the war,” said Netanyahu.
So he wants more time for war crimes before anyone charges him with war crimes. And he’s referencing biblical prophecy and all but calling it a holy war. The man has lost his mind clearly.
He knows he’s in the shit. But he’s thinking maybe he can quickly arrange cover with the ultra religious, and the longer he stays in office, the more time he has to arrange cover or change the narrative.
The people of Israel and his supporters are on the hook as well.
Never again means never again, for any people.
If we actually start punishing genocide, there’s going to be a long line before Israel.
Wrong. You start with those who are doing genocide now and you go backwards.
Still a long line then.
Unfortunately, squeaky wheel gets the grease
Makes sense to start in reverse order.
That fucker belongs in the ICC in the Hague right the shit now.
I don’t understand responses like this.
Them are holy grounds on which israel and palestine stand, for all 3 abrahamic religions. Every one of them has a prophecy for the end of times which great powers that be will try and manifest into reality.
As long as religions exist, and as long as they have followers this orthodox in their “interpretation”, that area will remain in turmoil.
How this basic and all encompassing fact is not front and center in every discussion on this situation boggles my mind.
Because it has become a faux pas to criticize religion. Religion is something personal and if you criticize it you are offending people personally, and that is forbidden by our recently new social norms.
Nah you can mock me for being spiritual lol
If Jerusalem were glass, those religions would struggle with their prophecies.
I am not proposing violence, I am, however, saying there are other ways it ends and nukes are proliferating over there. Missile guidance is so-so.
Hoooo boy. He’s legitimately trying to turn this into a holy war for Israelis. This is going to get messy (well, messier than it is already).
Invoking Christian text too. That way he can unify the Christian right on the side of Israel.
Bro, the Book of Isaiah is not a «Christian text». It is part of the Torah, the Old Testament. In fact, it’s canon for Muslims too.
It is part of the Torah, the Old Testament. In fact, it’s canon for Muslims too
Can you explain a little bit more? So the old testament is relevant to all three religion and two hate each other. sounds interesting.
Judaism, Christianity, Islam and a few other religions (Rastafarianism for example) are part of the same family of religions, called “Abrahamic Religions”: In Islam, “Allah” literally means “God”. It’s the same God that Jews and Christians believe in. Arab Christians call God “Allah”.
When it comes to the bible itself, “the Quran mentions the Torah, Psalms, and Gospel as being revealed by God in the same way the Quran was revealed to Muhammad”
The old testaments in the bible the christians use, are based on the hebrew bible (tanakh). The new testament is mostly christian writings
The article pointed out he referenced language in the gospel of Luke to describe his side as people of light. Though I wonder if that text was a reference to something in Hebrew literature.
Defeating Hamas?
A war against Hamas that targets civilians is just going to create more Hamas.
You kill 100 civilians for every 4 Hamas fighters, all you end up with is 10 new Hamas fighters from the relatives of the civilian dead.
He’s delusional.
Thats why I honestly believe that he just wants to genozide all Palestinians and grab the remaining land. Thats the only possible end to this conflict if Israel stays on this path. And it was on this path since 70 years, so why stop now? The colonization of North America had a similiar pattern. Settle deeper and deeper in the territory of the other group and if they attack you, strike back ten times harder. Repeat until they have no suitable land left. It’s making me sick that we have to watch this shit in our times and that our politicians allow it or even support it.
Thats why I honestly believe that he just wants to genozide all Palestinians and grab the remaining land.
Anyone who doesn’t think this is delusion. The Israeli government never wanted peace
Hamas never wanted peace, either. This is just a decades-old hot war arriving at its conclusion.
Former Palastinian leader, Yassar Arafat who was awarded a nobel peace prize died in 2004 confined to his compound by the IDF. Swiss investigators suggested polonium poisoning, French and Russian investigators didn’t really make a conclusion, but couldn’t really confirm or deny it.
A Hamas founder was killed in 2004:
“Yassin, a quadriplegic who was nearly blind, had been reliant on a wheelchair due to a sporting accident at the age of 12.[8] In 2004, he was killed when an Israeli helicopter gunship fired a missile at him as he was being wheeled from Fajr prayer in Gaza City.[9] The attack, which also killed both of his bodyguards and nine bystanders, was internationally condemned.”
Yassin on several occasions proposed long-term ceasefire agreements, or truces, so called Hudnas, in exchange for Israeli concessions. All such offers were rejected by Israel. Following his release from Israeli prison in 1997, he proposed a ten-year truce in exchange for total Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza and a stop to Israeli attacks on civilians. In 1999, in an interview with an Egyptian newspaper, he again offered a truce: We have to be realistic. We are talking about a homeland that was stolen a long time ago in 1948 and again in 1967. My generation today is telling the Israelis, ‘Let’s solve this problem now, on the basis of the 1967 borders. Let’s end this conflict by declaring a temporary ceasefire. Let’s leave the bigger issue for future generations to decide.’ The Palestinians will decide in the future about the nature of relations with Israel, but it must be a democratic decision.
Considering he was returning from mosque, and was executed, to international condemnation, it’s clear to see that he was replaced with much worse. Three of Hamas leadership have lost family also (wife/2 children, brother, eldest son).
In 2006, Hamas won a majority for the first time and took control of the Gaza strip and booted Fatah out.
From heading hopefully towards peace, to a divided Palestine with an increasingly hostile Hamas in the space of 2 years with the IDF possibly playing a significant part in that, it is hard to say that Israel aren’t more than a little responsible for radicalising Hamas further/agitating them. They also hold an awful lot of territory in the West Bank (which Hamas do not control).
It does not seem Israel want peace at all. I cannot imagine they are this incompetent. Not that I’m defending Hamas, they’re absolute assholes. Though. killing 7000 people including 40% children, it is the population of Gaza who are suffering. It is certainly going to help Hamas recruit with so many people losing parents, siblings and relatives. We head away from peace with every single day and it’s so painful to watch this.
well yes, that’s why Netanyahu helped build Hamas, because they could weaken the position of the Palestinians who want peace.
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Yes I agree. Hamas is a terrorist organization
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Even without taking his mind into the palm of your hand, you can see that some things are not worth consuming. If this guy’s brain was dinner for aliens it would be thrown in the trash to be recycled.
Where in NA is that happening?
If you read carefully, you will notice that the commenter used the past tense: “had” = simple past tense of the verb “to have”.
I love it that I asked a question and noone really cares to answer but down vote me to hell and back. Also someone will snob me from the side telling me about the comment of the guy I asked a question to???
You’re being downvoted because it’s a stupid question. It’s not happening currently in NA; they’re making a comparison to the historical colonization that happened there.
There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers. That’s at least what the Sesame Street told me as a child. People should be less entitled and maybe just share information?
There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers.
I’m sorry, but this is one of those. There are questions that are stupid. There are questions that mislead. There are questions that strongly imply a falsehood. There are questions that insult the audience or the person it’s directed to.
You did some of that by wholly misunderstanding a comment and thinking the commenter was daft. It’s insulting and you’re busy being concerned about your hurt feelings and down votes that don’t even add to user karma.
Example: when did you stop beating your SO?
It’s an obnoxious and insulting question.
Don’t trot out a trite thing we tell children so they don’t do stupid things. We’re grown here, we know better - or we should.
I am answering you. The guy you asked a question to was talking about something that had happened in the past. You then asked a question as though you’d misread it and thought he was saying that it was still happening. He didn’t say that, so your question is already answered.
I wish you would receive as many upvotes as I received down votes, thank you.
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Not if you kill all the civilians too
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What’s your alternative approach?
Delusional. I feel like he doesn’t necessarily care about his own people either, just want to commit genocide and take over land at any cost.
The fact that people still defend this guy makes me perplexed.
He knows that he’ll lose power once that war ends. He will prolong it as long as he can. Of course he doesn’t care about the lifes of his own people, never did.
Right-wingers never give a shit about their own people.
You can’t defeat hamas militarily. They are a terrorist group, they want to be attacked as viciously as possible, because that creates more recruits for them.
Its been proven time and time again and yet every single time these old fucking cranks do not understand that.
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They are no better than the Nazis that attacked them a nearly a century ago
Hey, as long as it distracts Israel from his judicial problems and his role in allowing Hamas to rise, it’s all good for him.
It is fascinating to me that no one is asking what outcome Hamas was looking for after these attacks. Is no one concerned that Israel is doing EXACTLY what Hamas must have expected them to do? They almost certainly had a plan and doing exactly what the other side expects means your going along with that plan. Hamas had to have known this is what would happen, so this happening is giving them what they wanted: An Israel that is rapidly losing its international mandate while committing atrocities against civilians on center stage in front of the whole world.
Hamas, following in the steps of the 9/11 attack which caused the USA govt to go into violent idiot mode so the rest of the world would despise it. The only winners in the attacks on civilians are Likud and Hamas, who get more powerful against citizens.
One theory is that they hoped that other Arab nations would join and attack Israel. That so far didn’t happen and so Hamas has to bear the full brunt of Israel’s response all by themselves.
You can’t defeat hamas militarily.
Of course you can. You essentially have to. The issue isn’t defeating them, but rebuilding afterwards. Deradicalizing Islamic terrorists without a fight is not something anybody knows how to do.
so, history has shown that the military stuff doesn’t really work at fighting terrorist insurgents. Ironically, you have to do the “rebuilding” beforehand, and even then you will eventually need to let some of them go.
so, history has shown that the military stuff doesn’t really work
Worked pretty damn well against Germany and Japan. The crux is that Hamas is no longer just random insurgents, they already are the government and they have wide support in the population.
you have to do the “rebuilding” beforehand
All of that just ends up supporting Hamas. They’ll have all the resources with none of the responsibilities. Just look what they have done in Gaza, they build huge tunnel networks, thousands of rockets and kept indoctrinating the next generation in schools and camps. You don’t stop that by throwing more resources at them. You have to completely disrupt their organisation and replace the hole they leave with something else.
Worked pretty damn well against Germany and Japan.
tell me you know nothing of Europe from 1800 to the 60s without telling me you don’t know anything.
ironically, 400 years of war and destruction never stopped the french-german enmity, but I’m sure it will work in the Middle East!
as for the second thing, Israel could stop supporting Hamas against the current Palestinian government, but then how will Netanyahu wage war against the brown people?
I mean irseal tried occupying Gaza that also didn’t help
While it’s theoretically possible, I don’t think this way could achieve it. Keep in mind that while winning would be a plus for Hamas, the only thing they consider vital is for Israel to suffer.
The following magical scenario might have worked: -Hamas committed the atrocity, just like they did, so everyone can see they have it coming. -Magically surgically obliterate Hamas to a man without inflicting violence on any non combatants.
However, Israel is inflicting massive collateral damage, casualties, and blockading. Inciting hatred among a whole generation of people that would be Hamas. Even if you did genocide on the whole area, other people in the surrounding region are likely to take up the Hamas mission in retaliation. An adequately surgical outcome is likely impossible, but it’s probable that Israel could have managed somewhat better than they have.
You are enjoying your peace through two fucking world wars. Deal with it.
Cannot with military my ass.
Ah yes, world War 1, where we quickly and efficiently crushed the Bosnian Serb uprising without causing any further problems which is why the Austria-Hungarian empire is still so prevalent today.
Disarming and humbling the central powers worked so well that we didn’t have any second world war afterward
That’s why you don’t humble them, you destroy them and replace them. We didn’t get rid of Hitler by being nice to him.
you know what America and the allies did AFTER ww2? and how that differed from the previous conflicts? (hint, there were MANY Nazis left in Germany)
Come on! Vietnam (both French- and US-versions), Afghanistan (both Russian- and US-versions), Korean war etc
Removing Netanyahoo will make the prophecy of a better society a reality
This is the kind of deadly nonsense that happens when you have a religious state. US Christian nationalists should take note, though they support Netanyahu for the sole reason that it reinforces their biblical doomsday prophecies of their own.
US Christian nationalists should take note
They are well aware.
And it’s an outcome they want.
That’s how they get Buddy Jesus to come back and punish all the sinners for their pleasure.
Or something like that.
This is the kind of deadly nonsense that happens when you have a religious state.
Israel is not a religious state - it’s a white supremacist settler-colonialist project.
I prefer the terms ethno-supremacist & crypto-fascist.
It is also worth noting that Likud was founded by members of Lehi which was a Nationalist Zionist terrorist organization. To say that the current political right in Israel took strategic influences directly from Nazi Germany is in no way hyperbolic as Lehi attempted to align with the Third Reich beginning in the inter-war era as well as during WWII.
I prefer the terms ethno-supremacist & crypto-fascist.
Call them that if you wish… I call them white supremacist because it cuts to the core of what “western civilization” has always really been about - which includes the support they give to their little kapo state in the middle-east.
very dangerous that these kind of totally insane shitheads want access to nukes (plus their counterpart iran)
Ummm he has access to nukes.
He literally sounds like all those terrorist religious zealots that I was told were such a threat for bringing sharia law to ‘the homeland’ after 9/11. How long will rational thinkers have to suffer under the weight of ignorant frauds like Netanyahu and their magic fan fictions. What a absolute sick joke of an ideology.
Great, the fucking crusades are back.
He should really really read up on his history before he fourth crusades Israel.
Can I be a Varangian and hang out in Greece instead?
Religious ethnostates are a threat to world peace.
Anyone who thinks god gave them some land is incapable of rational negotiation about said land.
Including the US.
“Manifest Destiny” is a euphemism for genocide.
The US has been a model for this kind of fuckery since the trail of tears. Maybe before.
The US is more often led by neoliberal capitalism running unrestrained… but whenever it gets creepy religious shit definitely hits the fan.
In the past, but the current republican party are pure bred Christofascists.
Please explain further how Trump is a devout Christian…
In the modern Era there are some republican goals that come from religion (I.e. gay marriage opposition) but the majority of their bullshit is just about greed and power.
Also, keep in mind that a lot of greedy people in the republican party are happy to embrace Christian bullshit like abortion restrictions if it means they can drill for oil on public park land.
America is fucking complicated and trying to attribute either of the parties’ stances to a single simple thing will be extremely inaccurate.
He said he’s a Christian at some point. That’s all it takes.
There was even that time he hired his goon squad, or sorry, ordered his goon squad to attack peaceful protesters so that he could hold a Bible upside down outside.
You know the kind of stuff that our Lord and savior would do in his infinite mercy and wisdom.
Religion itself is about greed and power
All such factions on both sides of.this conflict must be defeated for a lasting peace
Netanyahu use “Activate Evangelicals” on Republicans
Its super effective!
What’s funny is that saying Isaiah’s Prophecy will be fulfilled is completely opposite to Christianity, since Christians believe is already was fulfilled with the birth of Jesus.
Bruh you think they’ve actually read and understood the old testament?
Or the New Testament?
You’re lucky if they’ve looked at the pictures in the “picture book” versions for kids.
They’ve read Left Behind and that’s all they care about.
Biden: “Yep, this is our guy. Full support. Now I’m going to go home and push through KOSA and make anything pro-gay online illegal. What are the democrats going to do? Vote against me? That only help Trump.”
History always fondly remembers the guy who said “God needs us to kill all of those people”.
This guy is no different from the criminals of Daesh.