Mine is mapping. I am a big OpenStreetMap contributor and I have mapped many towns near me that were previously completely unmapped.
3d design & printing, electronics, cooking, in-person RPGs, woodworking, old time radio, sci fi, bookbinding, comedy… I got a million of 'em.
I also woodwork. Hand tools in the japanese style (im part Japanese). Are you a powertool user, hybrid or also hand tool?
Mostly power tools, but I’m decent with a few hand tools when necessary. Recently I mortised some door hinges with a chisel. But for the vast majority of my projects, renovating our house over 35 years, I wouldn’t have had the patience without power tools - I can barely hit a nail with a real hammer anymore lol. What kinds of projects do you do?
Tool making, and eventually furniture. Recently built a very large toolbox, chisel tray, lay out tools, marking gauges, couple plane bodies, saw vice, planing board (atedai) and saw horses.
Those sound like cool projects. Make any xmas gifts?
Some chopsticks, potentially a knife block and maybe some other utensils.
Thank you for your contributions!
Low level C programming.
And also I know a lot about breaking video DRM.
And also I know a lot about breaking video DRM
Teach me :P
Picking up new hobbies, investing in them far beyond what would be considered a casual interest, then getting bored or disillusioned with the community after 6-24 months.
- Foam dart blasters
- yo yos
- magic the gathering (This was like 15 years)
- coin collecting
- juggling
- pocket knives
- archery
- running
- Currently working on 3D printing, though that’s been more of a means to get back into foam blasters because it’s far cheaper to print your own blasters and mod parts.
And so, the circle of life is complete.
I’m currently in this cycle as well. Ever since getting a job I don’t have the time and energy to consistently do something every day, but I do have a lot more money. Given this lack of energy and consistent time, I just go until the period of rapid learning stops and then I become overambitious and lose interest. I think I mostly understand what causes it, but I’m unable to fix it. Once I see what “the pro’s” do I become way to ambitious and ruin the fun.
At least I’ve been able to keep up running as a hobby, which beats sitting still all day.
I love learning about Chinese culture both real and mythological. I am learning some mandarin on the side and hope to take a trip to mainland China someday.
Can you understand what they say on Firefly?
Do you have any favourite facts or stories?
Learning about Chinese culture is lowkey a little hobby of mine too, I’m mainly into it for the cuisines and food side of things though.
Journey to The West was my gateway into Chinese mythology. It has been retold many times in many different ways and languages. It was an introduction to a fascinating world very different than (for me) worn out western tropes.
Ooh, thank you for the recommendation!
For awhile there it was light sport aviation. I’m a CFI-SP and an LSRM-A. I’m a walking flight school, just add airplane. Been out of the game awhile but that was my specialty for much of my 20’s.
I’ve been pretty into four things lately:
- Healthy cooking, from scratch as much as possible. I got into a rut trying to maximize protein intake, so now I’m trying to find different recipes that don’t compromise on macros but still offer variety in flavors and textures and won’t bother my IBS.
- Nail polish and nail art. I have probably about 300 polishes at this point, which sounds like a lot to most people, but it’s a tiny collection compared to some I’ve seen! Last year I got really into nail stamping, which lets you create neat little designs, and you can get really creative with it.
- Working out. I recently moved, and designed a power rack for my basement which is pretty fully featured. My goal was to be able to do all the exercises I could do at my previous fitness club (within reason - no way I’m buying a tank sled and a billion 45 lb plates!). I’m pretty happy with how it turned out, and so is my husband, which I’m glad about because he’s a tall dude and working around the low-ish basement ceiling was a challenge.
- Indie makeup! Holy Moses I love makeup, and indie brands are killing it. My most recent favorite palette is the Cosmic Brushes Winter Wonderland palette (which came out last year, but is new in my collection). Just look at her!:
Gorgeous, right? No way I’m ever going back to boring neutrals.
Are there any good nail art or makeup communities on the fediverse yet? I love seeing how creative people get with these art forms.
Those iridescent shadows! The teal/purple shift is so pretty!
I wish! Every now and again I search “polish” and “lacquer” hoping a new community will have been made, but so far no luck, though it’s been maybe a month since I checked. I keep trying to talk myself into starting one, but I don’t know if I have the patience for modding.
I keep trying to talk myself into starting one, but I don’t know if I have the patience for modding.
Ugh, same. I want to see all the pretty nerds showing off their pretty skills here but most days my brain won’t even type words coherently, I would be an utterly useless mod.
We need one of those hyper energetic t-girls full of all that post puberty energy and optimism, to swoop in and be queen mod of all the pretties of the fediverse for us. I really miss having all that energy, haha.
Yessss I would be so down for that!
Ugh, seconding the makeup. Im spending 2025 on a low buy where Im only replacing essentials (like foundation, mascara, or eyeliner) as I need them.
Recently Coloured Raine went out of business and dropped all their eyeshadow prices down to $2.50, and I bought all of the palettes that were still available. Im pretty sure I have every single eyeshadow color at this point. The stack is so high I havent put them away in my vanity yet. Its like…9 palettes or something, on top of all the others I also have.
Aztec history.
Say what you want about the Aztecs, they had a lot of heart!
Here’s a good band name for ya:
Los NahuatlsOne time many years ago, I was at a beach right by the town of Maruata in the state of Michoacán, was extremely surprised and intrigued when I was told that the people of that town spoke Nahuatl as their second language, when everywhere else in the surrounding region spoke Tarasco as their second language.
If I had to speculate, I’d say Maruata was founded as an Aztec outpost at some point in time, then when the Tenochtitlán fell, they were left to their own devices, on their own. It has to be something like that, right? Fascinating little cultural/historical footnote, in any case.
For those who jump around too much like I do, remember:
“Jack of all trades, Master of none, But still better than A master of one.”
That has some truth for career/professional skills, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having a lot of hobbies. Most people won’t achieve “true greatness” (whatever that means) in their hobbies whether they have one or hundreds, so why not just focus on doing what you enjoy?
Philosophy and some sciences, but I’m not very knowledgeable. I know people say you don’t need to be an expert in order to enjoy things, and I agree, but then those aren’t special interests either, right? I love my music, but I know few bands. I love singing, but I lack technique. I like horror stuff, but I’m pretty picky. I’d like to be fit and practice sports, but my health is an issue. I like some beauty topics, but I’m not interested in applying them. I enjoy eating, simple food though. Some games are fun, but I mostly repeat the same ones. I like mountains and forests, but just for a day or two. I’d like to read more…
I’m really a master of none.
Yeah, I truly cannot understand how people really get into things. I don’t play poker with my friends because after an hour I’d rather do something else. I have never finished a video game. My interest in things always just seems to fizzle out. I do a bunch of stuff well enough, but I’m not even sure I want to do them.
Fountain pens and inks
I grow bonsai trees.
Show some of your best favorites!
Wild! This is cool. 8 years for a tree. That’s patience and dedication.
*nix Servers
I am a spring of knowledge about all of the domestic Real Housewives franchises (though I did just pick up Dubai recently).
I know all the lore behind all their relationships/alliances/enemies and off season shenanigans.
Its legitimately stupid how much I can talk about rich women who flaunt their wealth and then do trashy shit like throw wine in one another’s faces or flip tables (or scam the elderly out of their retirement funds to fund their own lifestyle).
So you’re like a modern TV sociologist.
I’ve had several multi-year long ones:
- As a child: Stargate SG1
- Adolescent: paraphilias
- Young adult: the care of high violence risk and cluster b psychiatric inpatients
- As I’m entering middle-adulthood: western esoteric spiritual tradition and philosophy
You might appreciate this story from my bro-in-law who is a former psych-tech. There was one really wily guy in his institution who liked to go where he wasn’t supposed to be. One time he slipped through a door that was left unattended for a few seconds, and led the techs on a merry chase through the building, finally ending up in his room, where he gleefully jumped on his bed, turned around with a big grin and shouted, “SAFETY ZONE!!!”
That’s hilarious. So they had to let him chill right?