I’m too wimpy to kill myself.
Ditto. Effing survival instinct.
My wife. I love spending time with her. She’s my whole world.
Pure stubborness and a fear of death.
Best motivation.
3 Things: My Cat Billy Joel And my Programming
Not asking that question
Figuratively: my family Literally: caffeine and sugar
KREBS cycle and curiosity
Landlord demands rent so I have to keep working to pay it
I’m too fucking lazy to kill myself, that’s what.
I really like learning things and every day I’m here, I have the opportunity to learn more.
The self-destructive voice is a liar. We do not listen to them.
Music, dog.
Yeah! Like, singing your favorites to the dog but changing the words to be about their floppy ears or their Frito paws.
You know what’s up
Coffee. Scary amounts of it.
I arrange to do culturally stimulating things in the evenings or weekends like seeing a concert/opera, going to an art gallery or a movie. The rest of the time I’m pouring effort into my career or long term relationship, which are both rewarding in the long term. Sometimes I like “switch-off” entertainment like sports when I’ve got a free schedule.