my first drunk experience was at 14. found some alcohol in the fridge/on the counter (don’t remember which), the places my dad usually leaves his alc. poured myself some when he was in the other room and drank it in front of my friend on facetime.
didn’t quite vomit but nearly did. he told me i was entertaining but also really weird (kept talking about communism and communist china?)
i also remember saying “i love you” to him but he fortunately hung up right before i said that.
18, my soon-to-be-first-girlfriend was hosting a party.
I still have a fondness for coconut rum and sprite and big naturals.
As per the local law, 21, though it was just me sampling drinks for my birthday. I ended up being one of the few who hated the feeling.
That’s funny, I get to ranting about the commies after I’ve had a few as well.
I was just 15.
14 or 15 - I only got vomiting drunk once and it was the first time. I generally don’t drink and I never drink to excess.
Never been vomiting drunk, got pretty close on my first time.
I can’t recommend it. It’s such a fucking waste.
14 as well. I used to play in a marching band as a kid and we traveled abroad for a couple concerts over a long weekend: picture an unsupervized child surrounded by enabling adults in Southern Germany with access to free beer for one night.
I drank almost 3 liters of beer (yeah German beer is better than any other, sorry), got escorted to my hotel room by our town mayor, where I proceeded to expel my soul via esophagus and… March and play on the morning of the next day.
I was right in front of the bass drum.
20 years later I can steel feel every hit like a clear pain deep in my skull bones.It was my brother’s graduation party and i had pretty much free access to Hugo and other sweet booze. Huge mistake. Ended up vomiting in my sleep.
Mines similar. 14, cousins wedding. Every table had a bottle of champagne and us kids swiped a few and hit the parking lot
- My parents didn’t hide the liquor.
i, 14. dad would keep it in the fridge or counter so i drank it once on call with a friend and nearly vomited.
Same, I was in eighth grade.
- Little me waddled around the house when there was a party. Parents didn’t look for like a minute and I found empty beer bottles and tried the last drops in them. Turns out it doesn’t take a lot of beer to get a 2 year old drunk. Slept very well afterwards.
4 or 5, though I have no active memory of it, but apparently the day after my dad’s birthday, my younger brother and I found the crate of empty-ish beer bottles from the party the night before, and we drank the little leftover beer from those bottles. Apparently we slept like drunk roses the rest of the day.
After that I never drank alcohol again until I was well in my twenties. I remember being drunk off champagne one New Years Eve, I was 26 at the time, to drink away the lonely feeling I had at midnight, when I was the only single guy in a party filled with married people. We had done the countdown and at midnight everyone turned to their partner to kiss them a happy new year, and I had no one, that was the most miserable start of the year I ever had. So I disappeared in a bottle that night.
Never. Am 38 currently.
First drink? 19
First time actually drunk? 21
Last time drunk? 29
Number of times actually drunk: 3 I find it really an unpleasant feeling and not just the hangover. Being drunk and not having complete control of my body, the weird fog in my brain. Yuck… Couple that with the hangover the next day, it’s just not worth it for me. I never saw the point of going out with a group of friends to just get “wasted”.
Current Age: 54 and I enjoy 1 to 2 glasses of wine at dinner with my wife around 3 or 4 times a month. Once in a great while I’ll get a 6 pack of beer. Usually when a local brewery has their Dark Doppleboch out.
Probably about 14. My parents had a well stocked liquor cabinet. Enough stuff to where I could try small amounts of various things and not be noticed.
18 almost 19. Keystone light or miller genuine draft, soccer team house party in college