Anything: Series, video game, book, food, old toy from childhood, service, etc. Also, any series which you wish did not end, etc.
Anything: Series, video game, book, food, old toy from childhood, service, etc. Also, any series which you wish did not end, etc.
Travelers TV Show. Doesn’t even need the original actors, its perfect scenario for a reboot with different characters.
The Expanse. I mean come on, there still so much book material left… 🙄
And SD Card slots, god damnit. I don’t wanna spend +$500 more just for 1tb storage, a 1tb sd card is like $100. Fuck these greedy corporations.
I get so petty about this that I got an A series samsung phone instead of the S series, just for the sd card slot.
I so want more travelers.
I’m so torn. On one hand, absolutely. On the other: it was a decent end and I fear that they would have removed too much mystery with more seasons
I loved the expanse, maybe more than books. But even the books just got drawn out and I lost interest. With how closely the show followed the books I’m worried the show would just fall off for me like the books.
The show runners for The Expanse claimed that they ended the show where they did because the show had reached a natural conclusion, the books took a giant time leap, and they felt the rest of the story would be better developed into a sequel series at a later time.
Honestly, I think they did the right thing. The TV show was great for what it was, but the last book was just so different than the rest of the series, I don’t think it really matters that they left it out.
End the show on a high note instead of possibly spoiling it.
I really hope they work out a way to do a time jump series later on with the same actors who are all actually older (though logistically speaking it would be difficult)
Well, IIRC, the next phase of the story has mostly different characters. Only one or two carry over.
From what I remember most of the main cast carry over except for
Tap for spoiler
Avasarala who died because old
It’s a 3 decade time jump
Tap for spoiler
Even Avasarala is there for the first part of it. She died after Duarte took over.
Oh you mean Holden, Naomi, Amos, Alex, Bobbie, Clarissa, Ghost of Miller, and Avasarala?
Actually yeah. A reboot of travelers would be amazing. Because you could go in any direction….
Redo to series as is. Redo it where since so many things went wrong, we’re gonna reset the timeline.
Hell yeah 👍