Coca-Cola argued in court that “no reasonable person” would believe that Vitamin Water was healthy or good for you.
“It’s ok to exploit people if they’re gullible or vulnerable”
I remember reading this. Fuckers.
My high school took out our soda machines because they were “unhealthy,” and replaced them with Vitamin Water and Minute Maid juice (eg, sugar water). In fairness, I’d never expect a district administrator to be a “reasonable person.”
Vitamin water does have about half as much sugar as soda so that’s a bit of an improvement.
Given the brands you mention I bet they have a contract with Coca-Cola or those machines produce a nontrivial amount of profit such that the machines removal is disincentivized.
So they replaced it with other sodas that paid more…
and … did the argument pass? o.O
It was a civil suit, so it didn’t matter that much.
They eventually reached a settlement where they would change some labeling, and attorneys on both sides got a few million dollars wealthier.
What do you mean it didn’t matter much? The goal was to get this to make news so that people would talk about it. And I’d say they were pretty successful with that.
And here I thought faux news came up with that bullshit.
i’ll never understand the people who absolutely can’t stand drinking just plain water. though i guess they’ll never understand how i will 100% of the time refuse water with any bullshit added for “flavor”
Same. Huge water slut here.
My second most important item that I keep near myself at all times (after my prescription glasses) is a 1.5 liter refillable water bottle.
I have to remind my spouse to leave some water for the fish sometimes.
Nah fish have had hundreds of millions of years to evolve lungs, losers need to get with the times /s
Yeah, fuck them fish!
Found The Deep!
I was this person for ages. Our tap water had a taste growing up, and all the water fountain water in school tasted like pennies. I assumed all plain water was disgusting. My first bottled water was Dasani, so yeah, more shitty water. I assumed all bottled water was just as gross as all the other water I had.
As an adult, I had to transition off of soda to flavored sparkling water. Then, from that, to flavored still water. Now, I can drink plain water. Most people don’t even try to adjust their taste buds.
Clean drinking water is a privilege in the States.
Except it isn’t, you can’t really control certain factors regarding water flavor, hell the mile between my home and the place I stayed while my mother worked was enough for the well water to taste completely different. One was amazing, the other so hard with minerals I’m surprised it cause kidney stones
Flint Michigan has something to say about that, as does much of the strip mined and fracked Appalachian mountain region where you can light the water on fire straight from the tap.
You chose a single city and literally one of the most corrupt back dealing regions in the nation, the system breaking down due to graft doesn’t mean clean water is a privilege.
What are you even arguing about. Their point is you can’t get it everywhere, so it’s a “privilege”. Is this about what % constitutes a “privilege”? Why do so many threads go like this.
8% of persons lack access to water meeting SDWA standards. That’s probably only dealing with the supplies themselves. so there’s also questions of things like lead contamination.
I gave you an entire geographic region, not just one corrupt city.
I’m one of those people. Plain water just doesn’t satisfy my craving most of the time.
Especially in hot weather when im active I can literally drink myself sick on “plain” water and still feel the need to drink more.
Add just about any type of flavoring (even in less than recommended amounts) and suddenly I can drink reasonable amounts of water and feel satisfied.
Yea it’s called electrolytes, dude. Even a tiny bit of salt in the water will help a lot. It isn’t a “craving”; you just sweat out a bunch of salt and straight water will dilute you even further.
And I don’t think anyone who’s a big hydrohomie, myself included, will make fun of you for smashing a gatorade in a heatwave. I love plain water but I’ll do that if I really need something now.
While electrolytes definitely help, it’s literally any flavoring. And again even with tiny amounts added (think hints of flavor) I’m good.
I used the hot weather drinking to simply emphasize. Even in cold weather plain water doesn’t usually satisfy the craving to drink for me.
I like how you were taught something cool, and instead of choosing to learn, you rejected it and continued living in delusion.
I like how you completely missed that what Soup was talking about doesn’t apply to thejoker954’s situation.
I didn’t miss anything.
I was surprised to find Gatorade doesn’t contain HFCS, just sugar and dextrose (and yeah, misc. electrolytes, including salt). I think unfortunately people mostly drink it sitting on a couch instead of in the middle of exercise, so it’s not really appropriate.
I wonder if you’re missing something from you’re diet you’re not aware of. That doesn’t seem normal.
It’s electrolytes??
It’s what plants crave.
Its probably more like i conditioned myself to only think flavored water is satisfying
Depends on where you are and what the source is. If the tap water isn’t filtered, and the only bottled water is in plastic bottles, I’ll take a flavoured drink of some kind over it because I hate the taste that gets left behind by the plastic.
Acid reflux.
Acid reflux causes butyric acid to exit the stomach through the lower esophageal sphincter and enter the throat and potentially mouth. This causes a slight puke aftertaste to any substances imbibed. Sweet drinks can drown the vomit taste out, but water can’t, so water tastes like puke.
It depends on where you live, Tapwater at my dads place is great, tapwater where I live is like a swimming pool.
Get a carbon filter, makes toilet water taste like it’s $5 a glass
The town I live in had tap water that tasted and smelled like chlorine. I saw a job listing for a new water tech and a few months later that problem went away
Even a slice of lemon?
I used to be that way before getting into the habit of drinking water a couple years ago. I think a lot of it is just being used to drinking stuff with sugar, such that one’s tastes have long since adapted to that and then you notice and are disgusted by the lack of said sweetness in the water. I remember water seeming to have a sort of bitterness to it that went away after awhile when I stopped drinking sweet tea all the time and made myself drink water.
But fish fuck in it, don’t you know?
It took a long time of flavored water to get me off of soda, but after awhile I found I could stomach regular water.
I once lived somewhere where the tap water was undrinkable. Ironically on the side of a fucking mountain so you’d think it would be good water.
Apparently that particularly area has naturally high levels of arsenic in the water and higher than normal cancer rates especially stomach cancer. And I lived in a small town on the edge of a national forest so it wasn’t industry polluting water, it was naturally polluted water if you can believe that.
Now where I live, 20 mins away, the spring water is so good you could bottle it.
Both places are untreated well water - the current spot the well draws from the spring.
I have often made the experience that when I’m thirsty, drinking pure water will not help it, but somehow make it worse. Drinking juice or literally anything else though (except coffee, alcohol, …) does improve it.
In my own personal experience, this insatiable thirst is due to low blood sugar (or high? getting those confused) and if I don’t get some kind of sugar I get a headache. But it is not the same as regular thirst.
And it sucks. I haven’t really pieced together what triggers it for me.
Electrolyte imbalance?
I have the same problem except its soda. Soda (or anything carbonated really) does nothing for my thirst
Its got electrolytes
Mmm salt
And potassium!
Which is a salt
You joke but… in tech school cantine, there was this “Vitamine Well” drink i took, since it was the only one that’s not too acidic (easily get heartburn). I had fissures in the corner of the mouth for years there and then it was suddenly gone. Later, i read that deficiency in some vitamin B variations (which were in that drink) causes said fissures. Since then i buy it once all one or two weeks and have no fissures anymore.
Long story short; they’re not entirely useless.
Maybe. But you would get far more out of a multivitamin then you would out of vitamin water. Vitamin water only contains water soluble vitamins for obvious reasons. But your body needs so much more than just those. Especially since most water soluble vitamins get pissed out of you before your day is even close to finished. I’m happy it worked out for you but if you had been taking supplements (or just an overall improved diet of non-overprocessed foods) all along, you would have not had the problem in the first place. What vitamin water does contain that you don’t find in supplements is large amounts of sugar and dyes. Hence the meme.
VITAMIN WATER: You’ll get your daily dose of microplastics…
Same guy (Law & Order: Criminal Intent):
Just eat vegetables and then you don’t have to worry about getting essential nutrients from random shit like water
what the fuck is iodine (it usually is in random shit like salt)
It’s actually added to table salt iirc, but I don’t remember the exact function it serves. I did have a boss once tell me she was getting depressed and thought she was dying… Went to her doctor and found out her substituting sea salt (which doesn’t usually have iodine) was causing a lot of issues with her mental health. I can’t recall the physical issues she had developed, if any at that point. I think she’d only made the substitution a few months or so prior to getting it figured out
Iodine is used by your thyroid for hormone production I believe. Hypothyroidism will cause loads of problems.
And hyperthyroidism will cause many of the same problems, a fair number of opposite problems, and might just kill you rather than bother. Graves disease runs in my family and is aptly named
Yeah untreated thyroid hormone anomalies will do a number on ya, fortunately it’s easy and cheap if not obvious to diagnose and treat
Its the reason you dont see goiters everywhere these days
How could Dr $0.50 lie to us?!
Powerade knows it’s place (1st in my heart).
To avoid plastic waste, I’m ready to have it piped to drink and to shower and wash my clothes/dishes in.
Still plain water for the toilet though right?
Vitamin Water does have a place
Even more sticky after showering. Bugs would love that. Enjoy!
Hahaha this is exactly how I’ve always felt about those things. They’re cool aid for stupid people. It’s part of the reason why so many people are obese but think it’s just inherent because they always take the healthy option.
Vitamin water is not a healthy alternative to ANYTHING. It’s sugar water that markets itself by making you feel less guilty about drinking it.
Vitaminwater in Canada is sugar-free so I’m surprised to learn it’s full sugar in the states. I definitely grab them here and there when I’m at the hospital for an appointment or looking for something that won’t fuck with the ol’ diabetes in the store.
No it isn’t? It has 32g of sugar per bottle unless you buy the zero sugar version
I have never seen the sugared version in western Canada, only the zero calorie ones.
We have both sugar free and full sugar. I want to say the sugar free is more popular but I don’t pay that much attention.
It’s not as much as soda and there is a “zero sugar” variant, but yeah the regular kind does have sugar in the US
In my teens, we were given vitamin water after sports games thanks to corporate donations. Most HS players lived off that.
Yay for-profit schools on poor urban neighborhoods.
God damn it, now I have to listen to it.
I don’t even like it all that much. Not their best.
Ha, called it! It’s a great song. Music video is kinda neat too.
Michel Gondry directed the video. Almost all of his videos are very creative and worth watching.
Some tap waters have magnesium and calcium in them. Some are even sold bottled