To make a long story short: lately I’ve been flirting with the idea of getting a boob job. I’m satisfied with my current size and my husband is too, but I know he’d really love it - which makes the whole thing exciting for me. If I were to get it done, I’d technically do it for myself since I’d enjoy it, but my enjoyment would stem from my husband’s enjoyment. If it makes sense. So I’ve been thinking, what really is the line that separates the 2?
You are a complicated person LOL.
Did you know that men are more simple, and easily satisfied?
Warning. Don’t expect too much “special excitement”. Most of us men are enthusiastic about most sizes out there.
This means, you are actually doing it for him.
But you expect a certain reaction from him, and that’s how you (tell yourself that you) are doing it for yourself.
But what if he reacts differently? Is he even allowed to? Only a little bit?
Just throwing out some casual sexism, huh?
You may be “simple” but thinking everyone who has the same genitals as you think/feel exactly the same is fucking insane…
And you just say it like it’s the most normal shit ever and as true as the sky being blue.
Sometimes it’s fucking cloudy.
Why are you so upset? They’re saying that most men like all breasts.
I don’t consider “easily satisfied” to be insulting, and the “simple” in this case doesn’t mean stupid. It more closely resembles “direct” than anything else. This isn’t sexism.
No. Mine are super special original individual, and you can never compete, regardless how hard you try.