Like, why is it so widespread, what causes it, what solutions are available, etc. I don’t really know how to ask this question so I hope I’m making sense

    2 months ago

    Social media changed dating, and made it ok for both women and men to treat eachother as commodities, resources, status symbols.

    I stopped reading right here. Men and women have ALWAYS treated each other as commodities. Since…always. Hell, you can go back to the early 1900s before women were allowed to vote, and your wife was LITERALLY considered your property. Some cities like Kansas City even allowed you to legally beat your wife, because again, she was your property.

    Or you can go back even farther than that. You can go to the 1400s in England, and mothers would willingly hand over their sons to the king. Sons as young as 9 years old. And the reason was so that the king could have casual sex with your children. And this was not only accepted, but encouraged socially back then. Mothers would brag to other people in their social circles that the king chose THEIR son to fuck in the butt at 9 years old. That was like a status symbol for your family to have your kids chosen for the king’s personal sexual purposes.

    So yeah, social media had nothing to do with people treating other people like objects. That shits been going on probably longer than the concept of literacy and the written word.

    When it comes to dating, most men date for looks, most women date for status/wealth. And then people wonder why so many relationships fall apart. It’s because SO many people are just looking for the blonde girl with the biggest tits, or the doctor with the biggest paycheck.

    Well looks can fade, and wealth can disappear. If you marry a girl for her looks in your 20s, you’ll be bitter in your 60s. And if you marry a guy for his bank account, you’ll still be stuck with him if he gets a prenup, or goes bankrupt.

    Don’t date someone for what they bring to the table. Date someone for who they are as a person. Because an average looking girl who’s amazing to hang out with will still be amazing to hang out with then they’re old. And a blue collar working man may not be rich, but he’ll still give you the shirt off his back to prevent seeing you be unhappy. Even when you’re old.

    All these relationships I see today are just people looking to use other people, until you see the rare ones that you realize “Yeah! They’re going to last together.” Meanwhile Britney Bangs-a-lot is on her 7th marriage.