The reverse of that post I’ve made a week ago…
Rules: pick one movie or series and explain why you actually enjoyed it despite the criticism.
For me: The JJ Abrams Star Trek movies, by far the best ST stuff ever made, I couldn’t take seriously the original universe with the dated effects and stiff acting, same goes for NG… These movies did ST actually great looking and much more believable, not just the effects.
Jupiter Ascending. It was a low writing effort but big budget high fantasy with a slightly too perfect protagonist, “science” that makes absolutely 0 sense, and a cartoonishly evil villain just absolutely chewing the scenery which is pretty common, except most most of the time the protagonist is male. I loved seeing the equivalent of my 13 y/o mary sue fanfiction on a movie screen with a massive budget. Just this once. More than that would get as tired just as quickly as the male equivalent. But just this once it was delicious. I have the poster framed actually, the real poster from the theater, my friend who worked there saved it for me.
Fired Up!
Was genuinely surprised to see it rated so low. I enjoyed it at least as much as Not Another Teen Movie. I appreciated all the fast quips and it being a satire of a cheerleader movie while simultaneously being a cheerleader movie.
I also legitimately loved this movie. Wonderful balance of satire and comedy.
Crystal Skull
Why do people rag on the fridge bit? It’s the most plausible bit of the film up to that point!
Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker is a great movie.
I don’t care what anyone else says. My son and I have rewatched the ST many times now. I really don’t see that much of a problem with the writing and direction of each film.
That movie was so stupid, awful, the blade thing is ridiculous…
It is ridiculous. But let’s remember that this universe is ridiculous too. People take their Star Wars a bit too seriously…
I take seriously continuity. I don’t care about ST but they got a half decent universe at first at keep shatting on it.
You can’t ask the question then rag on honest answers
Dude, you liked the JJ Abrams Star Trek movies. Your opinion truly does not matter.
And I hate Star wars. So? No relation what so ever
It has one of my favourite space-opera scenes ever in the cavalry charge across the hull of a star destroyer! Other than it was at best okay but that scene was ridiculous in the best way!
Took me a half hour but I finally figured out to get your missing limb back:
At least it shows up correctly in Photon.
Edit: Well, crap. It does NOT show up correctly in the default UI. LMAO.
Also I didn’t downvote you but it’s hard to understand what you like about Rise. I’m not asking you to defend it but could you highlight a few things that make it a good movie for you?
I really like Palpatine in the film. I just can’t get enough of Ian McDiarmid as Sheev/Sidious. I like it in general really.
He was the only one that got to have any passion in the prequel trilogy. Delightfully evil.
I like all the Terminator movies. All of them. Time travel, killer robots, Arnold; I know it’s wrong but I can’t help myself.
I can see liking everything up to Salvation, but the last two movies are mostly just lazy cash grabs.
I actually enjoyed Dark Fate well enough. It made some ballsy decisions and at least made a modicum of sense.
Dark Fate was awesome, “The Return of Sarah Connor” and all that; I like that they’re talking about divergent timelines leading to the same destination - humanity destroying itself through tech. I’ll admit that Salvation wasn’t great, but if you give me a choice between no Terminators in a movie and Terminators in a movie I’ll take the first almost every time.
I just want to see Terminator vs Predator.
Weren’t the terminator movies insanely popular?
The quality dropped off a cliff after Terminator 2. This guy says he likes all of them.
Terminator 3 was great and I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise. It completed the story nicely and put a little bow on top of it. If they would have ended the series there, I would have been satisfied.
Salvation was unnecessary, but fun to see stoned off my ass in theaters. Giant robots fighting on a big screen? Sign me the fuck up. Wouldn’t go out of my way to see it again, though.
I don’t remember a thing from Genesys but I remember enjoying it as well. Haven’t seen any other Terminator films.
The trilogy, yeah.
But they make up like half of the total now?
For me, it’s the movie Waterworld. I cannot get enough of that movie. So many people hated it. 🤣
Solid Film. Quirky characters. Everyone seems to be having fun.
It inspired me to buy a kayak a few years back to have my Autistic Fish Man Summer.
That was the first that came to mind, but I didn’t know it was very hated, just thought it bombed at the box office opening weekend because it was in competition with another movie that was way more popular.
I like Waterworld, and I like The Postman.
Postman was great! The book is worth a read, too.
I dont understand the hate other than cosner was the guy to hate in that era.
I’ve never understood Costner hate. He’s a good actor who stars in a lot of good movies.
Haters: it’s just Mad Max on water
Me: that’s awesome
If paper is the most valuable substance in the entire world, then why are they continuously smoking cigarettes that are rolled in paper? That would be like eating a chunk of gold every hour.
In my headcanon it’s some kind of smokable kelp wrapped in different kelp.
Have you ever smoked? When you’re addicted you’d trade in a chunk of gold for a cigarette if necessary.
I once walked 10 miles to get cigarettes, so yeah, I guess I get that.
It’s a fine movie, but people really don’t like being reminded of climate change or other environment issues. Same thing with Avatar. If you cast an environmentalist as a villain though, people seem to like it.
Pretty sure when I went to WB world or whatever as a kid they had one of those 15min live shows of it. Jestskis and a few explosions. Surly it can’t be thst unpopular.
I had to look it up to remember the name, but Agent F.O.X. It’s one of those cheapo 3D kids films (looks original instead of being a rip-off and actually looks good animation wise) that is cheesy. Sometimes it’s good to watch B-rate 3D kids films so you can die of how cringe it is, despite from what I can remember the movie not being 100% cringe like 99% of all cheap 3D kids films (but still cringe).
In this thread: I’m mostly finding people I feel I need to add to my “no longer like them” list for irreconcilable differences.
I’m having a hard time deciding what qualifies as “HATED” or highly disliked.
A lot of people hated Edge of Tomorrow because Tom Cruise. But I am actually quite fond of the movie.
A lot of people hate Apocolypto, and it’s objectively a terrible movie from a historical as well as moral/ethical perspective, I don’t disagree there. But at the end of the day it is entertaining if you can turn your brain off.
Cats (2019). The story is good, the music is good, the casting is good. People made it a huge meme cause of the CGI, but even that is pretty well done. It has a beautiful story, and if you’re a pet lover like me, it really makes you emotional. Its also fucking insane. The entire time you watch it, you just go “people spent years of their life and millions to make this”. Its a very surreal experience. I’ve also haven’t met a person who has watched the movie and didn’t like it.
To be fair, I haven’t met anyone who has watched the movie
I was a fan of the musical long before the movie, and the movie was meh. The celebrity performances ranged from yuck to average, and the attempts at added humor were way off.
But I can’t see how it could be translated into a movie much better (I missed Growltiger’s last stand, and felt Beautiful Ghosts detracted from Memory as the emotional peak). Dancers in tights would look ridiculous (and we have the 1998 “movie” for that), and any more realistic cats would remove what little remains of the physicality on film.
So no issues with the maligned CGI, would watch again, no match for the adorably ridiculous stage show.
Breakin’ 2 Electric Boogaloo
Surf Ninjas
All arguably bad. All enjoyable and I have a good time watching them.
Surf Ninja! Sad that money can’t buy knives.
Arguably? lol
The Postman. Compared to other post apocalyptic cheese fests it feels like a more nuanced display of societal breakdown and the re-emergence of the barter economy.
Joker: Folie à Deux
If you’re not a Joker fanboy and have an open mind, this is a damn good film.
I honestly thought Morbius was a breath of fresh air for ditching the “Self-aware, meta, woke!” trends that MCU was chasing and just told a dark transhumanist story with super heroish themes.
Like I’d rather watch Morbius again than most of the MCU films made Post-End Game.
And Warcraft really wasn’t a bad movie at all, it was just bitten by the “Anything that is in the Fantasy Genre is automatically a LOTR ripoff!” bug that had been going around for awhile.
If it had came out around the time when audiences stopped caring about what critics think (Sonic’s 2020 film seems to be where that started), it would have done a lot better (Sonic leading the way for video game movies being taken seriously also would have helped)…
Hell if Warcraft (2016) had come out in 2020, that would have been after Blizzard’s fall from grace (“Don’t you guys have phones? No? Time to shit all over the WoW lore and ruin Overwatch then!”), meaning that people would probably
Finally, I’m still firmly in the camp that in 10 years people will come around on the sequels like they did for the prequels (Last Jedi might still be considered the “Not as good” one admittedly). I can’t say the same about the various “Franchise fatigue? What’s that?” shows that Disney
keptkeeps greenlighting though.“Alcolyte was a good show, but no one saw it? Damn, time to release Skeleton Crew I guess!”
Alien Covenant.
People talk about the characters being unrealistic, I think they’re just different to movie characters and normal humans.
I really enjoyed the film.
Lots of people hated Avatar (the blue aliens, not arrow forehead boy), but I loved that movie so much that I saw it twice in IMAX 3d.
It was one of the highest grossing movies of all time. Pretty much everyone loved that movie.
I’ve only ever read negative opinions of the movie in online communities. I suppose the types of communities I’m a part of aren’t indicative of the general public, case in point, Lemmy.