Rules: explain why
Ready player one.
That has to be one of the cringiest movies I’ve seen, is tries so hard, too hard with it’s “WE LOVE YOU NERD, YOU’RE SO COOL FOR PLAYING GAMES AND GETTING THIS 80S REFERENCE” message and the whole “corporation bad, the people good” narrative seems written for toddlers… The fan service feels cheap and adds nothing to the story.
Finally, they trying to make the people believe that very attractive girl with a barely visible red tint spot on her face is “ugly”… Like wtf?
Yet it received decent reviews plus being one of the most successful movies of that year.
Mortal Engines. I have not read the source materials.
Amazing concept, fantastic visuals, weak story, weak characters. Apparently just accidentally spliced in the end of Return of the Jedi instead of finishing the movie.
Tropic Thunder
I bought the DVD on spec, as everyone seemed to love it and I was going offline for a couple of weeks.
What a dog that was. Gave it away by bitching about it and waiting for someone to support it.
Mean girls.
Donnie Darko.
It was so overhyped back when it came out because the OG hipster crowd of the early 90s thought it was cool, as did younger people who valued things that were “indie” as if that inherently adds value.
A Christmas Story
I have never been able to watch the whole thing. Ralphie’s whining and dull life was just unpleasant. I didn’t really like any of the characters. Nothing in it was entertaining except for the kid and the pole. It was just a slog. I think the furthest I ever got was at a scene about a parade?
It seems like this is a really popular movie but I just never saw the appeal.
This thread confirms my theory: For everything universally loved there is a person on the internet that thinks it’s shite.
Blade Runner.
Maybe it was more impressive when it came out, but I watched it for the first time a few months ago and it was shockingly below my expectations for the reputation it has. Confusing plot, forgettable characters, a (very cool! yet) shallow, uninteresting setting.
I had heard that famous “tears in the rain” monologue some time before watching the movie and thought “wow, that was awesome. I can’t imagine how much better it is with all the depth and context that the movie will add.” Nah, it’s from a character who we know basically nothing about and comes out of nowhere with no connection to any part of the story-- if anything, the context of the movie detracts from the cool monologue by turning it into a “what is this guy even talking about” moment.
Thematically it had potential with questioning the line between the humans and human-like robots, but they don’t go anywhere interesting with it. When it’s a theme that’s been explored by everything from Ghost in the Shell to Fallout 4 to Asimov, I’m gonna need at least a molecule of interesting development to happen before my jaw drops.
2/10, not recommended.Lord of the ring. I think I just don’t like this kind of movies.
Diehard. What boring, macho-worshiping crap. Can’t even watch it ironically.
The Matrix
No, I will not elaborate.
The nightmare before christmas. IDK maybe i’ve been exposed to it too much but I have never gotten an ounce of enjoyment watching the movie. The songs are lame and the plot is mind numbingly simple, you know so the kids can follow. So many people in my life just love it and want to make watching it every year for both halloween and christmas a tradition thing. I don’t want to be a kill joy so I power through it every year. Im so tired of it though, How many more times do I have to hear that barrage of stupid disney sing songs just to spend time with my loved ones? “WhAt’s ThiS TheRes WhitE Stuff EverYWHEre!” Fuck you jack skellington you sheltered prick. Its called cocaine and its how santa and his elves get shit done. Now travel around a few other holiday trees and do some world building so Disney can pump out a half baked sequel else they might go for a live action remake starring photorealistic cgi stitched together corpses.
Juvenile fratboy humour done badly, very badly with lots of fan services to get the brainless cheering.
Made me laugh once in the first few minutes (I can’t even remember the joke) and walked out of the cinema after about an hour.
I learned, back in the 1990s, how to spot a movie I won’t like. So for me it’s The Edge (about a thoroughly dislikable protagonist who we’re supposed to admire just because he’s played sympathetically by Anthony Hopkins) and Accidental Hero (aka Hero, a satire so brimming with sickly earnestness that it fails completely at satire).
Any marvel movie. I just do not get the appeal. The only people who like it seem to like it way too much. Most of them are also grown ass children.
Kill Bill. Boring as fuck.
The Crow. I refuse to elaborate.
Pretty much anything from Kevin Smith except Mallrats and even that I’ll admit was dumb but I liked it as a young teenager.
Deadpool. Juvenile humor from the king of “I’m in a movie because I’m unbelievably charming”
Not a movie (well maybe there is one?) but I absolutely hate The Trailer Park Boys. I just don’t get it. It’s not funny, at all. It’s not my thing at all. I’ve been hated on for this opinion but I don’t care, it sucks.
On that same note, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Same reason tpb sucks to me.
Lord of the rings. So boring.
This thread is fun though. I enjoyed reading everyone’s opinions, especially those I disagree with.
Cult Classic movies. I understand some of them but a lot of them are really over my head that would almost require an explanation. And I don’t quite vibe with a majority of them. Like Dazed and Confused.