The reverse of that post I’ve made a week ago…
Rules: pick one movie or series and explain why you actually enjoyed it despite the criticism.
For me: The JJ Abrams Star Trek movies, by far the best ST stuff ever made, I couldn’t take seriously the original universe with the dated effects and stiff acting, same goes for NG… These movies did ST actually great looking and much more believable, not just the effects.
Wild wild west. I wish to be entertained.
Freddy Got Fingered! I laughed until my sides hurt. I don’t even care for Tom Green’s street material all that much, but that movie is hilarious and I will defend it.
It’s batshit insane, the bits are infectious, and every scene is memorable as fuck. The soundtrack is insanely good as well. There’s a theory that he didn’t want to make this movie, and it’s a giant middle finger to the studio. Not only do I believe this, but I think Tom Green really carried that bit all the way, making one of the most ridiculous comedies of all time.
Daddy would you like some sausages 🤣
I’m the backwards man!
I think it was ahead of its time.
TV, but same idea…
I didn’t particularly hate Dexter season 5. The later seasons were worse, and of course it doesn’t hold a candle to season 4… But I just don’t get the flat out hate. It was fine, and I kinda liked it.
Me and about a dozen other people thought John Carter was great. To me, it was just a fun sci-fi/fantasy movie. Never undestood the hate.
John Carter was only hated by people who follow box office numbers instead of watching movies.
It was great!
My gal hates it because she’s a huge fan of the book and apparently they did the whole of it pretty dirty. One of those, “it’s fine if you weren’t hoping to see anything that made the book unique” type movies.
My go to for that criticism is that it’s a different medium, so it must be different.
It’s like complaining that a photo of Statue of David doesn’t show the whole statue.
Counterpoint: if I sell you a photograph which I advertised as of the statue of David and it’s just a zoomed in picture of his back, you would be in your rights to complain about leaving out the important parts.
Floppy wieners?
At that point we’re in caveat emptor territory.
But, yes, nice counter point.
I went to see it at noon after dropping the car off for work and was literally the only one in the theatre. I thought it was pretty good.
John Carter was great. Zero dollars spent on marketing. They thought it was a household name or something because it was a book.
If you want a good read: John Carter and the Gods of Hollywood
Looks interesting ty!
Me and my wife went to see it and really liked it. Unfortunately I think we were the only couple in the theater at the time. I don’t think it was marketed very well at all by Disney.
Yeah, i tend to agree. It was fun and refreshing. It was just kind of… forgettable.
Yeah I thought it was a fun movie too. It would have been nice to have gotten another scifi series that was more focused on fun.
I like all the Terminator movies. All of them. Time travel, killer robots, Arnold; I know it’s wrong but I can’t help myself.
Weren’t the terminator movies insanely popular?
The trilogy, yeah.
But they make up like half of the total now?
The quality dropped off a cliff after Terminator 2. This guy says he likes all of them.
Terminator 3 was great and I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise. It completed the story nicely and put a little bow on top of it. If they would have ended the series there, I would have been satisfied.
Salvation was unnecessary, but fun to see stoned off my ass in theaters. Giant robots fighting on a big screen? Sign me the fuck up. Wouldn’t go out of my way to see it again, though.
I don’t remember a thing from Genesys but I remember enjoying it as well. Haven’t seen any other Terminator films.
I can see liking everything up to Salvation, but the last two movies are mostly just lazy cash grabs.
I actually enjoyed Dark Fate well enough. It made some ballsy decisions and at least made a modicum of sense.
Dark Fate was awesome, “The Return of Sarah Connor” and all that; I like that they’re talking about divergent timelines leading to the same destination - humanity destroying itself through tech. I’ll admit that Salvation wasn’t great, but if you give me a choice between no Terminators in a movie and Terminators in a movie I’ll take the first almost every time.
I just want to see Terminator vs Predator.
For me, it’s the movie Waterworld. I cannot get enough of that movie. So many people hated it. 🤣
Haters: it’s just Mad Max on water
Me: that’s awesome
I dont understand the hate other than cosner was the guy to hate in that era.
I’ve never understood Costner hate. He’s a good actor who stars in a lot of good movies.
It’s a fine movie, but people really don’t like being reminded of climate change or other environment issues. Same thing with Avatar. If you cast an environmentalist as a villain though, people seem to like it.
That was the first that came to mind, but I didn’t know it was very hated, just thought it bombed at the box office opening weekend because it was in competition with another movie that was way more popular.
Pretty sure when I went to WB world or whatever as a kid they had one of those 15min live shows of it. Jestskis and a few explosions. Surly it can’t be thst unpopular.
I like Waterworld, and I like The Postman.
Postman was great! The book is worth a read, too.
If paper is the most valuable substance in the entire world, then why are they continuously smoking cigarettes that are rolled in paper? That would be like eating a chunk of gold every hour.
In my headcanon it’s some kind of smokable kelp wrapped in different kelp.
Have you ever smoked? When you’re addicted you’d trade in a chunk of gold for a cigarette if necessary.
I once walked 10 miles to get cigarettes, so yeah, I guess I get that.
Solid Film. Quirky characters. Everyone seems to be having fun.
It inspired me to buy a kayak a few years back to have my Autistic Fish Man Summer.
I personally liked Jamie Fox as Electro.
It’s not hated, it’s squarely in the middle of ‘video game movies’ (so probably lower than middle to the general public) but one of my favorite movies, far and away my favorite video game movie, is ‘Rampage’ with Dwayne Johnson and Jeffrey Dean Morgan.
I can’t fathom how anyone could not enjoy that flick.
I also genuinely enjoyed ‘the crew’ (2002?) which most people seem to dislike (it was around 15% on rotten tomatoes last I checked)
Green Lantern. I went in expecting cartoony quips and got what I expected. Everyone calls it a stupid movie like they went in expecting Shakespeare and found the Muppets. I went in expecting a live action comic book, and yeah that’s pretty much what I got. Fun show, watched it a few times now.
No matter how nice you are about Green Lantern, Ryan Reynolds still won’t call you. Don’t ask how I know, it’s a touchy subject.
I know why he’s mad, it was a box office disaster. Nothing can fix that short of a time machine.
I would 100% watch Muppets doing Shakespeare. That’s basically what the comedies were in those days anyway.
So many. For an example, the Star Wars Sequels (and Prequels). I think they were fine. Okay, 8 dropped a bit and had a lot of bad moments, but altogether, they were enjoyable. I had fun watching them.
Are they Oscar worthy? No. Not at all, not by a long shot, but I had fun.
I think we as a society are way too polar, it’s either good or bad, trash or perfect. I think we’ve lost sight that things can simply be good, or fun. I had fun watching those movies. I don’t think Rise of Skywalker wasted my time. Could it have been better? Of course. Was the writing lazy? Definitely at times. Did I enjoy watching it? Yes.
Agree with all of this, other than the prequels, which I really didn’t like.
I don’t like you either
I’ll be careful.
Yes, officer, this post right here… ;-)
Overall, I tend to just be happy to be watching anything star wars. None of the movies are that deep, I’m just in it to watch space wizards with laser swords flying around in space ships with robot sidekicks battling evil. As long as most of those boxes get checked, I’m pretty happy with any star wars media, and in my mind I’m right back to being a little kid watching Star wars for the first time. Anything more is just icing on the cake.
Now I can absolutely rank them and admit that some of them are better movies than others, and the sequels and prequels definitely drop the ball on that in a lot of ways
And while on the whole, the sequels and prequels aren’t great movies (arguably the OT aren’t even great movies if we’re being totally objective) I think that in a lot of ways they do a better job at universe building by dropping hints at other parts of the galaxy that we don’t get to explore right then and there, they just do a shitty job of following through on them and tying them together into a coherent narrative.
I think that just about any part of episode 8 for example could have been expanded out into a pretty cool movie or show, there was a lot to work with there, they just didn’t work together as the same movie
The force dyad thing between Rey and Kylo is pretty fucking cool
Casino heist or spycraft movies are a pretty tried and true movie formula, I probably would have saved it for something like a Solo movie, or maybe Andor. The stuff about the military industrial complex profiting off of selling weapons to both sides could work for either of them. Han is from Cornelia, where the arms dealers are building a lot of these battleships and such, and it’s also established that he’s a gambler so a casino makes sense for him, or Andor could work well with the gritty political side of things.
Fucking broom kid! Let’s get more non-jedi non-sith force sensitives
Finn was just criminally underutilized all-around
The Holdo maneuver was pretty fucking badass
You can argue about how the bombing run doesn’t make sense from a physics perspective, or was tactically stupid, but it was a cool scene nonetheless
I could go on, I think you could build out a pretty decent movie, show, or at least an episode or two of a show from any of those ideas if they just committed to the idea
Johnny Mnemonic. Keanu cannot act for shit in it, the story isn’t exactly gripping, hell the action in it is somewhere in the shitter. Oh, and Henry Rollins is a nerdy doctor. All if it adds up to a campy trip of slop that triggers my guilty pleasure.
Jupiter Ascending. It was a low writing effort but big budget high fantasy with a slightly too perfect protagonist, “science” that makes absolutely 0 sense, and a cartoonishly evil villain just absolutely chewing the scenery which is pretty common, except most most of the time the protagonist is male. I loved seeing the equivalent of my 13 y/o mary sue fanfiction on a movie screen with a massive budget. Just this once. More than that would get as tired just as quickly as the male equivalent. But just this once it was delicious. I have the poster framed actually, the real poster from the theater, my friend who worked there saved it for me.
Holmes and Watson with Will Ferrel and John C. Reilly
I think I managed to make it like… 15 minutes? Into the movie?
What about it did you enjoy?
People hate the JJ Star Trek films? I’ve only ever heard nothing but praise for them.
A lot of Star Trek fans didn’t like them. Star Trek trends more towards, “traditional,” sci-fi, which is more focused on exploring scientific and philosophical concepts in fiction (think Jules Verne or Isaac Asimov). What Abrams produced was basically just an action movie in a futuristic setting. It’s sorta like how, even though Star Wars is set in an advanced galactic civilization, it has more in common with the fantasy genre than traditional sci-fi.
That doesn’t necessarily mean classic Star Trek is better or smarter than the Abrams movies or Star Wars. In fact, a lot of Star Trek is cheesy, dated, and kinda dumb (and not just the original series; even TNG has a lot of cringe in it). However, it does mean that the Abrams films were a pretty big genre shift that put a lot of fans off.
This is kind of a cheat, as it’s been significantly re-evaluated since its release, so I’m not alone, but IMO Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me is a masterpiece - it was HATED when it came out though, and even now I suspect there’s a lot of people who would say the same.
Fire Walk With Me was huge in Japan. There was Twin Peaks mania at the time. This is a great news story at the time about it: