The announcement comes the same day a White House official told NBC News that President Donald Trump would be attending the game.
Well, the NFL did it. They ended racism.
I, for one, have found racism considerably less appealing since reading this sideways in endzones. Thanks NFL for making me not a bigot anymore. I think blacks are probably fine now.
Of course this was not about to end racism, but building safe space to not trigger the racists is encouraging them.
Now they have ample opportunity to fuck up in front of everyone.
It was about product placement
For real. NFL is a business, and every decision they make must tip the scale of “will this make us money”.
Considering it’s an American company yes, for the rest of the world there are other factors that contribute besides just profit
Didn’t they just end “ending racism”?
Legit question. What happens if every single black player just REFUSES to play at the superbowl?
Like, lets say you get opening kickoff, and it’s a white guy kicker. So he kicks the ball. It lands at about the 15 yard line. And just NOBODY even attempts anything. They all just stand there, pointing at the endzones.
And it’s both teams. I don’t know exact numbers, but I’d guess every teams roster is 90%+ black.
And since it’s both teams, you can’t call one side a forfeit.
I think they should. Embarass the NFL on the biggest stage. The game is Feb 9th. This would be the lead story Feb 10th. They either repaint it back onto the endzones DURING the game, reschedule the game, or the whole game is 0-0, with a clock running down for 3 hours.
What would the NFL do?
Fire all black people and somehow fault them for the whole thing.
At least if the rest of the country does not show solidarity and doesn’t organize a general strike - which is illegal by the way.
Fire every black person in the NFL??? Hooooooooboy.
2026 headline. “NFL viewership falls to 3. As in there are now 3 people still watching.”
Point taken.
Just don’t pay them, get them arrested and lease them back from the prisons. Slavery is legal in the US after all.
Pretty sure Adam Sandler produced a documentary about that years ago.
Why are people talking about a general strike in the USA? Surely you must realise everyone is too busy keeping their heads above water.
General strikes usually happen when people realize that they won’t be able to keep doing that.
Why are people talking about a general strike in the USA? Surely you must realise everyone is too busy keeping their heads above water.
As opposed to the other general strikes done in times of plenty and happiness?
The French understand the concept of worker solidarity though.
Yeah but Americans have fought back before, too, just not Gen-X or Millenials.
Look at the years on those. American workers gave up and gave in from 67 till 83, and then never did it again. It’s sad.
Our healthcare is tied to our work here in America. Losing that kind of safety net is scary, especially when you will be beaten by police for protesting, and now you need to go to the hospital.
Our healthcare is tied to our work here in America
And general strikes were how you got any health care, time off, better work hours, work safety, etc. The fact is, we’re at the point where people have to do this, and it sucks, and no the boomers didn’t, but some of their parents may have (depending where you’re from.)
The fact is Americans believe the narrative that they can’t strike because they’ll ‘lose too much,’ but the reality is they’ll lose it anyway. A Fascist Oligarch is literally stealing their SSN’s and personal info to put them on lists and they’re still saying “yeah man but if I don’t work my shift at waffle house I won’t make rent.” What about when decide you’re not white enough to work? Or not white enough to cross the street? Or that women aren’t allowed to do that job anymore? Or when they just arrest you because you looked at a cop at the wrong time?
Kids being born just to throw onto the wage slavery pile, the worst healthcare of any peer nation (and most below), leading cause of death for pregnant women is being shot by their partners, concentration camps being set up, an entire middle class gone and replaced with people a hundred bucks from destitution, a child’s most likely cause of death is gun violence in their schools, super PACs, Citizens United, the Patriot Act, skyrocketing rental costs, skyrocketing grocery costs, and you just roll over for all of it.
What WOULD it take for you guys to do something?
What the fuck? No wonder Trump is doing whatever the fuck he wants, Americans are too busy thinking about losing some of the comfort if they try raising their voice.
General strike and massive protests should have happened days ago.
It is beyond surreal that he is just face fucking everyone right now, and noone is doing anything. Because they are worried about losing their comfort.
Just wait a bit longer and you won’t have any comfort left anyway.
Honey, sweetheart, half the population voted for him. He won the popular vote.
Half the population would work as scabs for free.
Honey, sweetheart, I used to fight the fucking police during protests, over the course of years, in pretty much authoritarian society, where I was a minority by any means. We eventually won.
Americans are fucking cowards.For all the talk about their guns and bravery and freedom and all that shit, they are just paper tigers. Americans got comfortable and would now rather suck a dick than suffer some discomfort. Fucking representatives writing strongly worded posts on Twitter or BlueSky instead of raising hell on the streets. Incredible.
Also, 33% of eligible voters voted for Trump, so don’t act as if he has some massive majority.
Every single
Blackplayer. They’re a team, and I’m willing to believe they respect each other enough to stand still for each other.Unfortunately, those players make so much money that it moves them into the big club that we ain’t in. Not a lot of class/race solidarity there, from what I’ve seen…just solidarity with whatever gets them paid.
Which I guess makes sense. The sport itself is extremely predatory, preying on young, very poor (usually) black men, offering them the promise of wealth they wouldn’t normally have access to—if they just sell their bodies and physical health to the wealthier white men who own them. So they work their asses off all through high school and college to hopefully have the chance at the NFL; joining the league literally becomes the culmination of their life’s work.
Not many want to actually rock that boat.
This would be fucking awesome.
So awesome it’ll never happen, but it’d make a great scene for Remember the Titans 2.
They shouldn’t be so political!
I’m glad to see you bought a copy of my book! Would you like me to sign it for you?
As the literal president who started the whole thing sits in the stands. Hopefully getting boo’d.
Here’s the nazi!
I’d love them to take a knee at the anthem. I hope someone or many do.
Hire all white people and the trump Nazis are perfectly happy?
they’ve been working their entire lives to get to play that game. they won’t just quit now that they’re finally there.
Have you ever watched Rollerball (1975)?
Wouldn’t want the snowflakes feeling bad about their natural tendencies, would we?
deleted by creator
Interested to see if Kendrick is gonna have ANYTHING to say about the state of things at his performance at the halftime show.
It’s literally the only thing I’m tuning in for
Now that we know our stupid president wants to attend the game, I’d love it if Kendrick just went off during halftime.
Same here
He’ll call Drake a racist and the crowd will go wild. That’s the state of things.
If that’s all that happens, I’m not sure how I’ll feel about him going forward. Isn’t he meant to be the thinking man’s rapper? Kind of an educated leftist type? For him to accept a Superbowl halftime show and not be planning ANYTHING would make so much of his work and messaging become hollow to me.
On the other hand, idk what he would even do besides saying ‘fuck Trump’. That would be the weakest, most watered down shit, but you’re 100% right, that’s the state of things.
Kiss the ring, lick the boot. These giant, greedy corporations are fucking pathetic…
EDIT: “Bend the knee” has different connotations, as pointed out by some MFs…
Also , the spineless viewers , musical artists, players, and advertisers that enable the whole event
Bend the knee
are you sure?
They can’t make up their minds, on most things.
Grabbing as much
pussmoney as they can get away with, that’s a constant.Bend both knees or neither
Good call.
MF at least put it as a
strikethroughor EDIT or something so my comment still makes sense.YOU’RE NOT MY SUPERVISOR!
Lick the boot.
Ooo, I like this one, edited.
These giant, greedy corporations are fucking pathetic…
Boycott, whenever you can. Research your choices:
Stupid article with irritating title. They’re just changing it to Choose Love, which apparently was one of the other messages used this season.
Is that the love between a man or a woman or the love of a man for a fine Cuban cigar?
OP is bringing reason and common sense get them!
I think the point is more that they are changing it to appease the great big orange convicted criminal who is currently gutting our government and destroying affirmative action in the name of “efficiency” with a literal Nazi at the helm of that effort.
But hey, it’s only a nationally televised sporting event so who cares. 😒
Fuck the NFL. I honestly hope people torch the Superbowl over this and FuckwADUS attending like Nero in the colosseum.
“Choose Love” sounds a lot like the message that pastor had at his inauguration. Point being, he’s likely to be offended by that as well.
Just stick an S in front, will give the same message and will be much cheaper!
Or a T
…in case you were curious if it performative in the first place…
Because they’re gonna replace it with “End Fascism”, right?
anakin face
My consolation is that these motherfuckers are not ready for how hard the pendulum will swing back.
It will be a proper wrecking ball.
I agree, what’s that timeline look like for you though? 4 years? 8 years? The “wait” is gonna fuckin’ suck.
Crossing my fingers for the first trans president, though.
Frankly I couldn’t tell you, but whatever the timeline is, I expect it will be much faster than before, as everything is.
There are a few very young politicians and new media commentators that know what’s up, and I think we should rally around them.
In the meantime, boycott as best as possible, build, develop and protect your community and funk up the authoritarian machinery at every turn possible.
The revolution will be federated.
“Funk up the authoritarian machinery at every turn possible.”
I’ll bring the drums 😎
Jokes aside, that sentence is something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. “How can I cause the most disruption with the least harm?” lmfao No good answers yet, but I’ll keep pondering 🤔🫡
Damn Autocorrect 😆
Should say “gunk”
“How can I cause the most disruption with the least harm?”
If you haven’t voted in the past, start immediately.
First participate in the existing process fully.
You seriously think that I’m to the point of asking those questions, but I haven’t considered voting? lmfao
Jesus fucking Christ, I have voted in every single election I’ve had the opportunity to. Miss me with that dEmOcRaCy bullshit.
Not just you, everyone reading.
“The revolution will be federated” fuck yeah
There are very few young politicians, we need more.
Which young politicians and new media commentators would you point to? I need new people to follow.
2 years. Think positively, act positively, make it happen.
2/3 control of the House and a clear majority in the Senate. Not enough to make an impeachment stick, but more than enough to stop the madness.
2026 could be a great year for the Dems in the Senate. The Republicans currently hold 22 of the 33 seats up for election. Depending on how much Trump fucks the economy, it’s mathematically possible for the Dems to hold 67 Senate seats in 2027.
That’s enough to simultaneously impeach and remove Trump and Vance and elevate a Democratic Speaker of the House to the Presidency.
The odds of it happening are almost zero. They won’t win all 33 elections - but they could conceivably get to 60 seats - enough to block GOP fillibusters. They managed it in 2008, and that’s the same Senate cycle up for election in 2026.
Assuming fair elections even happen. I’m guessing the FEC is on the list to get DOGEd, at which point all bets are off.
I would be amazed if there is anything left to demolish once they’re finished.
No it wont. Normal people are tired of being preached to when they are at a football game of all places. Ironically sports were at the vanguard of improving race relations in the United States. There’s something to be said for showing rather than telling.
Republicans won control of all 3 branches of government in 2004. In 2008, Obama swept into office with a filibuster-proof majority in senate and democratic house majority. It only lasted a few months but it was so wonderful to see Republicans tear into Bush and pretend they always hated him.
Responding to the collective movement of 2020 with endzone prints was a bad look. Removing them is an even worse look. It’s like when google changed their slogan from “Don’t be evil”
Yeah we all knew they were evil before, but when they stopped claiming to not be evil they got worse.
Well. This is that for the NFL. They did almost nothing to help their players and fans, and now they’re doing even less.
Racism is over, brought to you by Bud Light
More of a meta comment, but are all organisations stuck with their slogans forever?
NFL rotates these messages and this game it moves from “End racism” to “Choose love”. Next it will rotate again and people will be upset they removed the “Choose love” slogan because they are anti-LGBT?
Google changes their motto from “Don’t be evil” to “Do the right thing” and everyone is upset. One day they will change it again and everyone will be upset because of course they are not doing the right thing anymore?
Both NFL and Google are evil and deserve no sympathy, but I wonder what’s the expectation here? Never change any slogan?
for me it’s the timing. coulda changed this during the off season
Now racism won’t end at the end zones!
Can’t be offending the Racist of the United States of America.
I feel like this is a great time to point out just how many of both teams playing in the Super Bowl are black (I didn’t count them, but just take a look at their roster).
Interested to see how things play out. I’m hoping for protests on both teams when the game starts, but I’m worried what I’ll get is a perfect example of why money is the root of all evil.
Call me a pessimist, call me a realist, idgaf. There’s no way they aren’t playing. Even though they all make more money than we would ever need in our lives in one year, they’ll still bend the knee and lick boots for one more million.
Imagine a world where every single POC quit on the spot. Goddamn, that would be beautiful.
Sadly it only happens on The Boondocks when the players went on strike to protest racial injustice and it forced political change. In reality the athletes liked money too much to support Kapernick or individually support BLM.
NBA too