You want the other person to fuck off and leave you alone.
how can you tell?
You want the other person to fuck off and leave you alone.
how can you tell?
i want to ask my questions to mentally healthy normal people
what makes you think i don’t want romance or relationship or emotions?
is this a website where autists give advice to other autists?
What is the difference?
Work on what exactly?
I mean your social life; are there acquaintances who you had met earlier who you could message, “Hey, it’s @fuckyou1@lemmy.world from (wherever we had met)! How’s it going?” I’m talking about the building blocks to friendship.
yes there are people like that
Don’t you ever get lonely? What do you do in your free time? Was there some kind of traumatic event in your history that led you to develop AvPD, possibly?
not sure. i like meeting new interesting people. maybe: https://lemmy.world/post/26616571
Have you ever helped anyone and felt good about it as a result?
What kind of boundary do you mean and why is it so strong as to prevent friendship?
it seems like part of me doesn’t want any social connections.
Does it even prevent acquaintanceship?
i don’t think so
Do you at least have non-strangers in your life?
what do you mean by “in my life”?
what do you mean by a good person? every human has good and bad in them. there is no such thing as a good person:
Humans or modern humans are the most common and widespread species of primate, and the last surviving species of the genus Homo. They are great apes characterized by their hairlessness, bipedalism, and high intelligence
there are people who make me feel good because they give me various benefits. is that what you mean?
let’s say i followed your advice. then i also need to be open to forming connections. no? I think i currently enforce a boundary that keeps me friendless. any thoughts on that?
i am looking for autists or autistic advice?