Mine is orzo. It’s slippery and it should grow a spine and be either pasta or rice but not both.
About to insult all of Italy - Spaghetti.
Inconvenient to eat and doesn’t hold the sauce well.just use plain elbows in a bowl, really get 'em worked up.
I feel the same way. But I have been informed this is because most Itallian American dishes are not the right sauces for spaghetti. And its not bronze cut.
Italians would say it’s a skill issue 😛 In truth is likely wrong sauce or too liquid perhaps not the right consistency.
I miss spaghetti but I’ll never eat it in public. Yeah I know all the ones you can do it without looking like a slob, but I don’t want to still be scooping around that shit 40 minutes after everyone else finished eating.
My mother (I love her so very much) makes this wonderful sauce and amazing meatballs whenever we get together… but she uses Angel Hair (which I like) and RINSES THE NOODLES BEFORE SERVING. Doesn’t finish the noodles in the sauce, just rinses the shit out of of em and plops the sauce on top, which all falls to the bottom of the plate.
When I make pasta, I use the squiggliest noodles I can find (Radiatore?) and finish the pasta with some pasta water and pasta sauce.
Give me all the inconvenient food. I at least want to be entertained when I eat. If I wanted the most efficient way to eat I’d just drink Soylent 24/7.
I like linguine. It gives the sauce traction.
All you spaghetti haters in this post need to get bronze die cut pasta. Modern machines produce pasta that’s too smooth so sauce doesn’t stick. The old school extruders/cutters leave a tiny surface texture that allows sauce to cling on!
Look at mr bourgeoisie over here with his artisan food.
Ah, yes, understanding where capitalism has produced a worse quality, minimally viable product that makes people a little sad but not enough to effect profit margins enough to change, is clearly due to class divide and not the estrangement of the general population from the products of their labor.
Also that’s Ms. Bourgeoisie to you
The judges would have accepted Dietalini, Bowtie-eater, Gnot Poor, Pastafarian or Many Penne.
Spaghetti is perfect for carbonara, most other sauces not so much.
Conchiglioni/Conchiglie, the ones roughly formed like a mussel. They tend to stick inside each other during cooking.
Spaghetti are sadly not rough enough for the sauces to stick to them.
Shells may be my least favorite too.
About spaghetti: not all pasta is made for every sauce, spaghetti are good for some, bronze cut even better
Honestly, spaghetti
If you’re Italian, sorry for the stroke
Same. Too slippery. Doesn’t grab the sauce
Spaghetti is not my favorite either, but if the pasta you’re using is not holding onto the sauce, then try a “bronze die cut” brand.
The brand I use and have had good luck with is Delallo.
But I completely agree with you, pasta that has a smooth exterior is useless. Since the whole point of it is to be a vehicle for the sauce.
💯 Spaghetti, linguine, and similarly shaped pastas are the worst form factor. It holds virtually no sauce, which is the highlight of most pasta dishes. Conversely, spirals, wagon wheels, and texas shaped pastas are great because they have very high sauce:pasta ratios.
I still love them.
But compared to other pasta? Too boring.
I love orzo how dare youHonestly I’m a huge pasta lover so it’s difficult for me to say. Probably farfalle whenever I eat it raw. The middle parts are always a pain to eat because of the shape.
Idk I kind of like all pasta shapes to be honest. I think my favorite is elbow shape.
I mean, what’s the point of pipe rigate? Most of them are too small to eat a single one at a time by stabbing them and they are the perfect shape to wiggle free from any attempt to hold more than one on a fork. I’ve seen them slide right off of a large spoon. I’m pretty sure if you could make molecules in that shape you’d invent some perfectly frictionless hydrophobic material that would revolutionize several industries.
I forget the name, but the one that’s kind like penne rigate, but a much wider diameter tube, with ends cut straight instead of angled. That one literally always falls apart and turns to kinda mushy strips when I’ve tried to cook it or had it cooked by someone else.
Rigatoni? And I agree!
for common ones spaghetti but im sure there are likely escoteric ones im unaware of thats worse. I like smaller ones that are a nice bite amount and hold sauce well. Spiral and tortellini are my favorite.
I also choose orzo. It’s the only type of pasta I’ve ever had where the pasta itself tasted bad, with the added bonus of having a texture similar to rice due to its size and shape, which just added to the unpleasantness because it was like wet and overcooked rice.
Yes that’s the problem, it’s wet and slippery. I did make a toasted orzo, corn, and summer squash bake that was good though.
Shells. Large and small. Trash pasta. Miserable texture, and worse if it’s stuffed with ricotta.
You monster ;)
Spaghetti’s the minimum thickness for being able to cook with a soft outer layer to pick up sauce while still keeping some toothiness inside.
Any kind small enough to be inconvenient to eat with a fork.
Any made with super processed flour that extrudes poorly out the human. The textures and flavors of a whole grain pasta are far more versatile and a whole world most seem to never explore. A sprouted grain can hold sauce while adding complexity and texture instead of eating a blank canvas. The additional natural fiber will take longer to digest leaving you sated for far longer and feeling that much better in the days to come.
I don’t think I care about shape, as long as it’s made from durum wheat. Now, we have a lot of pasta here that’s made from regular baking flour, it’s still very common in EE countries, and it’s damn cheap. You must boil it for 40 seconds and not a second more, or it instantly clumps all together and turns into a wallpaper glue.
Oh that is NASTY.
My SO made gnocchi with whole wheat flour once and it was so very wrong.
Orzo is great in greece style salad with feta cheese and olives
My orzo mix is sautéd spinach, butter, and a pepper spice blend with salt